Our Story Part 11

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(Betty-Ann) "Thank you again for doing that for me," I said. "No problem, I'm just glad that asshole stopped messing with you." "Actually he didn't," I said. "What?" he asked "I'm guessing after your little talk with d**k, he tracked me down and was really aggressive," "That son of a b***h, he didn't hurt you, did he?" Nick asked. "No, luckily I managed to make it to James' house." "Taylor's?" Nick said, surprised. "Yeah, he actually protected me," "Really? I didn't think James could take on Jacob," "Yeah you have no idea how shocked I was when he punched him," "He punched him?!" Nick asked, shocked. "Yeah, I guess I should start from the beginning". I sighed (October 3- Betty-Ann POV) Debby woke me up really early like usual and handed me a bowl of porridge. "Really? Oatmeal again?" "Yes, is something wrong?" she asked. "Yeah, why are we having oatmeal again? Can't we have something else for breakfast?" "What's wrong with oatmeal? It is nutritious and also offers a plethora of health benefits." "It's also bland," I said. "Okay, so what do you suggest we have for breakfast?" "Eggs! Pancakes! Bacon!" I shouted suggestions. "All that oily food so early in the morning. That is too much oil on one plate," "Then at least some cereal." "Fine tomorrow. I'll give you some bran flakes," "Come on, you know what I meant." "Oh you meant diabettes in a cardboard box." "Come on Debby, they're grrreat", I teased. "Well, I paid for these in this house and I woke up early to make them, so you're gonna just have to eat them. If you don't, then just buy your own breakfast," she lectured. "Fine fine," I rolled my eyes. "Good, now hurry up and eat so you can get to school," Debby said before she yawned and that's when I noticed the bags under her eyes. "Didn't you get any sleep last night?" "I was making papers to leave for my class today," "You're leaving exercise sheets? Aren't you going today?" "No I'm not going to work today," she said. "Why not? Are you sick?" I asked. "No," she said "Then why aren't you going?" I asked but she didn't answer, so it immediately hit me. "Oh,is it that thing again?" I asked. "Yes, I will be gone for the day. Are you going home today?" "Um...I'm actually not sure. I might just stay here and watch the house for you until you come back." "I see. Well, if you are going to stay, then I should probably leave these with you." she said, taking the keys out of her bag. "Your keys?" I said as she handed them to me. "Yes, I would rather not have you calling me to tell me you're locked out and I can't exactly leave all my doors open," she said. "Okay, thanks" I said, reaching to get the keys. Just as I was about to grab the keys, she pulled them back. "Wait," she said, clutching them tightly. "What gives?" I asked. "I have a few ground rules. One I do not want any boys in my house, do you understand?" "Oh please, it's not like I have a boy to bring over," I scoffed. "And rule number two, no parties. I do not wish to come back and see my house in a mess. Do you understand, young lady?" "Like I said, it's not like I have any friends to throw a party for," "Okay," "Well, is that all Mom? Or do you want to add another commandment?" I joked, causing her to roll her eyes, dropping the keys in my hand before turning to leave again. I followed her all the way out to the driveway. "I will be back tomorrow. Remember the rules," she said, about to get in her car. "Yeah yeah I know. Just be sure to drive safely, okay?" I said, before she got in her car and drove away. She waved at me through the window and I waved back until she was no longer in my line of sight. After going back into the house, I immediately went into the kitchen. It had not taken me more than a look in the cupboard to see the box of Trix that Debby had hidden away. "I knew she was lying," I chuckled, before putting the box of cereal back and returning to the table to finish the oatmeal. After eating breakfast, I washed the dishes and went to get ready for school. I stepped out and suddenly remembered that I had told James not to pick me up that morning, so I ended up taking the bus. Shortly after getting off the bus, I walked into the school to see a gathering of familiar faces, so I went over to say hi. But the closer I got, the more I realized that it wasn't a friendly gathering as I had imagined. "Stay out of this, Taylor. This has nothing to do with you," you said angrily. "What's going on here?" I asked. "Great, someone else. You know what... I'll talk to her later," you said before angrily marching off. "Okay. Looks like I missed something. Did I come at a bad time?" I asked James. "No, it's fine. I'm actually glad you came. I wanted to ask you something" he said. Seeing the worried smile on his face, I could already guess what he was about to ask. I would have found it hard to believe if James hadn't had questions about