Our Story part 5

1692 Words
As I pulled up to the gate they opened on their own, I drove up and around the long stone path and parked in front of the great two-story stone house. I opened the door and looked around before going up the steps and going inside. The place seemed to be the same as the last time I went there. Quiet and very clean. Taking off my shoes, I walked across the white porcelain tile, straight to the kitchen where she was. I could see from the doorway that she was making something and it had reminded me of the snacks she used to make us "You know Dad doesn't like peanut butter on his jelly" I smiled as I walked into the room. "Is that...?" she asked in disbelief as she looked up. "Hey", I smiled at her. "Nick," she said as tears started to fill her eyes. "It's really you. You're really back" she cried. "Come on Mom, don't cry," I said as I walked over to her and hugged her. "I'm sorry, it's just I'm so happy you're back. We haven't seen you since-" "Yeah," I grimaced "Well, I'm just glad you're back. Why don't you go watch TV while I get this to your father and then we can talk?" "Mom," I said "Yes, Dear," "I didn't," "Didn't what?" "I didn't come back. I'm still staying with Cole" I confessed. "Then why-" "Then why did you come back?" I heard my father's voice. It was still deep and dripping with disappointment, as I remember "Dad-" I opened my mouth to greet him "I told you unless you stop associating with that w***e and her bastard child you are not allowed to do that. So why are you here?" he asked in his usual cold monotone voice. "I need your help," "When don't you?" he said. "It's not me, alright. It's Cole" "And why should I care?" "Because he's your grandson and he needs heart surgery," I said. "That bastard child is not a part of this family, nor will he ever be." "Come on, it's just five hundred grand. That's nothing to you." "If it's just five hundred grand, why don't you play it?" he said. "You think I didn't want to? Do you think I wanted to come back here? Begging you for cash is the last thing I wanted to do!" I argued. "Yet here you are." "Because I decided to go to school so I can't" "You are going back to school. What a waste of time" he said. "I didn't come to get your opinion on s**t, alright!" "What did you just say to me" he glared, and instinctively I backed away, "Look, I just want to at least ask." "Well, here's your answer. No, now get off my property before I call the cops" he said. "Wow thanks, Dad. I don't even know what I was expecting", I said. "Nick-" Mom said. "Karen, I'm waiting for my lunch," he said before looking back at me. "What are you still doing here?" he asked. "Just leaving," I said before walking away. "I'll be in my study," he said, heading back upstairs. Just as I walked out of the house, I heard my mother call me. "Nicholas!" she called out, getting me to stop. "Yeah Mom," I said "Nicky, your father is just-" "Mom stop, you don't have to apologize or explain anything for him," I said before we shared a moment of silence. "So are you really going back to school?" "Yeah, I'm really going back." "What about the SATs?" "I'm not so sure about that. I already missed it and it's not like I'm really planning on going to college either way." "Nick, the SATs are important" "I know but-" "Nick, are you really serious about going back to school?" "I'm really serious Mom," I said. "Why?" she asked. "What?" "You have never really liked school, so why are you so interested in going back?" I couldn't tell her but the reason I agreed to go back to school was that, honestly, I didn't want Sophie and Taylor getting any closer than they already were. "Nevermind", Mom sighed, realizing I wouldn't say anything. "So.." she said. "So?" I asked "Is he...I mean is the baby-" "For now, he's fine. The doctor says that he'll continue to be fine if he gets into surgery early enough" "And how much was it again?" "Five hundred grand. Why?" "Okay, wait right here," she said. "Mom, what are you doing?" "I'm going to get the money." "Thanks, but we both know Dad won't give it to you. I don't want him to get angry at you", I said. "You think your father is the only one with money?" she smirked before going inside and coming back to me with a card. "What is this?" I asked. "A bank account. I have been saving it for you and your brother in case of emergencies and thought that this might be a good time to use it." "Just how much is in this?" I