chapter 6 wanting to see her,

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Updated. Erick’s P.O.V I knew I had pack duties to attend to, I needed to train and help my father with paperwork, so I tried to hurry with everything that I needed to do, but my dad knew I was on edge, he could feel it. He kept looking at me and shaking his head at me, but it wasn’t my fault I couldn’t get her out of my head, it was the pull of the mate bond. When we were finally done with the paperwork my dad handed me some more papers, but these were different. “What’s this?” I asked, looking at them. “It's where she works. Your mother is on her way there now, she wants to see where she works and get to know her. Just wait a day and then go see her, but let your mother do what she thinks is best first. She just wants to know that you will be safe with her.” Dad replied and I looked down at the papers in my hand. All I wanted to do was get in my truck and drive right to her, just so that I could see her and talk to her, but I knew that dad was right. “I’ll head over there tomorrow, even though this is killing me not going to see her now, I’ll do as you have asked and give mom this day, but tomorrow it's my turn. Right, I’m going to train some and see if I can get my mind off her.” I said and dad nodded as he watched me head out of the office. Rune’s P.O.V I had a feeling that he wasn’t going to train like he said he was, he was going to go to her. I knew that feeling all too well because I had it when I first met Hope, but I had to be careful because Hope was still with her first mate. I just prayed that Erick wouldn’t scare this girl away, but then again who knows, she may already know about us. Erick’s P.O.V I knew I should have waited for my mom to get back, but I was so torn about this. I wanted to go see her, this strange and mysterious woman that helped me, my mate. I knew that I should wait and I knew that I had told my dad that I was going to go train, but I couldn’t. I had made up my mind and got into my truck, then typed the address, where she worked into my sat nav and then I went on my way. I already knew that dad would probably mind-link mom to let her know that I was on my way, so I just prayed that she would do what she needed to do and then hurry out of there so I could see her. It was going to take me about an hour to get there, so maybe she will be gone by the time I get there, I thought to myself. Hope’s P.O.V It didn’t take long for me to find her address, especially as I already had her name from the paperwork she signed, so all I had to do was ask and look around a little bit. I drove for a while and finally got to the place that this girl worked at and I knew right away what I was going to do. I wanted to go talk to her, just to see what she was all about and to find out if she even knew anything about the supernatural. I wasn’t going to mention anything about it, but I was going to try dropping hints to see if she would pick up on anything. I was parked outside Gators retail store and I already liked the name of this place, but it made me wonder if they really did sell anything to do with gators. I got out of the car and headed inside, but then I smelled a scent and it immediately made me stop dead in my tracks. There were werewolves here and from what I could smell this place was not only full of them, it was also owned by them. I sniffed the air and picked up on his scent right away and he must have smelled my scent as well because he hurried over to meet me. “Mrs Hope, to what do I owe the honour. it’s a pleasure to see you as always, what can I get for you today?” Walter asked, smiling at me. I smiled at Walter and shook his hand, greeting him like the friend that he was. I told him everything that had happened, from the vampire attack, to Erick getting injured and being hit by a car, which just so happened to belong to his mate, who was human and working for him. “Her name is May Woods, do you think she knows anything about the supernatural, seeing as she works here for you?” I asked and Walter shook his head. “Wow, that's a lot of stuff to happen in the matter of a few hours, but no, I don’t think she knows anything. She hasn’t actually said anything about all of that, she just came in today and started working as she usually does. I know this girl works hard and then heads home every night, but that's about it. She’s a nice lady and knows her way around the paperwork, plus she doesn’t give me any s**t if I ask her to stay and work a little later than she tends to.” Walter replied and I nodded. “Can I meet her? If anything I want to thank her for saving Erick.” I asked and Walter smiled at me, then nodded. “Sure can, hold on…..May, can you come out here please, there is someone here that wants to meet you.” Walter said, looking behind him. So, my son’s mate is a hard worker, that's good, it means she will be able to earn her own way, which is just like me. May’s P.O.V I was just putting the last items up in the files and then I sat back, relaxing a little because my back was hurting from leaning forward the way I was. I picked up my water to take a sip of it, when I suddenly heard Walter calling me, telling me that someone wanted to meet me. Who would want to meet me? Did he maybe hire someone helse and that was why he was calling me out? We did need more people in this store, but that was up to him and I wouldn’t be needed for that, so what was this about? I got up from my chair, knowing that I still had a lot more to do, but the faster I got out there the faster I could get back and do what I needed to do. I walked out of the office and over to Walter, where he was standing with a woman. “You wanted to see me, sir?” I asked, confused as to who he wanted me to meet and why. “Yes, May, I would like for you to meet Hope, she is the mother of the man that you saved the other night. She wanted to come here to see you so that she could thank you for everything you did that night.” Walter said and I looked over at the beautiful woman with the prettiest green eyes and longest dark hair that I had ever seen. She had her hair up in a ponytail, but you could still see how long it really was and from the look of her she had a body to die for. I held out my hand to her and Hope took it, shaking it. “I’m really happy your son is okay, he really looked bad off. I wish I could have stayed with him, but I needed my rest for work the next day. How is he doing now?” I asked, curious as to whether he was better or not. “Yes, Erick is recovering nicely, he’s a fast learner and has always been that way, but I would like to thank you for staying with him until the EMTs arrived and even after that. I am sure that he would like to meet you and thank you, himself. It was a pleasure to meet you, May.” Hope replied and I nodded, while smiling at her. “The pleasure was all mine, but if you will excuse me, I still have a lot of work to do in the office and I must be getting back to it because if I don’t get back to it then I won’t be going home anytime soon.” I said, laughing a little. “That’s fine, dear, go ahead and do your work. I hope we can chat some more at another time.” Hope replied and I nodded as I turned on my heels and walked back into the office. I stuck my face into the computer and carried on with the rest of the work. There was still so much more to do, including figuring out when the next truck was coming, but I couldn’t help thinking about Hope. she really was a friendly person, unlike the other female here that keeps giving me dirty looks. Susan. If she keeps doing it then I’m going to need to confront her and tell her that she needs to stop being a b***h. I’m here to work, not do drama and all that other s**t. Apart from her I loved working here and it has loads of perks, like I get to buy things when it first comes out, which is how I got my new bed, dresser, couch, chair, dining room set and my flat screen TV, which was plenty big enough for me. Everything I’d bought from here had completed my home and now it was all just how I liked it.
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