what we were and about how things went yesterday. That night I was really aggressive. "Sure. You can ask me while we walk," I smiled. "Wait, James. Can I talk to you for a moment?" Liberty suddenly came up to him and interrupted. "Can't this wait, Libby?" "It's about Sophie and it's serious," she said. The look on James' face changed as he sighed before looking at me "Alright, do you mind Betty-Ann?" he asked. I couldn't exactly say no so I agreed. "Sure go ahead," I said, knowing James would go even if I had said no. "I'll talk to you later, okay?" "Okay," I said, walking away. I had decided to speak with James in class, so I went towards the door. I was about halfway to the school doors when suddenly I heard the roar of a bike coming closer to me. "The hell?" I said before the bike stopped right in front of me. After seeing the bike, it did not take long for me to recognize the rider. "Jacob," I said hatefully. "Darling, I've been looking for you," "Why? I thought we had everything sorted out. I will give you my bike and you ride it to hell." "Don't be like that Dear. I came all this way to see you." "Not for a good reason, I presume," I glared at him. "I have a favor to ask you," "No," I immediately refused. "Oh, did I say a favor? I meant request" "No," my answer still hadn't changed. "Well, I guess I have no choice but to release you know what," he smirked evilly. "You asshole," I glared at him. "Maybe I am, but it still doesn't change the fact that you owe me," "Fine. I'll listen to you, but not here." "Why not here?" "Because whatever you want can't be good and I don't want anyone accidentally overhearing anything," I said. "Fine, we'll meet tonight at our special place," he said. "Whatever," I rolled my eyes. "Hey Betty-Ann, what's up?" James said, walking up to us "Who's he?" Jacob asked. "He's just a friend," I sighed. "Really? You're friends with losers now", Jacob laughed. "It's none of your business who I'm friends with," I spat at him. "Whatever. Just make sure you're there tonight. The boss doesn't like waiting," he said. "Whatever. Can you just please get lost please?" She said. "Fine, I've got better things to take care of anyway. See you tonight beautiful," he said, kissing her before getting on the bike and driving away. "Mind telling me what that was?" James asked. "An old acquittance," I said, walking away to avoid explaining "So you kiss all your acquittances like that?" he asked. "What's wrong, it was just a kiss," I said. "Just a kiss." he stopped. "Huh-uh". I stopped and looked at him. "Does a kiss mean nothing to you?" he asked. "Not particularly, it's just skin-touching. You don't freak out over a handshake, do you?" I shrugged. "So what are you saying, that last night was just a kiss too? Just a handshake?" he asked. "Yeah, what did you expect from a girl that strips in front of a guy on the first date?" I sarcastically said "So you're expecting me to believe you're that easy. You're saying I could have just asked for s*x and you'd just lay down" he said, getting angrier. "That was quite a leap from what we were talking about, but it wouldn't be the first time," I calmly replied. "It would have been for me. And you know what..." he said before the bell interrupted him. "I have to head to class," he said, walking away. I was glad he left but he was fuming as he walked. I let out a rueful sigh, knowing that I had probably ruined my relationship with James. In class, my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of what the hell Jacob could possibly want. Just as I was about to walk away I suddenly got a call. Though I didn't recognize the number, I answered the phone. "Hello," I said "Hola pretty girl," I heard the sickening voice of Jacob's answer. "Jacob," "Yes, love," "How did you get my number?" I asked. "Come now, it'd be no fun if I just told you," he said annoyingly. Not that I thought he was going to tell me. In all honesty, it was pretty clear that he probably got it from Tony. "What do you want?" "It looks like we're gonna have to move up our little date," he said. "Fine when?" I sighed. "In about thirty minutes." "What! You want me to come all the way there in thirty minutes." "Yeah and I'm waiting, so you should probably catch a taxi or an Uber, baby girl." "Fine," I sighed before hanging up and calling a taxi. I finally made it to the meet-up point, which was by the old abandoned house on the other side of town. It was confused by the sight of a well-made table with a tray on it along with a bottle of wine in a bucket of ice. "You're ten minutes late darling. But since this is our reunion, I'll let it slide," Jacob smirked, revealing himself. He was dressed in a nice suit that made him look incredibly handsome, though it did not take much for me to remember the hateful man behind that ruggedly good looks and charming smile. "What the hell is all this?" "Fired chicken and pasta. Not the best, but I was short