chapter 4 finally home

2020 Words
Erick’s P.O.V The plane was finally landing and I was itching to get off and finally stand up, stretch my legs and arms and walk around. I was so ready to be home and ready to see my parents again, it had been a long three years and although we had face time with each other it wasn’t the same as actually seeing them in person. Soon the plane landed with a little jump and it caused the seats to wiggle a bit, which made me even more nervous about flying. I had never liked flying, but this was the only way home from England and I’m sure as hell certain that I couldn’t swim that far, I thought to myself. We had to stay seated until the woman over the loud speaker told us we could unbuckle our seatbelts and get up. As soon as she said that, the door to the plane opened and I was running to the exit. I couldn’t wait to be off this plane and I was so excited to be back home. When I found my bags I headed outside and straight away I saw my dad waiting for me. He waved me over and when I got to him he gave me the biggest hug he could. “Dad…….I can’t….breath…” I said, grunting the words out. I heard him laugh as he let go of me and then he grabbed my shoulders and looked right at me. “It's good to see you, are you ready to go back home, son?” Dad asked and I nodded. “Hell yes, I’m ready to be home.” I said and we both laughed as we headed out of the car and towards the car. Rune’s P.O.V I couldn’t believe how tall he had gotten since the last time I had seen him. He had changed so much, but at the same time he hadn’t changed at all, it was weird, but one thing was certain, he had trained hard and I could feel the Alpha aura coming off him in waves. I was so proud of him and what he had done. We drove back home and just as we got to the gates of the territory I looked at Erick. “Just so you know, your mom has planned a party for you, so you should get some rest before it starts.” I said and all Erick did was chuckle. “Dad, I’m exhausted, but I don’t want mom to be disappointed, so I’ll rest up and then I’ll have fun.” Erick replied and I nodded, as the guards opened the gates to the territory. We drove down the driveway and then I pulled up in front of the house, but as we got there everyone was outside and all their eyes were pointed at us. “Listen guys, he’s tired, so let him rest and then all of you can say hello.” I said, mind-linking everyone and then ended the link. Everyone did as I had asked, but that didn’t stop the unmated she-cats from watching and drooling over my son as he got out of the car. I shook my head as they all hurried inside and I knew that it was because they were hoping that he would choose them, that they would look their best for when he woke up and came outside. I helped Erick with his bags and we walked inside, where his mother was waiting for him in the living room. “Hope, I know you have missed him, but after three plane rides he’s tired.” I said, mind-linking her and she nodded. “Yes, I know, I can see how tired he is just by looking at him. We’ll make this short so he can get his rest.” Hope replied, mind-linking me back and smiling at me. Erick walked in and dropped his bag on the floor as Hope walked over to him. “Welcome home, son. We have a welcome home party for you, but I know that you’re tired, so go up to your room and rest up.” Hope said, hugging him tightly. I watched as Erick hugged his mother back and kissed her cheek. I had missed seeing this, seeing my son and wife together, it was nice having the whole family back together again. “I’ll be up in a few hours, mom, I promise.” Erick replied, breaking the hug with his mother. Erick took his bag from me and rushed upstairs, leaving his mother and me in the living room, happy that our son was back home. Erick’s P.O.V As soon as I got into my room I dropped my bags and went straight to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, dried off and then went back into the bedroom, where I collapsed onto my bed wearing nothing but a towel around my waist. I felt refreshed from the shower and had gotten the smell of the planes off me, but I was still exhausted, so I decided to take a nap before I was due downstairs for the party. I opened my eyes, after what felt like an hour or two, but when I looked at the clock I saw that I had been asleep for five hours. “Shit.” I muttered to myself as I jumped off my bed and threw the towel off me. I hurried to get dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a button up blue shirt, then I tied my hair up in a man bun and put my shoes on before hurrying out of my room and downstairs. I made it to the kitchen just in time to see my mom putting the last of the food on a tray to take outside, but she almost dropped the tray when I walked into the kitchen. “Sorry mom, I didn’t mean to scare you.” I said and hurried over to help her with the platter of food. I took it from her and carried it out, walking next to her as we