Our Story part 2

3782 Words
(First Day Of Senior Year- Nick POV) That day I had gone to bed really late because Cole had been crying the entirety of the previous night seemingly without any reason. I really hadn't even wanted to get up but V had woken me up. "Nick. Nick, it's time to get up" she said as she rocked me awake. "Urg what is it?" I said as I stirred "It's Monday, Cole has to go to the doctor for his doctor's appointment" "Ugh, what time is it?" I groaned. "Twenty minutes to eight (7:40)" "We still have time". I rolled over in my bed "But aren't you supposed to drop your little girlfriend off at school," she reminded me, causing my eyes to pop open. "Oh f**k" I cursed as I jumped up and ran to the shower before quickly getting dressed and jumping into my car. "f**k! f**k! f**k!" I cursed as I drove as quickly as I could to Sophie's house. Just as I parked, I took a deep breath as I tried to calm down and regain my cool. Just as I got it, I smiled, fixing my hair before I leaned back in my seat and looked up to her window. She had been sitting at the window smiling so beautifully that I got curious as to what she was smiling at, so I looked only to see Taylor there getting ready for school. The calm, confident smile that I had worked to put on my face instantaneously turned into a frown as I glared at Taylor. Wanting to take her attention from him, I pressed the car horn. "I'm coming," she said before coming down and walking over to the car, and opening the door. "Hey babe," I said, kissing her lips. "Why were you so late?" she asked, pulling away from my kiss. "Sorry babe, I had something to take care of," I said, leaning back in my seat. "Well, I hope it was important because now I'm late for the first year of our senior year," she said, upset as she folded her arms and looked out the window. Looks like she's upset with me again. I was just about to say something when I heard Taylor's two friends coming up to us. "Hey Sophie," they said. "What's up, guys? You going to see Taylor?" She asked "Yeah he's driving us to school," Carl said. "Why don't you wait and we can all go together?" Carlos asked. Just as he said that I was reminded of that smile. Taylor and Sophie together were never a good combination. At least to me "Sorry guys I-' she said before I cut her off. "She can't. She's late." I drove away preparing myself for the argument we were definitely going to have "What the hell was that about?" She started. "I thought you said you were late" I scoffed, focusing on the road. "Don't you see I was talking to my friends" she said? "Come on babe, those losers don't deserve to be your friends," I accidentally said, and I immediately knew I had f****d up. "Excuse me, what's that supposed to mean? Who are you to tell who does and doesn't deserve to be my friend", she asked. "I wasn't trying to..." "It sure sounded like you were," she said. "You know what, never mind. Let's just drop it and pretend I didn't say anything" I said. Thankfully, the rest of the trip was made in silence. Soon we arrived and she got out of the car. "Aren't you coming to school?" She asked and I looked at the school for a moment before smiling. "Nah I'm suspended," I said "It's the first day." "I know. I'll pick you up after school", I smirked before driving away. With all that was going on, going to school was the least important thing right now. I drove back to the Palace, going back to my house. Just as I was about to make it back to my room, my neighbor's door opened and she jumped in front of me. "Hey Nicky," Isabella said, dressed in a purple jogging suit. "Good morning Isabella". I forced a grin "I thought you had already left. Did you miss me and decide to come back?" she teased flirtatiously. "No, I had to take my girlfriend to school," I said, emphasizing the fact that I had a girlfriend. "Lucky her." "Well, if that's all, I should get going", I said, about to walk away. "Wait!" she said, blocking me. "Is something wrong?" I sighed, slightly annoyed. "Yes" "What is it?" "Um...my pipe...It's um leaking" "Then you need to call a plumber." "Yes, but I'm sort of short of money right now and I really don't want to waste money on a plumber for such a little leak," she said. "I see" I sighed "So what do you say, can't you just come over later, maybe tonight, and come help lay some pipes in my house," she said suggestively. Man, if that were four years ago, hell even two years ago, then that would be an invitation I would never object to, but at that moment I already had what I was looking for "I don't think I'd be of much help there." "Come now, I'm sure you'll be of great help. Just look at those big strong muscles" she said as she put her hand on my arm "It won't take long. Just an hour...or two" she said suggestively "Well um actually," I said trying to find a way to reject her "That's enough you obsessive