on time," he said, pulling out a chair for me. "Why did you call me here?" I asked, moving towards the other seat. "Would you like a glass?" he asked, pouring out a glass. "It's not quite my taste but I am a bit short on money, so this is the best I could do," he said, pouring another glass and resting it in front of me. "Go ahead have a drink," he said, raising his glass to me. Knowing him, it was best that I played along with him. I raised my glass. "Cheers," he smiled as he hit my glass lightly. I twirled my glass a bit before taking a sip. "How is it?" he asked. "They say wine is only as good as the company you share it with," I said before he smiled. "Maybe that's why it tastes like wet cardboard or wet dog." I finished before his smile faded. "It could be cork taint," he declared. "It is definitely tainted, but I don't think it is right to blame the cork," I said, throwing the wine all over the floor. His smile quickly turned into a disapproving frown. "Aren't you being a bit harsh? If I remember correctly, you used to like sharing a glass with me." he said, emptying his glass before resting it on the table and walking over to me. "That was quite a while ago," I said as he stopped behind me. "Yet it feels like it was just yesterday that we would sneak here to have a drink," he said, pouring me another glass before putting his hand on my shoulder. "And doing even more illicit acts," he whispered into my ear. "Okay, I've had enough," I said, standing up. "Is something wrong?" he asked. "Well, I don't know what twisted thought is running through your mind, but I didn't come here for a date," "Fine, then let's get down to the point." he said, the smile finally vanishing from his face completely before he dropped the duffel bag on the table. "What is that?" "The reason you're here. d**k wants you to move these into the school where Tony will pick them up and distribute them." "And why would I do that? Can't you just have Tony bring it in himself?" "Tony can't and before you ask, neither can I. We are on a watchlist at the school, so anything we bring in will be searched" he explained. "And why the hell should I agree to this?" I asked. "Because if you don't, you know what I will do," he threatened. "You asshole!" I glared at him. "Come now, don't look at me like that. I at least wanted us to have dinner first, but you skipped the pleasantries," he smirked. "So what do you say love? One last drop off. And hey who knows, if you do this, maybe I will just disappear and not bother you again." he said. "Fine," I said, picking up the duffel bag. Though I knew Jacob was full of s**t, it was better for me to take the bag from him. "I knew you'd make the right choice, love," he said before I walked away. After that, I went all over town looking for you. Just as I was about to give up, I found you at your favorite sandwich place. "Oh my god Nick, I've been looking all over town for you," I said, frantically running up to you. "Woah Betty-Ann, calm down, what happened?" you said. "I need your help, Nick." "What happened? You look like you saw a ghost," you smiled before I showed you the bag. "What's this?" you asked, checking the bag. The playful smile you previously had completely vanished as he became dead serious. "Where the hell did you get this?" "It's d**k's," I said. "What are you doing with d**k?" he asked. "I don't know how it happened but Jacob told me to meet up with him and he-" "Jacob? You're still hanging with that loser?" "It's not like that. He suddenly showed up yesterday and now he won't leave me alone. He came to me this morning at school and told me to meet him at our spot and then he gave me this telling me to sell it at school." "Why did you even go there? Why are you doing what he says?" you groaned. "He has something against me." "What could he possibly have against you?" you asked. I couldn't tell you at the time because I was too embarrassed and did not want a single soul to know what had happened. "Look, Nick, are you going to help or not?" "No, I'm not", you immediately rejected "What?" I asked, finding it hard to believe you would reject me so quickly. "I'm done with d**k. My life is already complicated, as it is with Cole and V. I don't need any more stress. Why do you think I told that jackass d**k to go f**k himself?" you reasoned. "So you really won't help at all?" I asked, still in shock. Though, in all honesty, I could not blame you for not wanting to be involved with that asshole d**k. "I have enough on my plate. I'm not dealing with d**k again." "Okay, fine," I gave up and walked away dejected. What was I supposed to do now? Who could I have possibly turned to if you weren't going to help? "Wait," you suddenly said. "What?" "I'll help you" "Really?" "Yeah, I'll talk to d**k," you sighed. "So you're going to get d**k to back off?" "I said I'd talk to him. I won't promise you anything" you said. "Okay, thank you, what do I do with