made our way to the hall. I placed the platter down on the buffet table and grabbed a chicken drumstick, but the she-cats were starting to gather around me. Hope’s P.O.V I stepped back and shook my head as I watched the hormonal frenzy around my son, so I went and stood next to my mate and smirked at the scene in front of me. “Do you think he is going to find his mate tonight?” I asked, but Rune shrugged. “I honestly don’t know, but I do know that he is going to have his hands full tonight with all the she-cats that are around him.” Rune replied, making both of us laugh as we stepped outside. This was our son's night and he deserved to cut loose without his parents watching. We would go back into the hall in a few hours, but right now Rune and I wanted to have some fun of our own. Erick’s P.O.V The hall was filled with laughter, dancing teenagers and young adults, some even found their mates which made me happy because a few of them were she-cats that wouldn’t leave me alone. Even after having five hours of sleep I was still too tired for all of their bullshit come ons, but then I smelled something weird. Vampires. I could sense them in the territory and it made me hiss, which in turn made everyone turn around and look at me. I mouthed the word vampires to them and everyone quickly got ready for them. “Mom, dad, vampires are in the territory.” I said, mind-linking them both and it only took a few minutes for them to be by my side. We all walked outside and in a flash vampires were coming out of the woods. One by one some of the others shifted into their cats, growling and we were all ready for a fight. The one who I am assuming was the head vampire stepped forward and looked right at my mother, which made all of us growl. “I want your Luna, hand her over and everyone shall live.” The vampire said, making my dad growl at him. “I will never hand her over to the likes of you or anyone else. Now get the hell out of my territory or I’ll kill you where you stand, motherfucker.” Dad replied, but the vampire just laughed. “She will be mine, asshole.” The vampire said and then my mom growled at him and stepped forward. “I will never go with you, Vlad, so you might as well go play some place else.” Mom said, making the vampire I now knew as Vlad sneer at her. She must have known his name by reading his mind, like she normally does when she wants to know what I’m thinking and I won’t tell her. “Oh you will soon enough.” Vlad said and I stepped forward, taking my place next to my parents. I stood there glaring at Vlad, waiting for him to make a move, any move and I would rip his heart out. Some of his clan members stepped forward, daring to come closer to us, while others were slowly and carefully retreating back to the woods. When they were far enough away they broke out into a run, knowing that they were going to die and it showed that even they knew that this was a mistake and they now wanted nothing to do with it. I wanted Vlad out of my territory and I wanted him gone now, but Vlad just smirked as he felt me tense up, preparing to fight as the others stepped even closer. I ran at them, shifting into my black tiger and snapping my jaws at them. I grabbed one and ripped his head off, then I ran after the others, making sure they left the territory. Rune’s P.O.V Hope shifted into her tiger and ran after Erick, as I began to fight with Vlad. I knew that there was one thing that Vlad had forgotten about, vervain and the fact that we grew lots of it here. I took my dagger that I kept coated in vervain and made short work of stabbing Vlad in the chest and heart. “AHHHH!!! AHHHH!!!” Vlad screamed out in pain and I watched as the vervain burned his flesh. “I told you, you will never get her, you son of a bitch.” I said and pulled the dagger out, then stabbed him again, this time plunging it deeper into his heart. I slammed him down on the ground and ripped his head right off. “Get gas and pour it all over him, then set his body and head on fire.” I said, looking at a member of my pack. I shifted into my tiger and ran off in the direction that my mate and son had. I soon found them and saw that Erick had been fighting off the other vampires, but then he took off running after one of them. Erick’s P.O.V I was chasing a vampire through the woods, wanting to kill him, but I didn;t see the car coming until it was too late. I ran right in front of it and it hit me, making me fly through the air. I was shifting back into my human form as before I hit the ground hard with a loud thud. I heard as the car tyres screeched to a halt and then I heard footsteps coming towards me. I smelled the most alluring scent of cut grass and a hint of sunflowers. “Mate.” I whispered and I did it low enough that she wouldn’t hear me. “Yes, I need you to come fast, he’s hurt…” I heard the woman say and I assumed that she was talking on the phone because no one answered her.
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