Our Story Part 6

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(Betty-Ann) "So back then we were talking about Sophia?" "Yeah, I thought that was obvious," he said. "No, if I knew, I would've told you to break up with her. You didn't stand a chance", I chuckled. "I'm not so sure," he said. "Honestly Nick, I never thought you'd be so persistent. "You were pretty persistent yourself," he chuckled. "Not really, if I'm being honest, I never really thought that James and I would make it. Though there were times I really wished I had been wrong" "What was it like anyway?" "Huh?" "What was it like dating Taylor?" "Well, it was good. Though we were technically dating before we started dating" (Second Day of school- Betty-Ann's POV) As soon as I had finished talking to you, I walked inside. I still had a few more moments before class, so I decided that I should go get some fresh air under the tree. The moment I almost reached the door, I saw someone standing by the door. Getting a bit closer, I noticed that it was someone we knew. Liberty Hall was standing there. I had contemplated going over to her and saying hello, but then I thought about it. Libby and I were never exactly close. We were 't friends and we weren't even acquaintances, so I decided to just go to my class or just annoy Debby, but then I noticed she was staring at something. Curiosity got the best of me so I peeked behind her. Right in front of me was the sight of James and Sophie, locking lips as they did in middle school. Though I had heard that they had broken up and I knew that you guys dated for two years, honestly I had expected you to break up. I immediately thought that they were back together, so I didn't say anything. "Wow they're really going at it," I said, getting her attention. Turning towards me, she was slightly surprised for only a moment before her face turned serious as she glared ever so slightly at me. "Um...hi," I said, at the time not even remembering her name, "Did you see anything?" "Huh?" "Did you see anything?' she asked again. "Do you mean those two? Pretty hard not to," I shrugged. "Don't mention it to anyone" she said. "Um...okay" "Good," she said before walking away. "Well that was weird," I said before walking away. I pushed open the door and noticed that Debby was still working. "Don't you ever eat lunch?" I asked, taking a seat in front of her. "What are you doing here? You have a class to get to" she said. "Come on Debby, I still have a few more minutes before the bell rings." "That means that you should have already been sitting in your seat waiting for the teacher" she scolded. "Hmph, I just came to see how you were doing." "I am doing the same as the last time you saw me. Now get to class before the bell rings" she said, "Alright fine, I'll see you in detention," I said before walking to my class. I went straight to class and took a seat and sometime later Libby walked in and only glanced at me before walking to her seat. "What's her problem?" I asked myself before the teacher walked in. The rest of the day went off and I had to go to detention. Just as I arrived at the door, I heard something roll towards the door and then I heard them talking. "No standing Mister Taylor. You'll disturb the detention". Debby said. "Disturb who?" James asked, "I'm the only one here." "That's because no one is stupid enough to get detention on the second day of school except you two," Debby said. "You two?" James asked, confused, before I smirked, opening the door. "It's been a while hasn't it, James," I said, walking into the room. "Betty. Betty-Ann Turner?" he asked, surprised, but I only giggled as I picked up his pen. "Is that all the greeting I get? It's been what? Four years?" I said, handing him his pen. "Yeah," he said "No conversation. You're still in detention" Debby "Yes Debby," I said, rolling my eyes as I sat beside James. "It's Mrs. Jones to you," she said. "Yes Mrs. Jones" I mocked An hour and a half of silence passed and I was bored and then an idea came to me. It was originally a little joke but James had actually done it. I leaned over to him before whispering in his ear. "Hey, you want to get out of here?" "We can't" he whispered back. "Why not?" "Because one, the teacher's right there, and two, we'll get even more detention or even worse. Suspended." "That's if we get caught." "Which we will." "No, we won't." "What are you two whispering about?" Debby asked. "Nothing Debby," I said before Debby rolled her eyes and went back to her work. "He" I whispered "Just trust me" "Fine" "Good" I whispered with a mischievous smile, "So how are we going to get past her?" he asked me. I had intended for him to overreact, so I pushed it on him to figure it out. "I'm sure you can think of something." "What? You