these?" I asked, still unsure. "Give them to me," you said. "And what are you going to do with it?" "Don't worry about it. Just go home and get some rest". You ordered me and I obliged. I went back to Debby and got some rest. I was tired, so tired that I fell asleep on the couch. After my nap, I got up and checked my phone. I went to check my messages, but no one had texted me. The last message I got was from James. Just then a ping of guilt hit me. James, he wasn't the type of man that I was used to. He wasn't slick or as smooth as you, nor was he sliver-tongued like that bastard Jacob and he definitely did not have as much experience as you both. My reaction early in the day was probably affecting him harder than I thought. I was used to jerks who didn't think much of relationships, so I didn't know how to talk to James, who I knew was going to ask me out. Ridding myself of my thoughts, I sighed and got off the couch. Going to the shower, I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I put my trust in you at the time, thinking that you would handle Jacob like only you could. Thinking that Jacob would be behind me, I shifted my attention over to James. The thought that I needed to apologize came to my mind. Taking the keys and closing the door behind me, I went over to James' house. Just as I was about to arrive, I heard the familiar roar of a bike. My chill ran down my spine as I turned my head ever so slightly. I didn't need to look back to know who it was, but I did. I looked back to see a furious Jacob riding like a madman down the road tearing up the streets. I took off without a second thought after that. I ran down the road as fast as I could. There was surprisingly no one around.Maybe because it was night, but as I ran I did not see anyone to help me. However, I saw my destination. At a short distance away was James' house. I froze in thought for a moment. What should I do? I was tired and I knew I couldn't run for much longer, but I did not want to go to James. He would ask questions. Questions that I did not want to answer, especially not to him. However, a decision had to be made quickly. Jacob was nearing, so I made a decision. Rushing to the door, I knocked on his door. As I knocked, I looked out for the light of the bike or listened for the roar of the bike as it neared. As my paranoia was peaking, the door opened and I saw James. "What Sophia!" he randomly yelled. "Betty-Ann?" he questioned. "C-c-can I come in?" I stammered, still terrified. "Sure come on in," he said before Jacob caught up. I did not know what to do. Jacob was furious and his bloodshot eyes were dead set on me, so I surprisingly hid behind James. "So there you are, b***h. I've been looking f*****g everywhere for you" he yelled. The irate tone in his voice and the way his eye twitched as he jumped off the bike and marched over to me convinced me that he was definitely here to hurt me. "Please don't let him near me" I whispered, trembling as I held James tightly. "I'm sorry, but you have to leave," James said, stopping Jacob in front of us. "Or what?" Jacob said, shifting his attention to James. "Or I'll call the cops," James threatened police, but Jacob simply laughed. "Oh no you're gonna call the big bad policeman" he jeered. "Hold up, don't I know you?" he asked, inspecting James from head to toe. "Yeah, come to think about it, aren't you the loser from this morning? Wait, are you sleeping with this b***h?" he laughed. "Leave or else", James offered a second warning . "Or else wha-" he gloated before being interrupted by a sucker punch in the face. I gasped in shock. "Get up, leave the keys to her bike and walk home before I do something you and I will both regret," James gave a threat that even now I find it hard to believe. "Tough guy huh?" Jacob smirked, whipping the blood from his lip as he got up and reached into his lipid green jacket and pulled out a gun, pointing it in James' face. "So what you gonna do now? What? Not so tough now, huh" he said before James sighed before his dog ran out of the shed barking at him, "You're gonna sick your mutt on me," he laughed. "A gun is a distant weapon, you know that, right?" James said. "What?" he said, confused, before James' dog charged at him. He tried moving the gun towards the dog but in that single moment he was disarmed and punched again. "Ow! The f**k!!" he cursed. "I'll say it one last time. Drop her keys and leave before I do something you and I will both regret," he said, flashing off the blood off his fist. Jacob glared at James and clenched his fist, but one growl from the dog shut him up. "You.....You'll pay for this" he said, throwing down the keys before running off with his tail between his legs. Watching him dash down the street, James sighed, removing the magazine from the gun and the bullet that was in the chamber before turning to me. "Are you okay?" he asked. "How did you...?" I asked. "When your ex