Chapter 9

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Updated.   May’s P.O.V   When we were seated I looked around the restaurant and I was very surprised at how beautiful this place truly was, it was like this very elegant place. There were candles in the middle of the tables, as well as silverware, napkins and wine glasses. The walls were decorated with different photos and there was one that was of a huge mountain with snow covering it. The waiter came over, handing us each a menu and I opened it up to see what was available. I didn’t have much money on me and I didn’t expect him to pay for a huge meal on the first date, if that's what this was, so I looked for the cheapest meal, but when the waiter came back over Erick ordered for me.   “Can we have shrimp scampi with garlic bread and a salad, then I’ll have a very large plate of broiled fish and scampi with the sauce on the side and a salad as well.” Erick said, placing the food order.   “What would you like to drink?” The waiter asked, writing everything down.   “Can I have a beer and what do you want to drink?” Erick asked, looking at me.   “I’ll just have water and a white wine with lemon please.” I replied and Erick nodded. I wasn’t really a big drinker, but I would have a glass of wine every now and then, but with lots of lemon. When the waiter left I looked at Erick, who was smiling at me.   “Listen, I don’t mind you ordering for me, but at least ask me first. I don’t have much money on me and I didn’t know that this place was going to be this fancy.” I said, but Erick just chuckled at me and shook his head.   “Who said anything about you having to pay for your own meal? May, when I asked you to dinner I meant that I was going to pay, not the other way around. This is just a thank you for being kind and a huge thank you for saving my life.” Erick replied and I nodded.   Erick’s P.O.V   If it wasn’t for her saving me I never would have met her and known her to be my mate, but then again if it wasn’t for her hitting me with her car then I wouldn’t have needed saving to begin with. She has no clue that it was me she hit and sent flying through the air like I was superman, but I don’t mind because it would only bring up questions and make her feel guilty. Maybe one day I’ll tell her, but only when she understands my kind a bit better and I can explain it to her properly and not right now. Right now I was just trying to get to know her better, besides I don’t want her freaking out about this. When our dinner was brought out May looked at it and I could have sworn I saw her licking her lips at it. She must have been hungrier than she thought because I heard as her belly rumbled a little bit. It wouldn’t have been heard by a normal human, but with my wolf hearing I could clearly hear it.   May’s P.O.V   I didn’t know if I was hungry or if it was because the meal smelled so delicious that my stomach rumbled a bit, but thankfully no one heard it or that would have been embarrassing. Erick and I both started eating and I looked around at the others in the restaurant, noticing for the first time that we weren’t alone here. Some of the women were dressed in beautiful dresses and the guys were dressed up in suits. It made me feel a little underdressed at first, but then I just shrugged it off. I preferred to be comfortable rather than anything else and this was how I liked to dress, so I wasn’t about to change that just because we were here. I sipped on my white wine and ate my food, which I had to admit tasted really good. After we had both finished eating Erick and I talked and got to know each other a bit better.    “Well, I haven’t long come back from England. I was there for three years and I have to go back after a year of being back home, but I’m not sure if I want to. I could get a job closer to home if all goes well.” Erick said, looking right at me as he said the last part and I could only smile. Was I the part he wanted to go well?   “Well, er, it would be nice if you did get a job closer to home, that way you can be close to your family and see them whenever you want.” I said, smiling. You could also be closer to me instead of being a million miles away, I thought to myself, but didn’t dare say it out loud. The whole time I looked at him all I wanted to do was run my fingers through his hair and pull him closer to me, but I stopped myself from doing it. After all, this was just a dinner date so that he could thank me for saving his life, nothing more. Although I honestly didn’t need or want to be thanked when it was the right thing to do. After we finished talking Erick paid for dinner and then we left the restaurant, where he proceeded to walk me to my car. I opened my car door and Erick suddenly grabbed my arm and gently turned me around to face him, which confused me. Had he forgotten to say something? I thought as we looked into each other's eyes. I really wanted him to kiss me, but maybe it would happen next time, if there was a next time.   Erick’s P.O.V   “May, thank you for coming to dinner with me. I hope we can do this again sometime, but maybe next time I can pick you up from your place.” I said, looking into her beautiful hazel eyes. I loved that the space between her eyebrows scrunched up a little when she was thinking and that she would bite her bottom lip, it was so cute. May pulled her bag round and took out a pen and paper from it, then began writing something down.   “Well, let's talk more first and then I might give you the address to my home.” May replied, handing me the piece of paper that I could now see she had her phone number on it.   “Oh you might, huh?” I said, smirking and she started to blush.   “I’ll have to come to your home first, just to make sure that you're not crazy people or in some sort of cult that wants me to drink the yellow koolaid or something.” May said and we both started to laugh. She leaned in and gave me a quick hug, then got into her car and I closed her door then watched as she drove off the parking lot. I got into my truck and I could still smell her heavenly scent on my clothes from where we had hugged. When I got back home I saw the light on in the office and I knew that my parents were still awake, so I went to see them. I knocked on the office door and walked inside, making my parents both look up at me.   “So, how was the first date?” Dad asked and I couldn’t help smiling as I thought about her.   “It was alright, we talked and got to know each other, plus she gave me her phone number, so that's a start.” I replied and my mom came and hugged me.   “That's a very good start, son. Right then, you have training tomorrow morning, so go get your rest.” Mom said and I nodded. I walked out of the office and up to my room, but when I got by the door I knew that something was off. There was someone in my room. I walked inside, closed the door behind me and turned on the light to see Candy was lying completely naked on my bed. She didn’t have a sheet of blanket covering her. When she saw me she got off the bed and walked towards me, swaying her hips. Her arms went around my neck and her lips just grazed the spot where my mate would mark me.   “Candy, you need to leave, I told you I found my mate.” I said, grabbing her arms and taking them from around me.   “A human for a mate. Erick come on, she will be weak and you will end up always having to protect her from rogues and other dangers. I’m a strong werecat and you won’t have to protect me all the time. Pick me as your mate and I promise you that I will be a strong Luna.” Candy said, shaking her head.   “I’ll think about it, but until then get the hell out of my f*****g room. You have to remember that if you’re willing to give it up so easily then why should I buy the whole damn cow.” I replied, sighing and opening my bedroom door. Candy pouted a little as she placed a sheet around her and left my room, after she was gone I made sure to lock my door. I went to take a shower to take care of the boner I now had and afterwards I dried off and went back into the bedroom. I grabbed my phone and sat down on the bed, deciding to test May and see if she would text me back. Me - Hey May, hope you made it back home safe and I hope that you enjoyed dinner.  I typed my message, pressed send and then placed my phone down. I didn’t think that she would text me back right away, if at all, so I put on the TV and tried to relax a little. Ten minutes later, my phone went off, so I picked it up to see that I had received a text from May. May - Hi Erick, I just made it home and yes, I really enjoyed dinner. Hope to talk more. See you soon. May replied and although I wanted to message her back right away, I didn’t. I didn’t want her to think that I was too eager or desperate, so I left it.
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