w***e. Nick actually has something important to do" V said as she came out of the room "Was I talking to you b***h?" Isabella glared at her "Excuse me but I don't talk to cheap w****s who can't seem to take a hint" V scoffed "At least I'm not freeloading off him like a certain someone" Isabella huffed "Okay ladies that's enough, Isabella weren't you going for your morning workout" I interrupted before V could say anything "Oh yes, I almost forgot. You'll come over tonight right?" "Sure" I finally gave in "Awesome, I can't wait," she said running away "God, she even runs like a w***e" "V," I sighed "Nick, you know how much I dislike that b***h" V said "Whatever. Is Cole ready?" I asked "Yeah I got his bag and everything all prepared" "Alright, I'll take it to the car; you can take Cole," I said before we went inside getting everything and returning to the car. I drove down the street playing some music as we went to the hospital and spoke to the doctor "So doc, is he okay?" "Young Cole is coming along nicely" "Does he still have to do the surgery?" V asked looking down at Cole worriedly as he sat on the doctor's table "Unfortunately yes. This disease is something that if it's not kept in constant check could lead to very serious effects and quite possibly...." He said "I know but he's so young" she whimpered "It starts from young but Cole's case is the youngest I've ever heard of but if it goes well. He'll be better after a few surgeries" "Okay, but will he get hurt?" V asked "Mommy," Cole said "Yes Baby," she said "It's okay Mommy, when the surgery comes I won't be scared at all," he said "And why's that?" I smiled "Because I'm Coleson King of the third and greatest generation of King's men," he said proudly "Attaboy," I said "So Doc, how much would this surgery cost?" I asked He paused for a moment before starting to speak "Around five hundred thousand," he said "What? Five hundred grand? Are you fixing his heart will gold or something" I said "Nick, is something wrong?" Cole asked "it's fine" I forced a smile before my phone went off. One quick look caused my smile to fade "Is something wrong?" V asked "No, but I got a call" "Then you got a passenger?" she asked "Yeah" "Then you should go" "What about you guys?" "I can stay here with Cole. It's a job so you should go" she said "Okay sure," I said before leaving. I went back to my car and drove to the address in the text. After that passenger was another and another until suddenly I decided to take a break. I had ordered a sub-sandwich. That would have been the first that I would have eaten that day however just before I could bite into the sandwich I got a text. One look had the time and I was reminded that I had to pick up Sophie shortly so I wrapped back up the wrapper before going back to my car to go to her school. Just as I parked the car I heard my stomach roll in hunger. I told myself that I'd eat after dropping Sophie off at piano practice so I quickly looked around for her and that's when I saw them. The two of them stood there just talking but god I hated it so I honked the horn until I finally got her attention and came over to me "What was that about?" I asked "What was what about, Nick?" she asked "You talking to Taylor," I said "Oh that's nothing," she said "That didn't seem nothing," I said "It's really nothing. Plus it's not really any of your business what I talk about with Taylor," she said turning her head None of my business? Is she serious? I just asked a damn question. Shouldn't she just answer? With all the crap that happened today. I'm hungry and in need of five hundred grand and she can't answer a damn question? "The hell it isn't!" I yelled getting everyone's attention "What the hell Nick people are staring," she said "Let them, I want to know what you were talking to Taylor about and we're not leaving until you tell me what you were doing with him," I said "Maybe you're not but I sure as hell am," she said as she got out and walked away. "f**k!" I yelled slamming my fist into the horn knowing that I might have f****d up in my handling of that situation I decided to just go home so I did and just as I walked through the door Cole came running up to me. "Nicky, you're home" he smiled brightly and the frown left my face "Well you're happy to see me" "He's been waiting in you all day" V smiled "Really? What can I help you with little man?" "I want a sandwich," he said "What?" I asked "He's been asking for a sandwich ever since he passed Subway on the way back," V said "I see, well lucky for you little man. Uncle just happened to have a sub-sandwich" I said going back to my car for the sandwich "Here you go," I said as I gave it to him "Thank you," he said "You're welcome, run along and watch tv or something," I said before he ran away "Nick, are you sure you want to give him that?" "Yeah it's fine" "Have you already