is a martial arts master you pick up a few things," he cracked a joke, "Let's go inside," he said, leading me inside. He led me to the dining room, allowing me to sit in a chair. "Would you like something to drink?" he asked. "Water," I whispered. "Okay," he said, going for the water. "Now that's everything's okay, want to tell me what that was about?" he asked, taking a seat. "I...I don't. I'm not ready to..." I answered. "Okay fine, your bike? How did he get it?" he asked. "Yesterday I was riding to school and he blind-sighted me," I said, looking down. "So they took your bike?" he asked. "Yeah" "So who are they?" I asked. "Didn't I tell you I fell in with the wrong crowd? Freshman year, Nick and I followed his brother and his girlfriend and we were introduced to d**k and his crew. Not long after, we started doing things we shouldn't and staying out late a lot", I explained. "Didn't your mom say anything?" he asked. "Beth doesn't really care, she just tells me not to embarrass her" I could only give a hollow chuckle as I remembered her words. "This is a bit more than I expected" he sighed. "I know, I shouldn't have gotten you involved in this but I didn't have anyone else to turn to" I said, "It's alright, with all the trouble I've been in, a small-time gang is the last thing I'm going to be afraid of. I'm just glad you're okay." he said. "Thank you for helping me. After the way, I acted this morning I wasn't sure you'd help me. But I still decided to risk it." "I'm glad you did. Who knows what that creep would have done to you if you hadn't," James said. "Thanks again for helping me." "It's really no problem," he said. "So is your mom at the bakery?" "Yeah, my dad said he was going to meet someone. He must have lost track of time", he shrugged. "So we're alone," I said. "I guess, you know, I always thought of what it'd be like if you were alone with me. Albeit for a different reason", he said. "Oh really you really thought of me like that". I smirked "Yeah, trust me, you've been material for many private experiments." "I don't know if I should be faltered or grossed out" I laughed. "Not sure but I'm really embarrassed," he said, blushing. At that moment, he was just so cute that I couldn't stop myself from kissing him. Five minutes later, we separated for air and just stared at each other. "Did you mean what you said this morning?" "About what?" "Your first time?" I asked before he nodded before I got close to his ear. "Let's fix that. Your room now", I ordered seductively, getting up and going upstairs with him soon following. " Close the door behind you," I ordered, sitting on the bed. After he turned back to me, I motioned him over with one finger. Grabbing onto him as soon as he was close enough, I threw him on the bed before climbing on top of him beginning my onslaught of deep kisses before breaking for air. "It's about time for a private experiment, don't you think," I said, taking off my top. James looked starstrucked for a moment which brought a smile to my face. However, I was surprised again when he flipped me over. He quickly threw his shirt on the floor before kissing my neck. "Where did this confidence come from and how can I make it stay?" I moaned as he explored my body. "Are you sure you're a virgin?" I gasped as my kisses started to lower Other parts of our clothing started to disappear piece by piece until we were completely naked, allowing us to enjoy each other's company. We were locked in a passionate embrace with Betty often taking the lead and showcasing many different positions. By the time we ended, two hours had passed, both of us reaching our final c****x. Exhausted, I laid on my chest. We were both breathing heavily. "Wow....who knew you were....such a beast" I said inbetween pants. "Thanks you weren't too bad yourself...who am I kidding? You were amazing" he said, "Thank you very much" I said, kissing his cheek. "I've got to ask what does this mean," he asked before I sat up. I liked James a lot, but James was not someone I wanted to give my heart to. He wasn't safe and I really didn't want to be hurt. "Look, James, I like you but I'm not ready for a relationship, especially with you." "With me?" "You know what I mean. So I don't think we should start using labels. Unless it's friends" ".....With benefits?" he asked "Lots of benefits" I said, kissing him again. (Present Day- Betty-Ann) "And so that's how James and I started," I finished explaining. "You know B, I could've done without the play by play of you guys having s*x," Nick gagged and I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, after that, James kept trying to make me his girlfriend," I said "I'm glad you had a good time. My luck was not so good at that point," Nick sighed. "Why?" "Well, my relationship ended soon after." "Did Sophie not forgive?" "Well no, but it's complicated" "I have no where to be,"

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