chapter 8 getting ready for dinner

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Updated. Erick’s P.O.V I knew that it was early, but this was my chance and I couldn’t wait to meet her properly. The woman that saved me, the woman that was my mate. I hurried to shower and get dressed in jeans, a button up black shirt and my boots that I always wore. I brushed my teeth and hair, then hurried out of the poach house and into my car, driving to Gators. When I got there Walter greeted me straight away with a smile. “I know why you’re here, Erick, but just slow down some, okay. She's a human and I’m not even sure if she knows anything about the supernatural. Right now she’s in the office doing paperwork. As soon as she gets done she will be out and then I’ll introduce you to her.” Walter said and I nodded. Walter began showing me around the store and sure enough she came out of the office just as we were finishing up the tour. I smelled her scent right away and my cat was jumping around in my head. “MATE! MATE! MATE IS HERE!!” Nathan screamed out in my head. “Calm down, she’s human and if we go right to her we’ll scare her.” I said to him, just as Walter called her over to us. When she stopped beside us all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her and never let her go, but I knew that I couldn’t and I didn’t want to scare her. I heard my cat huff in my head and then he went to the corner of my mind, which he often did when he was sulking and now he was sulking because I wouldn’t let him near our mate just yet. All he did last night was talk about her non stop, about how he wanted to mark and mate her, about how he wanted to make her ours. In the end I had to threaten him and tell him that if he didn’t shut up that I was going to stay home and stop him from seeing her. For the rest of the night he just growled and pouted, but that was okay because at least I was able to sleep a little. I knew how he felt because I wanted to see her too, but I knew that I couldn’t just stalk her from outside her home, that would scare her shitless and she would never come out of her house, which was the last thing I wanted because then I would never be able to see her at all. I stood next to her and waited for her to look at me and when she did I smiled my best and brightest smile. “May, this is Erick, Hope’s son, the woman you met yesterday and the man that you saved.” Walter said, introducing us and May slowly turned to face me. I held my hand out and she shook it, sending sparks to go up and down both of our hands and arms.. I knew that she felt them too because she suddenly and gently jerked her hand from mine. “Hi Erick, I am so happy to see that you are okay. I was going to call, but I didn’t have any number to do so.” May said, making me smile at her concern for me. “Well, we’ll just have to change that, now won’t we. I came here to see if Walter needed a hand with things, as he did mention that he was thinking of expanding the store one day.” I said and Walter nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I was just thinking this morning that I should do that, especially as it seems that we‘re getting a lot more trucks these days and the storage area can only hold so much.” Walter said and we all agreed with him. “How about we start tomorrow, I know the faster we start the faster we can get it done?” May said, causing Walter to nod as I turned to face her. “May, I hope that I get to see you again soon, maybe over dinner. My family owns a restaurant that is really good, maybe I can pick you up and we can have dinner together.” I said and May looked like she was thinking about it. “How about if I meet you there?” May said and I nodded as I wrote down the address and handed it to her. I was not trying to be careful and let my hand brush against hers because I wanted to feel those sparks again. I was sure that she felt them too because when I looked at her she was smiling and looking down at our hands. After doing that I left the store and got back into my truck, going back home. May’s P.O.V “I’m sure glad he turned out okay, I was really worried about him because he had bruises and what looked like bite marks of some sort. It makes me wonder how he got out there.” I said and Walter shrugged. “Who knows, anything is possible, but what I do know is that he seems to like you, so why not go to dinner with him. What could it hurt?” Walter replied and I knew that he was right, but I still needed to find out what a mate was and where I fit in with that. I was playing along as I knew they were some sort of supernatural, but I just didn’t know what they were just yet. It didn’t scare me, but if they were planning on eating me then that would scare me. They seemed too nice and friendly to want to eat me, but who knows. “Well Walter, if it's okay with you I would like to leave a little early so that I can get ready and go meet him.” I said and he waved me off. “Oh girl please, it’s fine. Go meet your guy and go have fun for once. You’re always here.” Walter said, making me softly laugh. “Well that's because I like it here. This is like my second home, Walter. My parents passed away so long ago and I don’t have any siblings, plus the family I do have is scattered all around and they never call unless they want something, so I’m good. Now if you will excuse me I’m going to head out. I’m not the only one that needs to have fun, you need to go have some fun as well.” I said and Walter started laughing. “I’ll have my fun soon enough, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Walter replied and I nodded. I left the store and went home, then took a quick shower, dried off and then looked at the clothes in my closet. I had no idea what I should wear tonight as I still didn’t have his phone number, just the address of the restaurant. After looking through my clothes I finally decided on something simple. I wore a light blue skirt with a matching blue top, knee high boots, earrings and necklace. I wore my hair over my shoulders, then put a small amount of make-up on. I looked at myself in the full body mirror and I smiled because I looked quite nice, even if I did say so myself. I was still worried and hoping that what I was wearing was alright for where I was going, especially as I didn’t know if I would meet more of his family there, but the skirt was over my knees and the shirt wasn’t low cut, so my body was covered and I looked decent. I grabbed my purse and keys, then got into my car and typed the address into the sat nav, then drove off. It only took me about thirty minutes to get there, but when I pulled up I saw that he was standing by his car. My heart started beating faster when I looked through the window at him and saw that he was wearing blue jeans and a pull over light blue shirt and boots. His hair was pulled into a man bun and he looked hot. I tried to calm my racing heart down, but it felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest, so I had to take a few deep breaths until I felt it slow down a bit. I got out of the car and walked over to him. Erick’s P.O.V I stood there watching her and she looked beautiful. I tried my best to not look at her legs, but I admit I liked how the skirt covered her knees and the shirt didn’t show any skin off. After all, she was mine and only mine, no one else was allowed to see her. I could tell that she wasn’t like the other she-cats in my pack, they wore skimpy clothes just so that I would notice them, which was really quite sad. I would flirt with them and maybe have some fun with them, but it was never serious because if they were willing to give it up so easily to someone who wasn’t their mate, then why was I going to buy the whole cow? I always kept that in mind, but May was different, she was nice and took pride in herself. She didn’t flaunt herself for every male to ogle her, she was decent and respectful. I held out my hand to her and she took it then smiled at me. “You look beautiful, May. Come on, let’s go inside, I’m starving.” I said and she blushed but nodded. May’s P.O.V “Thank you, alright let's go inside and get you fed.” I replied, shocked with how eager he was to eat. He didn’t even bother making small talk, just hey you look beautiful let's go eat. I followed him inside and we sat in the far corner of the restaurant so that we could be alone. I sat down and started looking around the place.
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