don't even have a plan?" "Nope, none of my usual tricks work on Debby, but luckily I'm stuck with the resident genius, so I'm sure you can think of something." "We could use knock-out gas on her" he contemplated. "Won't she wake up and we'll be stuck here longer?" I said. "No, I made it so that the person never wakes up," he said. "What!!!" I yelled, getting Debby's attention. "What are you two up to?" Mrs. Jones asked, glaring at the two of us. "Nothing," we said simultaneously before she returned to her work. "What do you mean about not waking up," I said, still shocked and slightly fearful. "I was kidding" he whispered. "Not funny," I said, playfully hitting him. "Yes, it was. But I did make a knock out gas that when the person wakes up they don't remember being knocked out" "Really?" "Yeah, it was something I was working on over the summer. It works by--" "James, dear, I don't care about all that science mumbo jumbo. Are you sure it works?" I interrupted him. "Yes. One hundred.... ninety-five...eighty percent" he estimated, sounding not very sure. "And you sure it won't harm her?" I asked, not wanting anything to happen to Debby. "One hundred percent" he smiled confidently. "Okay, let's do it" "Um Mrs. Jones," he said before starting their back-and-forth dialogue. Then suddenly "What is this-?" She asked before falling on the table unconscious. "It actually worked," I said with disbelief. "Did you ever doubt me?" he asked. "Of course not" I lied as I slowly got up from the desk I was hiding behind. "Mhmm," I said "I think we should get going". I quickly changed the topic. "Fine," he said before we took up our bags and left. "Wait," I said as we almost made it to the door. "What is it?" he asked. "I need something first," I said, moving over to Debby's drawer. After opening it, I took out my phone before leaning closer to Debby's face. "We're gonna laugh about this someday Debby," I said, snapping a photo with the sleeping Mrs. Jones "Now we can go" I smiled. "So where to?" he asked. "Don't know. I could go for a walk in the park" I said, "Okay," he agreed. "I'll drive," I said "You have a car?" he asked. "Not necessarily", I smirked as we walked to the parking lot to my motorcycle "A bike?" he said, surprised. "Yep. Let's go" I said, getting on the bike and putting on a helmet. "What about my car?" he asked. "We can come back for it," I said. "Okay," he said as I handed him the helmet. "Thanks," he said, getting on and putting on the helmet. "Hold on tight, genius," I said as he wrapped his hands around my waist and I drove away. "We're here," I said as we got off the bike. "You okay?" I asked, noticing he was a bit dizzy. "Yeah, just give me a minute," he said. "First time on a bike?" I chuckled. "Yeah but I'm fine. So what are we going to do here?" he asked. "Walk around", I shrugged as I walked off. "Really? We're just going to walk around?" he asked. "Yeah, sometimes you need to take it easy and walk around," I said. "Okay," he said, following me. "But isn't this a bit boring," I said, "Maybe I could get some games and we can play." "Come on, can't you just enjoy the peace?" I chuckled. "I mean, normally when I'm at the park it's with Carlos and Carl playing some kind of game or trying out a chemistry experiment", he explained. "Well why don't you just try closing your eyes and taking in the sounds," I said before he closed his eyes, "Can you hear it?" "I can't hear anything," he said. "Because you're not listening. Can't you hear the birds?" I asked. "Yeah, I hear it now," he said. "The kids running up and down happily playing?" I asked. "Yeah" he smiled "And the sound of the ducks splashing around in the pond?" I asked. "Yeah," he said, opening his eyes. "So how was it?" I asked, smiling. "I never noticed how surreal this place is," he said. "Because you never took the time to look," I said, walking away with him. "Hey wait up," he said, following me. After that, we smelled the flowers, then played with some kids before finally sitting to feed the birds. "So how have those last four years been?" he asked. "Busy," I laughed. "Is that why I haven't seen you these past three years?" he asked. "To be fair, many people haven't. The person who's seen me the most would probably be Debby" "Yeah, you seem surprisingly close to her. How did you manage to pull that miracle off?" "Nothing special. I fell in with the wrong crowd and Debby was the one that helped me out of it. The real surprise is how you and Little Miss badass broke up" "It can't be that much of a shock", he sighed. "Oh, it was. I had never thought I would see the day. Our entire middle school thought you two would grow old together", I teased. "Well, sorry to disappoint you," he joked. "So why did you break up? The word on the