asked. "More than enough" "Mom, I don't think I can take this" "It's fine, you have to take this" "What if Dad finds out?" "I'll worry about your father" "Mom, I don't want him to--" "Nick, I will be fine. Just take the money." "Mom" "Please, this is the first thing I've ever done or given to my grandson." "Okay," I said "Thank you" she smiled. "Do you want to see him?' "...no. I don't think so." "Why not?" I asked. "I don't know what I'd do if I ever actually saw him," she said. "I have a picture," I said, taking out my wallet and handing her the picture. "Is this really him?" she asked, with tears in her eyes. "Yeah, can't you tell?" I smiled "He has your brother's eyes. They look so..." she said, unable to find the words. "Innocent" "Yes, they look really innocent," she said as a tear slid down her face. "Mom, you're getting tears on the photo," I said. "Oh my, I'm sorry," she said "No, it's fine. You can keep the photo," I said. "Thank you, but I think you should take it." "Mom, I have plenty more on my phone" "Still, I don't think your father would like it in his house." "Well, f**k Dad," "Nick" "Sorry for my tongue". I apologized "Nick, your father can be a bit harsh, but he's only that way because he loves you." "Bullshit, he's only like that because he's a controlling prick that feels everything should bend to his will" I protested. "Your father really cares about you. Why else do you think he'd give you that apartment at the Palace? He pays all the bills and never says anything." "Mom, we both know why he does that and it has nothing to do with concern for me. He just wants to monitor me and keep V from saying anything as she threatened," "Nick-" "Mom, I don't want to talk about this anymore." "Fine, I should be heading back inside. Your father must be done with his lunch" "Yeah, I"ll see you again" "Remember the pin is ****," she said. "I love you, Mom," I said. "I love you too," she said. "Alright get going" "Yeah," I said, getting in my car and driving away I drove all the way back to the Palace before returning to my room, only stopping at the back. As I walked in I saw V and Cole sitting on the couch watching cartoons on the TV. "Teen Titans Go, I hate this show," I said, taking a seat beside them. "Me too. I'd take the original any day", V said. "And we're watching it. Why?" "Because Cole loves it" she sighed "Oh yeah, I guess we don't have a choice". I chuckled "So where have you been all day?" "I had some business to deal with." "Business?" "Here," I said, dropping the bag on the counter in front of her. "What is this?" she asked, looking into the bag "Jesus Christ! Nick, what is this?" "The money for the surgery" "Where did you get all this money so fast? I saw Kevin earlier today. Did you-" "No, I didn't do anything stupid like go back to d**k, if that's what you're thinking," I said. "Then where did you get all this money?" "From my parents" "You went back to your parents? Nick, you didn't do anything" "No, I didn't have to do anything or promise to do anything." "And your dad still gave you the money?" she asked, bewildered. "No, my mom did. It would be a cold day in hell before my Dad gave me money without me doing what he wanted." "Thank god" she let out a sigh of relief. "Yeah, she really came through for me." "I'm glad she did, but you seemed like you wanted to do it on your own." "That was my plan initially." "So what changed?" "I'm going back to school," I said. "Really?" she asked. "Yeah, I think it's about time," I said. "What brought this on?" "I'll tell you about it tomorrow. For now, I think I should just head to bed. I do have school in the morning" I said, getting off the couch. "Then I should start making breakfast and lunch for you to carry" "Yeah no. I'll do it. I don't want you burning down the apartment", I chuckled while V pouted. "Mommy" "Yes, sweetheart?" V said. "I wanna go to school" "Well, Mommy promises to take you to school when you're better, alright" "You hear that kiddo. You better hurry up and get better so you can go to school, okay?" "Yeah, don't worry uncle. I'm going to grow big and healthy so I can be a ladies' man just like you" "Now, Cole, what did I say? I don't want you to be like me. I want you to be better." "Yeah, because I am from the third and greatest generation of King's men," he said proudly "That's my boy," I said, ruffling his hair with a bright smile.
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