chapter 7 meeting Erick

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Updated. Erick’s P.O.V An hour after my dad had given me the address I was pulling up into a parking lot at the front of a store called Gators. I looked around and sure enough mom's car was parked right there on the left, so I decided to park up next to her and wait for her to come out. “Hey mom, I’m outside, next to your car.” I said, mind-linking her. “Hold your horses, I’m buying some stuff.” Mom replied, mind-linking me back and making me laugh. I ended the link and sat back in my seat, waiting for my mom to come out and thirty minutes later she came out. She was carrying a carpet and a few other things, so I hurried to help her put it all in her car for her. “Right then, firstly her name is May Woods and she is a really hard worker. She’s still in there, but she is very busy, so how about you wait a few days to see her? You don’t want to overwhelm her by meeting both of us in one day.” Mom said, making me sigh. I really didn’t want to wait a few days, but one look from my mother and I couldn’t help agreeing. I was supposed to still be healing, so if I walked in there looking fit and healthy it might raise suspicions. “Alright, I’ll wait a few days, but please just answer me a few things. How beautiful is she? Was she respectful? I smell werewolves, do werewolves own this store?” I asked and my mom nodded. “Yes, Walter owns it. You knew him when you were just a kit, you can trust him, so don’t worry. Come on, let's head home, your dad is probably wondering if I bought the whole store out.” Mom said, making me laugh as she got into her car and I got back into my truck. Susan’s P.O.V I pulled up onto the car park after making a deposit when I saw Mrs Hope driving off the car park. I wonder what she was doing here, I thought to myself as I walked into the store and straight over to Walter. “Why was Mrs. Hope here? Is everything okay?” I asked and Walter nodded. “Yeah, everything is fine. May saved Hope’s son the other night and she wanted to come say thank you to her, but it turns out that May is her son’s mate, so now they have to figure out a way to get her to understand about the supernatural.” Walter replied, making me smirk. “That's easy, we could shift in front of her and see what she does. If she runs then she won’t be able to handle it and I won’t have to deal with her anymore.” I said, but Walter shook his head at me. “I’m getting sick and tired of this, she isn’t going anywhere, so deal with it, Susan. She hasn’t messed with you or me and if she was my mate then you would just have to deal with it, but she’s not, so shut the hell up about it already. I’m getting bored with your jealousy, it’s getting old, so either shut the f**k up and be nice or don’t bother coming to the store anymore.” Walter said, making me growl at him. “Is that a challenge, Susan? I’m the Alpha here and you do what I say or you go home.” Walter said, standing tall and using his Alpha tone on me. I sighed because I knew that I had to obey him when he did that. May came out of the office with her keys in her hand, but she stopped when she saw Walter and I talking, well, arguing. “Hey guys, is everything okay?” May asked, looking at both of us and I nodded. She must have overheard us arguing, but how much did she hear? “Alright then, well, I’m heading out to go home, everything is now typed up and the cheques are made so you can pass them out, Walter. You also might want to tell Joannie no to smoke out front anymore as well because a customer has sent in a complaint about it.” May said and I turned and smiled brightly at her. “I’ll let her know, she wasn’t supposed to be out there smoking anyway, smoking is only out back, so the customers won’t walk through the smoke. I for one think smoking smells nasty. Alright, have a good night, May, see you tomorrow.” I replied and May nodded. I watched as May walked out of the store and then I turned back to look at Walter. “Is that better, Alpha?” I asked and Walter nodded. “Yeah, that's better, let's not have tension in the store anymore. May is human and all she wants is to work and then go home, so leave the girl alone. She has no family here, so chill out.” Walter replied and I took a long deep breath before nodding. “I’ll be nicer to her. Come on, let's lock everything up and go home. Tomorrow is going to be another busy day.” I said and Walter nodded. We locked up the store and then left, heading home. May’s P.O.V When I finally got home I made myself a cup of tea and then sat down on the front porch so that I could relax and think for a few minutes. I want to think about what I’d overheard Walter and Susan talking about. What did they mean he was the Alpha? I think I already knew what was going on, but I didn’t want them to think that I knew something. I was going to play along, until they either told me or I saw it for myself and I was still going to continue working in the store because I like it there, but what did they mean when they said mate? What's a mate? I thought to myself. I’m going to need to Google this stuff up because that's what I do when I don’t know something, I google it and find out what it means. I drank my cup of tea and got up from the steps, brushing the dirt off my pants and then went inside the house. I needed to shower and sleep because I felt like I was going crossed eyed after staring at that computer for so long today. I was hardly out on the shop floor, but maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to come out of the office and walk around more, helping out. I took my shower and then headed to bed, but I couldn’t help wondering how that guy was doing. I know that Mrs Hope said that he was healing nicely, but I was still worried and curious about him. After speaking with his mother it only made me want to see him even more. I wondered what his name was and what he really looked like underneath all those bruises, cuts and blood. I finally drifted off to sleep and when I woke up the next morning I couldn’t wait to get to work. I knew that I needed to finish up with the rest of the stuff on the computer, then I could finally get out onto the shop floor. I hurried to get dressed and eat breakfast, then I ran out of the house and to my car. I don’t know why I couldn’t wait to get there, but I felt excited. I sped off to work, knowing that I had computer stuff to do, then inventory, but I was happy. I knew that I had only been working there for a few weeks now, but I knew almost everything there, even the code to get into the store, just in case Walter couldn’t make it in that day, which was a huge responsibility. I made it to the store in forty five minutes, instead of the usual hur it takes me, but the three lights I had to go through were all green instead of red, so it was a good start to the day for me. When I got to work the store was already open and I saw the truck in the back, which was strange because I didn’t know that we were getting a truck in today. Did I read the emails wrong? I thought and hoped that Walter wouldn’t be mad with me for the mistake. I parked my car and locked it up, then rushed into the store, where I found Walter in the back on the loading dock. “Walter, I am so sorry, I must have read the emails wrong, I thought the truck was going to be here tomorrow.” I said, apologising, but Walter just softly chuckled. “Don’t worry, May, sometimes the trucks get here earlier when a delivery has been cancelled or something. It's not your fault.” Walter replied and I was so grateful that he wasn’t mad at me. For the next two hours we unloaded the truck, taking out loads of boxes filled with bookshelves, pillows and a lot more stuff. There was even make-up there that I thought I might actually buy for myself. After we unloaded the truck I got a list of items that we now had and started loading them into the computer file. It didn’t take long at all since I had the right paperwork in my hand to just type it up from. When I was finally done I had to read and reply to the emails that were sent to me and then I saw that there was another truck that was due here in a few days, so we will get a chance to sell some more stuff before then. Maybe I could talk to Walter and see if he wants to expand the store, now that it's doing a lot better and we are getting more profits. It wouldn’t be too hard to knock down some walls and make the store bigger so that we won’t need to worry about not having any room. When I was finally done I went out onto the shop floor to talk to Walter, but when I saw him he was talking to this handsome man with black shoulder length hair. “Hey May, come over here. I would like for you to meet someone.” Walter said, as he noticed me standing to the side. Hell yeah, I get to meet this hunk of a man, whoever he is, I thought to myself, smiling at the thought.
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