chapter 5 Hitting what i thought was a animal

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May’s P.O.V   It was the end of a very long night at the store and we had done a lot of sales, mostly because it was ten percent off everything, which was something we did every month to raise sales and damn it was busy. I was now in my car, driving home and singing along with the radio when out of nowhere something ran right out in front of my car.    “WHAT THE f**k!!!” I shouted and slammed on my breaks,  but it was too late. I felt the car jerk as it hit the animal and then it knocked it flying somewhere. I screeched to a halt and jumped out of my car, looking for where the animal had landed and hoping that it was okay. I rushed over to the other side of the road towards the edge, but I didn’t see anything and then I spotted something in the bushes. I had to blink a few times because there in the bushes was a naked man, lying like he was half dead. He had bruises, cuts and what looked like bites all over him, but he wasn’t awake. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialled nine one one.   “Yes, I need you to come fast, he’s hurt…” I said, talking to the operator.   “Okay, I need you to calm down and tell me what happened while I get your location.” The operator replied and I nodded, but then I realised that she couldn’t see what I was doing.   “A man is badly hurt, please hurry. I don’t know who he is or what has happened to him, I just found him and he is cut up and beaten up pretty badly. He’s not awake either.” I said, telling her everything. She asked me a few more questions and then we hung up the phone. I kept trying to talk to him and getting him to wake up, but he wouldn’t. Twenty minutes went by and I heard the sirens of the ambulance, then it showed up and slammed on its brakes, stopping behind my car. Two EMT’s came running towards us and I stood back so that they could do their work. I still wanted to see if I could find the animal I’d hit, so I left to go search for it, but I couldn’t find it. I hope that wherever it disappeared to it would be okay.    “Excuse me, Miss. Do you want to ride with the man?” One of the EMTs asked, walking over to me.   “No thank you, I have my car, so I’ll drive behind you.” I said, shaking my head. I waited for them to load him onto the ambulance and then pull around so that they were in front of me and then I pulled away and followed them to the hospital. When I got there I followed the man and the EMTs into the hospital, but was told to go to the front desk to fill in a load of paperwork. I filled out what I could, which wasn’t a lot considering I had no idea who he was, where he had come from or what had happened to him.   “Please let me know when he wakes up. I don’t know who he is, but I would like to know that he’s okay.” I said and the nurse nodded.   “Of course, I will do my best.” The nurse replied and I handed her back the rest of the paperwork.   Hope’s P.O.V   I saw the young woman calling for an ambulance, but when she did I made sure that he was taken to the pack hospital on our territory. When I walked into the hospital I saw the young woman standing there, talking to the nurse, so I kept my distance and waited until she left, then I hurried over to the same nurse that the young woman had been talking to.   “How is he doing, Carrie?” I asked, praying that my son was okay.   “Hello Luna Hope, he is doing good and is healing fast. The young woman, er….her name is May Woods, didn’t know that it was him she had hit with her car, she thinks it was an animal that ran out in front of her, so it's all good.” Carrie replied, looking at the paperwork for her name and I breathed a sigh of relief.   “Alright, I’m going in the room to see him, by the way what did she want from you?” I asked, curious.    “She wanted me to call her when he woke up to let her know that he was alright.” Carrie replied and I was a little surprised. It made me even more curious about this human, especially as I had originally thought that humans weren’t very caring, but maybe I should get to know her.   Carrie’s P.O.V   “Well, you go do that, he will be up soon. I’m going to go see my son.” Luna Hope said and I nodded as I headed back to the nurses station. Why did this human want to know about future Alpha Erick? She’s a human and we all have to be careful, where they are concerned, so what was she after? There are some that know about us and they know that all we want is peace, but then there are those that know about us and don’t like us, then there are supernatural creatures that don’t like humans knowing about us. Either way we always have to be careful where humans are concerned. Humans don’t often come onto our land and when they do they normally just think that we are one big family and that we like living out in the woods. I sat down behind the desk just as Luna Hope came back to the desk.   “Carrie, did you call her yet?” Luna Hope asked and I shook my head no.   “Good, wait for about an hour or two and then call her. She’s a human and she will wonder why he woke up so fast if you call her now. Actually make it about an hour and then call her, let her know that he's awake and that he's asking about her.” Luna Hope said and my eyes went wide. Why would Erick be asking about a human? There was only one reason for him to be asking after her, but it can’t be that, can it?   “Did Erick find his mate, Luna Hope?” I asked and Luna Hope smiled.   “Yes, yes he did, sweetheart. Now comes the dangerous part of seeing if she will accept Erick and the rest of us. Hopefully she won’t go running from us when we tell her what we truly are. At least I have her name now, but I’m going to have to find out where she works and try to get to know her a little and well, you know.” Luna Hope replied and I nodded.   “Yes Luna, I understand. Let’s pray that she accepts us and future Alpha Erick.” I said, praying that she would.   Hope’s P.O.V   I went back to Erick’s room and sat down next to his bed. He was healing fast which was great, but he looked a little sad.   “She was right there, mom, she was trying to talk to me and get me to open my eyes, but I knew that if I’d have done that then I would have marked and mated with her right there and then. I kept my cool, but her voice…her voice was so beautiful. When can I go see her? We must figure out where she lives and works. Her name, I need to find out what her name is as well.” Erick said, looking at me and I began chuckling.   “Calm down, son, we will figure it all out in good time, but first you need to finish healing and then we will find out everything we can about her. I can already tell you her name is May Woods because she signed some paperwork when you were admitted. We had to make it look like a real hospital and not a pack hospital. We must be careful not to scare her.” I replied and Erick nodded, as he laid back and closed his eyes. I knew that he was still a little sore from the car accident and fight, by the way he winced when he moved and I knew that he had to be tired, so I let him get his rest. Almost an hour later Erick was awake and the doctor was checking him over, making sure his wounds were fully healed.   Erick’s P.O.V   “Well, future Alpha Erick, if you're ready to go home then you’re more than welcome to do so. Your wounds are fully healed apart from a little bruising on the inside, but shifting into your cat will help with that, so make sure that when you get home you go for a run.” The Doctor said and I nodded as I got up from the bed and got dressed with the clothes that my mother gave me.   “Your father should be here any minute, I mind-linked him to let him know that you are okay and that you also found your mate.” Mom said and I smirked. I remembered dad telling me I would soon find my mate and that she would be my other half. I didn't want a mate, but the mate bond was so strong that all I wanted to do was find her and get to know her. I finished getting dressed and then sat down on the bed, waiting for the paperwork to release me.   “So, you found your mate.” Dad said as he walked into the room and I rolled my eyes. Here comes the lecture, I thought to myself, but I was surprised when it never came and my dad only smiled at me.   “Are you ready to head out, I already signed your paperwork discharging you from here?” Dad said and I nodded. We left the hospital and all I could do was think of her. I wondered where she lived, what she was doing right now and if I would ever hear her voice again? I had to find her, I had to make her mine. When we got home I shifted into my cat and went for a run like the doctor told me to, to heal the bruises in my body, but the whole time I was running my cat, Nathan was purring in my head.   “Mate, want to go see mate, need mate, need to mate and mark mate now.” Nathan said, wanting to be near our mate.      May’s P.O.V   I was sitting on my couch, relaxing when I finally got the call from the hospital about the guy I found on the side of the road. I was really glad that he was alright and that he was awake, but when I hung up the phone I started to wonder what his name is, why he was so badly beaten up and why he was lying on the side of the road? All these questions ran through my mind and it made me wonder if one day we would see each other again. I finally got up from the couch and went to bed, as I had a long day tomorrow. Another truck was coming in and it needed to be unloaded, so I wanted to get there early and help unload the truck, then help price all the stuff up and stack the shelves. I went to lay down in my bed, exhausted from the day at work and also a nervous wreck from all the events after work. I laid down and pulled the blankets right over me, covering me up and then fell right to sleep.
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