street is she dumped you for Nick", I said. "Nothing like that happened. We just had a disagreement" "If you say so," I shrugged. "I'm out of bread," I said. "Okay, so where should we go now?" he asked. "I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little hungry." "Okay, so where should we go?" he asked. "I don't really care. You decide" I said "Okay, come with me," I said as we walked toward the bike and I got on "No-no-no. It's my turn to drive", he suggested. "Do you know how to ride a bike?" I asked. "No, but I want to try," he said. "I don't think that's such a good idea," I said. You and I both know a bike is rather difficult to learn to ride. We have the scars to prove it, so I didn't want him to hurt himself, but then you smirked and said "Come on, I'm a genius. How hard could it be to ride a bike?" "Okay," I said, getting off the bike. Though I didn't expect him to ride it, I let him get on the bike I wanted to whip that prideful smirk off his face. "Alrighty," he said, getting on the bike and I stood safely at the side. "Well, aren't you getting on?" he asked. "Oh, I will. After you turn it on", I smirked. "Hmm no problem," he said, looking at the bike. "First turn the key," he said, turning the key. "Then?" I asked smugly. "Um... then I...." he said. "Need some help?" I asked not wanting him to wreck my bike "Just with this," he said. "Put the bike in Neutral," I said. "Um?" he said. He was completely clueless and had no idea what I was talking about. Shaking my head I smiled before grabbing the handle and doing it myself. "Alright, then I...?" he asked "Press the kill switch to the start position," I said. "The kill switch?" he said, confused. "The red switch on your right," I told him. "Oh," I said, flipping the switch. "Now pull the clutch and press the start button, which is the button under your right handle", I instructed. He eventually got the bike started and smiled brightly. "Told you I could do it," he said, and I could only roll my eyes. "Okay, let's go," he said. "No" "Why not?" he asked. "Not until you ride around the block" "Why?" "I'm not letting an inexperienced person like you ride me. You're lucky I'm even letting you ride my bike. Against my better judgment, I might add," I said before he sighed. "Okay, here goes," he said before moving off a little too fast and slamming his head on the controls before quickly pressing the brake. "You okay?" I asked, unable to hold back my laughter. "I'm fine," he said, rubbing his head. "Just let me do this one more time," he said, before trying and failing many times until he finally managed to ride around the park and back. "So how'd I do?" he asked. "Not bad. Now we can get going" I said, getting on the bike and wrapping my arms around me. I felt James jump a bit almost causing us to turn over with the bike. "Are you okay?" I smirked, pressing my breast against him again. "I'm fine. Let's get going" he said, his face a deep shade of crimson. "Okay" she smiled before I drove off. We drove to his mom's bakery and he got out and opened the door for me. "Trudy's bakery. I love the cookies here" I said. "Really, maybe I can get my mom to give you the recipe," he said. "I didn't know your mom's first name was Trudy," I said. "That's because you haven't met my mom," he said, walking away. "Wait" "What is it?" he asked. "One quick snap before we go in," I said, latching on to him. "Sure," he said before I took the picture, then we walked in. The entire bakery was busy and I could barely see the counter. "Wait here," he said, walking past the line. His mother came out soon after and they spoke for a bit before he signaled for me to come over. "Hello Mrs. Taylor," I said with a coy smile. "Betty-Ann Turner? That name seems familiar," she said. "James and I used to go to elementary and middle school together" "Oh yes, now I remember. You're the girl my son had a crush on for two years. It's nice to finally meet you. I must say you are quite beautiful", my mom said. "Moooooom," he said, embarrassed, and I could only giggle. "Thank you for the compliment. It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Mrs. Taylor" I greeted "Nice to meet you too. Would you like a cookie?" His mom asked "I'd love one," I said. "YO! What's the hold-up!" A customer in the middle of the extremely long line yelled. "Please be patient sir. I'm doing my best to move as quickly as possible", the cashier behind the counter said apologetically, making Mrs. Taylor sigh. "Here you go. Sorry about that. The place is really short of staff" Mrs. Taylor said, handing me the cookie. "I could help out if you'd like", he offered. "Would you?" Mrs. Taylor asked. "Sure. I guess I have to see you later, Betty-Ann", he said. "I'll help too," I offered. "You sure?" he