eaten?" she asked and I only smiled at her "How was the doctor? What did he say?" I asked "Nothing new" she frowned "Everything's going to be fine V," I said "it's five hundred grand, Nick," she said "I'll work it out," I said "You know, I've been thinking; Maybe I should just go back to my mother" "No, she hates my family and there's no way I'm letting my nephew be raised by someone who hates him. If I wanted that then I would let him live with my father" "So what are you doing to do about the bill?" she asked "I'll figure it out," I said before my phone rang "Looks like I'm going back out again," he said "You just got back. Are you sure you should head back out? I think you should just get some rest" "A little closer to the total" I shrugged "Just get something to eat" "I'll try" I smiled before leaving. After dropping off the person that called I was on my way to get something to eat when I saw a familiar face at the pedestrian crossing and I stopped and got out of my car "Is that who I think it is? Nick, my man " he asked with a bright smile on his face "It's been a while, Kevin," I said "Awhile? Nick, it's been years" he said as he pulled me into a hug "It's nice to see you too man!" I said "When did you get out?" I asked as he let me go "Yesterday and I got to say I'm happy to be back" "So where's Anthony?" I asked "He went back to d**k," he said "Really? Is he out of his mind" "I wanted to talk him outta it but he already left before I could" "What about you and Ethan?" "Oh please, I don't plan on going anywhere near that damn psycho. That son of a b***h used us and then threw us to the dogs when we weren't useful anymore. Ethan feels the same" "At least you know now," I said "Yeah I'm just glad you got out before that bastard dragged you down with us," he said "It's all thanks to Sophie," he said "How is she by the way? Are you guys still together?" he asked "Yeah, we're still together" I smiled "Really?" he asked as if his mind was blown "Why are you so surprised? Is it a problem?" I said "No that's good but you know, honestly I thought she'd go back to the genius kid," he said before my mind returned to that morning causing me to clench my fist "Nicky, you hear me?" he asked snapping out of my thought "Huh, did you say something?" I asked "Not really, I just said I should have known better than to doubt the charm of the great Nicholas King," he said "Yeah," I said "Are you okay man? You're clenching your fist" he said "Sorry, I just got a lot on my mind" "Well, I know what always use to cheer you up" "What?" I asked "A nice cold bottle of beer" he smirked "Nah man, I doubt think that'd be a good idea," I said. After all, I had to go back home to read Cole a bedtime story and I had to drop Sophie off in the morning "Come on man, for old time sakes," he said "I thought you were turning over a new leaf" I smirked "Yeah, I never said I was going to become a f*****g nerd" he chuckled before I sighed "Let's go," I said before we got in the car. "Yo what happened to the jeep?" he asked as I drove off "I sold it" "Why?" "Because Sophie liked the convertible. I wanted to give it to her for her birthday but she refused it" I said. We drove straight to the store that all of us use to hang out at As we walked up to the cashier, we noticed it was someone we never met before "What's up man," Kev said as he dropped the six-pack on the counter "ID please," he said "Can't you just sell us the beer" "Sorry but I need your ID," he said "Come on man, it's just a couple of beers. We just want a drink" Kev said "I can't sell it to you without an ID," he said "It's fine" a familiar voice as he walked up to the new guy "Eli" we smiled "It's been a while guys" "Do you know these guys?" the new guy asked "Yeah Larry, I'll handle this. Why don't you go restock the shelves" "Okay," he said walking away "Yeah see you around Larry," Kev said bitterly "It's been a while, Eli," I said "I could say the same to you" he smiled "So Eli, what's with the tool?" Kev asked pointing in the direction Larry walked in "He's new," Eli said "I see that," Kev said "So how are you guys? Glad to see you out and about Kevin" Eli said "Glad to be out man. Juvie was no b***h. Definitely want no picnic" Kev said "Really? You know I'm writing a term paper about institutions like that" "Term paper?" Kev and I said looking at each other "Yeah I started college and I'm doing English so I have to write an essay" "Wow that's surprising," Kev said "What that I got into college?" "Yeah, but I meant the fact that you're studying English. I find that unbelievable that you chose something so boring" Kev sad "Well, there's this really hot girl-" "And now everything makes more sense" Kev chuckled "Oh shut up, will you answer the questions or what?" "Sure but not now. I'll do it tomorrow; tonight I plan on getting blackout drunk with Nicky" Kev said as he