Chapter 11.

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Updated.   May’s P.O.V   The morning came way too early and the birds were chirping really loudly as the sun was shining through my window. I could have sworn I shut the blinds last night, but I must have been wrong as they were open. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, showering, drying off and then getting dressed ready for work. I grabbed an apple for breakfast as I wasn’t that hungry and then left to go to work. When I got there Walter and Susan were waiting for me next to my assigned parking space, which made me feel very nervous and worried. Oh s**t, what did I do now? Am I in trouble, I thought to myself, but then I saw Walter holding Susan’s hand and it made me more confused. I remembered the conversation I overheard about mates and it made me wonder if this was what they meant, I seriously needed to look that word up and find out what it meant. I got out of my car and made a point of not noticing that they were holding hands.   “Hey guys, what's up, is everything okay?” I asked and they both smiled at me. Susan stepped forward and I was shocked when she suddenly hugged me.   “Listen May, I am so sorry for the way that I was treating you, I was a little jealous. You see I’ve been the only female in the shop for the longest time and I thought that you were after Walter, that you wanted to be with him, but over the weekend Walter and I talked and we decided to be together and he assured me that I was his one and only.” Susan said, breaking the hug and I was more than a little confused.   “That's great news, but uhm…Susan, I love Walter like an older brother and that's it. You honestly had nothing to worry about and if you had come and spoken to me about it I would have explained that to you. As long as I still have my job here then I’m happy for both of you.” I said and they both started laughing.   “Of course you do, who else is going to do all that computer work and besides, it seems that you have a fellow coming up and he’s looking right at you.” Susan whispered to me as she hugged me again. Susan broke the hug and I slowly turned around to see Erick pulling onto the car park and Susan was right he was looking right at me. He had a huge smile on his face and shortly after he parked his car there were a few others that pulled up behind him.   “I spoke to Erick and now I know that he wasn’t lying when he said that he would start first thing this morning.” Walter said, laughing and explaining the situation as everyone got out of their cars. I just watched as they all stepped into the store and headed to the office.    “Don’t worry, the build will go fast, he knows what wall he wants down and it will make the place a lot bigger. I’m going to go out and make sure the floor is clean before the customers start arriving.” Susan said, walking inside with me.   “Alright, I think there's a truck coming tomorrow and it's bringing new shelves and items.” I said and Susan nodded.   “Don’t worry, we’ll be prepared for it.” Susan replied and I nodded. It seemed that Susan was a little more friendly now, which was good because I was getting tired of her constant eye rolling and the snide remarks she would say every time I passed her by. I walked into my office and Susan left me alone, so I decided to google this whole mate thing that I kept forgetting about. I also wanted to see if werewolves or whatever other supernatural creatures might be out there were truly real, so I sat down and started looking online. I looked at everything I could find and when I was done I went to the search history and deleted all the information. I now knew with how they were acting and what I had overheard that I was a mate to either a werewolf, a werecat or a werebear, hell it could have even been a vampire for all I knew, but I wanted to find out. I started on the paperwork that needed to be done and before I knew it, it was all finished. I decided to leave the office and go out onto the shop floor to see what everyone was doing. I knew they were working hard because I could hear hammering and drilling going on, also people yelling to watch out for their heads and then when I got closer I could hear people talking. I recognised the voices to be that of Susan, Walter and Erick, but the weird thing was that they were talking about me. I wanted to listen to what they were saying, so I made sure that I was out of eyesight and stood there listening.   “Erick, you know that you need to tell her, how else will she ever know that she lives right by your pack? You're lucky that she didn’t stumble upon it.” Walter said, confusing me. Where was his pack?   “If she knew that it was you up in that tree watching her then she probably would have screamed her head off and ran until she couldn’t run anymore.” Susan said, shocking me.   “I know, I know that I need to tell her, besides she was just out walking on a trail that day and as far as she knows it was just a wild cat up in the tree. I was more scared of her than she was of me, remember I’m a werecat and one of the ones people love to hunt down and kill. I could have pretended I truly was a wild animal and chased after her, but instead I was just up in a tree, minding my own business. I was just watching her to make sure that no rogues came near her. Besides, how am I supposed to even start to tell her about all of this, I can’t just say ‘hey there, May, not only are you my mate, but I’m a werecat and you must now come with me to my pack because rogues might come and kill you’ I don’t think that's fair to her, the less she knows the better because the less she knows the less danger she will be in.” Erick said and I heard as they all sighed, whereas I just stood there listening and also in a little shock about all of this.   “Yeah, you’re right. If rogues found out your mate is a human then they might try to use her to kill your mom and dad and we can’t have that.” Susan said, agreeing with him, but confusing me.   “I know it's tough, but how about maybe showing her a little bit at a time, let her see things that she doesn’t normally see, but remember to take it slow. Don’t rush….” Walter started to say, but I made the mistake of leaning forward to hear better and I knocked over a piece of pipe that made a loud clattering noise when it fell. I hurried away from there and ran back to the office, then pretended to still be on the computer. The whole time I was hoping that they would just think that the pipe fell over on its own because I really didn’t want to end up in trouble. I waited for someone to arrive and tell me off, but no one came and then I started to think about all the other things that had happened. I was the mate of a werecat, but the tiger that I saw up the tree was white, so it makes me wonder if his mom and dad were the white tigers as well. I was going to really have to pretend that I didn’t know anything from now on, which was going to be really hard to do. I stayed in the office for a few hours, even though I had already finished all the paperwork, so I did the time sheets and paychecks for tomorrow as well. When I was finally done with that and done with hiding I left the office and walked over to Walter and Susan.   “Well, everything is finally done and the paychecks will be here tomorrow morning. Is everything done with the demolition of the wall to make the place bigger?” I asked and both Walter and Susan looked at each other before looking at me.   “Yeah, it has been done for a few hours now. Girl, don’t you realise that it's six at night, you should have gone home a few hours ago. You must have wanted to get everything done before tomorrow.” Susan said and I looked at my watch to see that she was right.   “Damn, I lost track of time. I was going to paint the front of my house when I got home today, but I guess that will have to wait. Well the truck will be here tomorrow at nine in the morning, so I’ll be here early to help unload everything.” I said and they both nodded.   Susan’s P.O.V   Walter and I watched as May hurried to leave and then I turned to face him, worried about how we were going to deal with this.   “Do you think she heard any of what we said? You know it was her that made the pipe fall, I smelled her scent on it, but it makes me wonder just how much she heard. We all know that if others find out that she knows anything then rogues will go after her, we need to be careful.” I said, but Walter just smiled at me and then he chuckled when I gave him a confused look.    “Susan, ever since you have shifted into your wolf for the first time you have become a wonderful Luna. I’m glad you stuck with me until then, but don't worry, she will be fine. Besides, even if she did hear any of what we said then I don’t think she would say anything. She’s a smart girl and I think we can trust her.” Walter replied and I nodded as we left the store and got into our car, going back to the pack house.   May’s P.O.V   The second I got back home I took my coat off and went straight over to my computer, turning it on and then I went into the kitchen. I made myself a cup of tea and when I came back out my computer had booted up, so I began looking for anything and everything I could find about werecats. I found this one website where the creator or owner of it seemed to know what he was talking about and when I looked through the pictures he had up there was a hand drawn picture of a woman that looked just like Hope and she was standing next to who I can only assume was her husband and Erick was standing beside them. I looked more carefully at the picture and I was absolutely certain that it was Hope and Erick, but the other I could only assume about as I hadn’t met him, but this only served to confirm what they had said. They really were werecats. Underneath the drawing there was a little piece written about them, so I read it. Werecats are protected by their family and friends, but they also protect their pack at all costs.    “Okay, so Hope, Erick and his dad were werecats, but what does that make Susan and Walter, seeing as they know about them too? They have to be supernatural, don’t they?” I said out loud to myself as I searched on the same webpage for other supernatural creatures. I found a section on werewolves and there were loads of photos, so I began to look through them. There were loads of people I didn’t know, but I kept scrolling in the hopes of not seeing Walter or Susan, but there they were. There was a picture of Walter and from what I could see the page had been updated and now included a picture of Walter and Susan standing together, underneath the picture was a small piece of writing, saying that they were the Alpha and Luna of The White River pack, which had over a hundred members. It said that they lived in peace and that they often had jobs and kept to themselves. I looked at the picture again and smiled because I thought Walter and Susan made a cute couple. There was one more thing that I wanted to look up while I was on here and that was the word rogue. I’d heard Susan and Erick use it, but I didn’t know what it meant and when I clicked search there was no picture, so I knew it wasn’t an actual person's name. I read the small section that was written up and I was shocked to learn that rogues were described as filthy wolves that never took showers and smelled of rotten eggs, rotten milk and sometimes blood and death. They were made rogues by either being kicked out of their pack for committing a crime or because they left due to being unhappy with their Alpha. Sometimes rogues would form their own packs to save each other, but mainly they stayed alone. They will murder and torture anyone that gets in their way, whether that be a man, woman or child, they don’t care.   “Damn, that's a lot to take in. Smells of rotten eggs, now that is just nasty. Who wouldn’t want to take a bath or shower?” I said to myself, shaking my head at the thoughts that came to my mind. Okay, so now I knew who and what my mate was, but what did he want from me? I was a human, so how could I be the mate of a supernatural creature? One thing was for certain, I was going to keep my mouth shut about all of this until I get tired of the lies and secrets, then I will start asking questions and see what happens. I looked at the clock and saw that it was now three in the morning and the cup of tea I had made was now ice cold, so I turned the computer off, emptied the tea away and washed the cup up, then went to bed. I had to be up in less than five hours in order to get to work on time, I thought as I closed my eyes and prayed that sleep would come soon.
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