asked, smiling. "Sure if that's okay with you," I asked his mom. "Glad to have you. Grab an apron" she said "Just let me take this first," I said, snapping a picture of the cookie before putting away my phone. "Okay boss, what's our station?" "Betty-Ann, can you bake?" she asked. "Um, I know a few things, but I'm not really that good," I said. "Okay, then James will stay at the register and you will help me in the kitchen," she said. "Okay, but isn't there already someone on the register? Can't James help in the kitchen too?" I asked. "If you want me to get sued, then yeah" "Sued?" I looked at him confused. "I think we should get to work," he said, blushing. A bit embarrassed as he ran to the register. I looked at his mother and she only chuckled while leading me to the kitchen. "Okay, can you use a mixer?" she asked. "Yeah, I know how to use one," I said. "Okay then please mix the batter please," she said before walking away. Going to the machine, I immediately started looking for the power button. It was supposed to be a test, so I turned on the mixer but I had no idea just how fast it would go, so I accidentally sent a lot of the batter flying out of the bowl before I shut it off. I had become the center of attention and was so embarrassed because everyone was looking at me. Then Trudy came up to me. I had expected to be scolded, but surprisingly she didn't "Oh my god, Betty-Ann, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine but your batter-" "Don't worry about that. Oh my, look at you. There's batter all over your face, it even got in your hair" "I'm sorry, I accidentally pressed the high setting" I explained, "You don't need to apologize. It's James' fault" "How is it my fault?" James said, walking in. "You were the one messing with my mixer, weren't you?" "I was just giving it some upgrades" he sulked, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "What's so funny?" James asked. "Nothing," I continued to laugh. "Then why are you laughing?" "Because it's so different," I said. "Huh?" he said confused "Come on, we should probably get back to work," I said, still smiling. "James should, but you should go clean up first," Mrs. Taylor said "Okay," I said So then we worked there for an hour and when the evening rush ended and, believe me, we were tired, so tired that I just wanted to rest, so I leaned on James' shoulder as we sat on the leather couch. "Okay boy and girl, we've got one more order," the cashier said as we groaned. "Cheer up. It's the last one and it's a delivery to the Candy Bar", she said. "Fine," we groaned as we got up and she gave us the bag. "So who's driving this time?" he asked as we walked out. "First to reach the bike drive," I said "Okay you're on," he said. "Let's see what you got, James," I said. "Okay, bring it," he said. "Consider it brought. Best of luck", I said, kissing his cheek. While he was stuck in his daze, I rushed toward the bike. "Not fair Turner," he said, snapping out of his trance, unrooting his feet from the ground and chasing after me. Not that it mattered because I was already sitting comfortably on the bike. "Take that genius", I celebrated, handing him a helmet. "You cheated" he pouted. "No, that was a preemptive strike. Now hand over the keys". I said. "If you say so" he sighed, giving me the keys. "Come on genius," I said before he got on the bike. He sulked all the way to Sam's Candy Bar, so I had to pull him into the shop and walk up to Sam. "What took ya so long? I almost canceled ya brats" he said. "Sorry Sam, the evening rush was hectic today," James apologized. "Whatever, just give me the cookies. I'm starving here," he said. "Here you go," I said, giving him the bag. "So what? You kids want a sundae?" He asked. "I could go for a sundae," I said, turning to James. "Me too". He smiled back at me. "Good," he said before he went to make it. "That will be five dollars," he said as we gave him disbelieving looks. Almost forgetting how much of a cheapskate Sam was "You didn't think it was free, did ya," he said, pushing his hand forward. "Of course not," James said, giving him the money and sitting down in one of the booths. "Cheapskate," I murmured, and James chuckled. "Ice cream is still good though," James said. "After all that work, ice cream is definitely what I need," I said as I took a spoon. "So how have you been?" he suddenly asked. "Me? I've been good. I did a few things, some I regret and some I really regret", I said. "Really?" "Yeah, but the good outweighs the bad." "Glad to hear it," he said. "So what about you?" "You know, a lot has happened since the last day of middle school but I like to think everything was for the best," he said "So how did you end up in detention? Did you blow up another chemistry lab with