threw his arm around me and ruffled my hair "Come on man, you're messing up my hair" I chuckled as I pushed him off "Then I'll be right back with the beer," he said before going to the fridge and coming back with another six-pack "Here you go guys, they're on the house," he said "Thanks a lot, man," Kev said "Sorry I can't drink with you guys; I've got class in the morning" he apologized "It's okay, your ugly ass wasn't invited anyway" Kev chuckled as he grabbed the beers and left "Asshole" Eli chuckled with a smile "See you around Eli," I said "Yeah say hi to Vanessa for me," Eli said before I left. Kev and I returned to the park before driving off. We found a parking lot to park in before Kev popped the cap of the beer and handed it to me "How has life been?" He asked taking a chug of beer "It's a bit complicated" "I heard your brother left town" "I really don't wanna talk about that asshole" "What exactly did I miss in these few years I've been gone?" "Like I said it's complicated; let's talk about it another time," I said as I started to drink "Fine then I guess we can talk about a certain blonde" "Dear God" I sighed "I'd rather talk about my brother" "Why? I thought it was all rainbows and sunshine" Rainbows and sunshine? As if, the way things went that day I knew that I was in for a lot of apologizing the next morning but I didn't think I was really wrong though? I mean didn't I have a right to be upset. Just thing a crazy thought appeared in my mind. I thought I should get an outside opinion and thanks to the beer Kev seemed perfectly impartial. I finished the beer in my hand before popping open another one "Tell me if I'm wrong," I said before explaining everything that happened with Sophie that morning "So you think I was wrong?" I asked "No way" "Really?" "Look man, she's your girlfriend man. Only an i***t would let his girl hang around her ex like that" "You really think so" "Of course man" "I really want to trust her" "You can't trust these hoes bro. Hoes can't even trust themselves" he chuckled before his phone buzzed "One minute," he said taking out a phone "What is it?" "T.T just sent me a text. She and her sister got the house to themselves" "So?" "They wanna smash bro. This is the kind of welcome home I've been looking for" He said "Congrats man" "Congrats? You know there's two of them right?" "I'm not coming," I said "Why not?" "I have a girlfriend" "And? When has that ever stopped you?" He chuckled "Look I promised never to do that again" "Man, that girl has you whipped. That s*x must be good" he said and I couldn't answer "You're kidding? Nicholas King, not having s*x? That's possible? How long?" He asked before I opened another beer "That's not important. Don't you have somewhere to be?" "Oh yeah, see you around Nicky," he said hopping out of the car "And don't worry bro, I'll have enough fun for the both of us," he said before leaving Sighing I stayed in my car, Kev had forgotten the beer. I had thought about drinking it but I was already at my set limit Maybe it was because I was already a little bit tipsy or what Kev said was getting to me but I opened the fourth bottle. Then the fifth however turned to six and before I knew it I was stumbling down the hallway trying to get home in my drunken state As I passed Isabella's door I started thinking about what Kev had said. Damn, I hadn't had s*x since sophomore year. God that was a long-ass time. I wasn't expecting Sophie to wait that long when I told her that I was willing to wait till she was ready. Seeing Kev today reminded me of my life before my stupid brother's mistake. I could do whatever I wanted back then. If I wanted a girl to have s*x with me it was as easy as breathing. And Isabella reminded me of that time. It wouldn't be so hard to get her. Just tell her that I came about the thing she talked about this morning. Considering how she was with the guy she moved in here with I doubt she'd think about it. All I needed to do was open the door. Though not something I am proud of I was moving to the doorbell with full intentions of pressing it until thankfully I heard V "Nick? What are you doing?" She asked "V," I said stumbling over to her "Are you okay?" She said "I'm...fine," I said stumbling inside "Nick, you're drunk" "I just had a couple of drinks," I said "You were going over to Isabella. Did you think that would be a good idea?" "I didn't want to be alone. I want...someone to...I don't know" I said as I sat down on the couch "You've been through a lot, haven't you? Having to grow up so fast" "I'm fine, I can handle it. I made this decision and I'm going to stick with me. That's what a man does and I'm a man" he said "That's right, you are a man," she said staring into my eyes. I started to stare back at her and before I knew it we were making out on the couch
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