an experiment?" "With my current teacher, I'd end up in the grave before I made it to detention" "You have no idea. Debby really doesn't mess around with her stuff," I chuckled. "I can tell," he said. "So why did you end up in detention?" "I got in a fight," I said. "Really?" "Yeah" "I guess that explains the bruise on your face," I said. "That's nothing you should see the other guy," he said. "What happened to him?" "Nothing but it makes me sound manlier," he said before I burst out laughing. "You're right, it did sound manlier". I chuckled "So what about you? Why did you end up in detention?" he asked. I knew that I couldn't tell him the truth, so I simply answered, "My phone kept interrupting class, so my teacher told me to either give her the phone or get detention. I'll let you guess which one I chose", I said. "So you're telling me you took detention rather than just giving up your phone," he laughed. "What can I say? Nobody messes with my phone", I said before Sophia decided to clear her throat, announcing her presence. "Oh hey Vortex, didn't see you there," he said. "Obviously," she said. "So what do you want?" He asked her. "I wanted to know if I should come over for the project tonight," she asked. "Um, after what happened today, I think we should do all our projects somewhere with other people, like in the school lab or something. You know until our parents come back" he said. "Yeah, you're right. Wouldn't want a repeat of today" she said awkwardly. "Hello Sophia," I said, slightly annoyed that I was being ignored. "Betty? Betty-Ann Turner? I didn't see you there" she lied with a fake smile, "It happens," I said, giving her the same smile. "So how have you been?" I asked. "I'm fine. I have just been around" "Glad to hear it," I said. "Well, Sophie, I was talking to Betty-Ann so I'll see you later," he said. "So you two are talking again. When did that happen?" "I actually just saw James again in detention today. We're actually catching up. So if you don't mind", I said. "I'm so sorry to interrupt. You two can go back to your date", she said passive-aggressively. "It's not a date," he said. "If you say so," she said, walking away. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Let's take another picture," I said, taking one of the ice cream and another of him. "What are you gonna do with all these photos?" he asked. "Put them on the gram, of course. My name is Queen B if you wanna check them out," I said. "Sure I'll like them when I get home." "So what are you going to do about Sophia?" I asked, thinking they had gotten back together. "Huh?" "James, shouldn't you have tried harder to explain to her?" "Explain what? We're just talking, and even if we weren't. That has nothing to do with her." "But isn't she your girlfriend?" I asked, confused. "Well, that's one of the things that has changed since middle school. Sophie and I broke up before high school", I said. "I heard, but I thought you guys would have gotten back together." "Yeah, me too," he said, looking a bit downcast. "James," "Huh?" "You okay?" "I'm fine. As I said, I think everything worked out for the best", he said "Okay," I said. Only then did I know why Libby wanted me to keep quiet about the kiss and why she reacted that way. "Anyway, I think we should hurry and finish this because I have to go home and finish up some assignments," he said. "Yeah," I said before we quickly finished the sundae and said our goodbyes. I drove all the way back to my house. I walked into my house and it had been one of the few times I actually returned home with a smile on my face. That was until Beth spoke. "What's wrong with you? Why are you smiling?" "I had a good idea at school today," I said. "What? You had s*x all day without getting caught." "What? What do you think I am?" "You really wouldn't want to know what I think about you," she spat. "Really different," I said. "What?" she said, confused. "I was talking to myself." "Don't, people will think you're crazy and you already have enough flaws, as is" she said before I noticed something smelled really good. "Are you cooking?" I asked. "Yes, I'm having a guest over," she said. "So let me guess. Beat it" I said. "If you'd please," she said. "You don't have to tell me twice," I said, going for my bag before heading back out and riding my bike all the way to Debby. "Who is knocking on my door at this time," she said as she opened the door? "What, are you sleeping already Debby?" I chuckled. "Betty-Ann? What are you doing here?" she asked. "Can I stay the night?" "Why?" she asked. "She has company." "That woman," Debby grumbled. "Debby, can I stay over?" I asked. "Sure," she said, opening the door for me to get in. "Thanks," I said.
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