Chapter 12

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Updated. May’s P.O.V The next morning I got to work and the truck arrived ten minutes after I did, which was good because I could get stuck in without wasting any time. The truck driver handed me the paperwork and I began calling off everything on the list, checking to make sure that it was here. I took the paperwork down to the office and put it on my desk as the others started unloading the truck and when it was finally done I couldn’t help noticing that the driver looked hot and sweaty, so I handed him a cold bottle of water. “Here, you look like you need it.” I said and he smiled. “Thank you.” The driver replied, getting back into his truck and leaving, while I went back to the office and started to load everything up onto the computer. It was a good job that Walter had expanded the store because there was a s**t load of stuff to put up and without the expansion there would be nowhere to put it. I was so busy typing away that I didn’t even hear anyone come into the office, until whoever it was cleared their throat and made me jump. I looked up and smiled when I saw Erick’s bright green eyes looking back at me. His hair was in a ponytail today and he was wearing a black shirt with blue jeans. Damn, did he always have to look so good, I thought to myself as I tried to look away from him, but then I noticed how muscular his arms were. I had to force myself to look away fast because I felt like I was drooling and I didn’t want Erick to see that, but then I heard him chuckle and my cheeks heated up. “Do you like what you see?” Erick asked and I shrugged. Might as well just tell him the truth and see what happens. “Yes, I do, what about it?” I replied and we both started laughing. “Listen, I was wondering if you would like to go to lunch with me? We could go to the Sheik or Subway if you like, it's fast and you can get back here after we eat.” Erick asked, just as my stomach growled. I hadn’t realised it was lunch time until he had just said. “Sure, let's go. I can go for a cold cut sub with extra meat and cheese.” I replied and he nodded. Subway was just two stores down, so it didn’t take any time at all to go there, order our food and then sit down to eat it. We sat outside and talked for a few minutes while we ate. “Hey, so, what are your plans for after work?” Erick asked, as I swallowed the food in my mouth. “Well, I brought some paint, so I’m going to be painting the front of my house when I get back, but it won’t take too long. You could come and help me if you want.” I replied and he nodded, but he looked confused. “I thought you said you hadn’t lived here long, so how come you’re painting the front of your house, I thought you were renting?” Erick asked, remembering what I told him when we went for dinner, which was true then, but a lot had changed in the last few days. “Yes, I was renting, but I decided to settle down here and asked the woman I was renting the house from if I could buy it. She didn’t want the house and was only too glad to sell it to me, so now I get to do whatever I want to it. Today I’m painting the front of the house and then I’m going to slowly build onto it.” I replied and Erick looked like he was deep in thought, like he was trying to figure something out. Erick’s P.O.V I thought about what she had said for a few minutes, but the whole time my mind kept going back to yesterday. I was certain that she had heard our conversation, if only a little part of it, but when the pipe landed on the floor I looked up and saw that she wasn’t anywhere to be seen. I couldn’t be one hundred percent sure, but she hadn’t mentioned it and she still agreed to go to lunch with me, so maybe she hadn’t heard anything. Either way I knew that I knew that I had to be careful right now, maybe one day I would tell her, but not right now. “Erick, are you alright?” May asked, waving her hand in front of my face and snapping me out of my daze. “Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about something. I would love to come and help you paint the front of your house, but in order for me to do so you would have to give me your address and that means you run the risk of me becoming a crazy stalker. Mwahaha.” I said, then followed it up with an evil movie type laugh, which made the both of us burst into fits of laughter. We sat there for a few more minutes and I could see that she was giving it some serious thought, but then she took a napkin and wrote her address down. “Meet me there at six this evening and we will start then.” May said, handing me the napkin. I nodded and quickly put it in my pocket. We talked for a little bit longer and then we walked back to Walter’s store, where May quickly got back to work, helping with the item sales. May’s P.O.V By the end of the day most of the new stuff that had come in on the truck had been put on the shelves and some of it had already sold, which was great. “Right then, I’ll see you both tomorrow.” I said, waving to Walter and Susan as I left the store. I needed to get home and get changed before Erick showed up, so I hurried to my house and changed into my work shirt and shorts. I got out the paint, brushes and trays, then started mixing the paint into the tray. I wanted to start it right away before it got too dark to do anything, so I started on the trim and the front door. I loved how the colour looked and when just as I was finished with that I heard a truck pull up behind me. I don’t know why he bothered driving here when he only lived twenty minutes away, but I suppose it is a long walk, yet he could have done his tiger changing thingy and got here, I thought, shaking my head. I turned around and noticed that he was wearing his hair up in a man bun again, but this time he was wearing a pair of old blue jeans, a white t-shirt and the same old beat up boots. I knew that he liked them a lot, but they were so beat up that I knew I would have to find a way to make sure he wouldn’t wear them anymore. I looked at the paint and thought about getting some on his boots, but then again he could just clean them off if the paint was able to be washed off. They looked so beat up and had definitely seen better days, maybe I could get him a new pair, I thought to myself, smirking. “Come on, let’s get started. I want to get the front done before night falls and we won’t be able to see anything.” I said, handing him a paintbrush. He nodded and started on the front wall next to the door, while I started painting the rails around the porch. After I finished the rails I moved to the trim on the windows and it wasn’t long before I heard him cuss. I looked back and smiled, when I saw what he had done, looks like I won’t have to drop paint on his boots after all, he’s done it all on his own. Erick’s P.O.V I made it to May’s house just as she was finished with the front door and she quickly handed me a paintbrush, so I got straight to work. We started painting and it wasn’t long before I dropped paint on my favourite boots. “f*****g bloody hell, my damn boots.” I cussed and then I heard May chuckle. “You keep laughing, missy and you’re going to be painted up yourself.” I said, glaring playfully at her and she just smirked at me. I saw her dip her paintbrush into the paint and I thought that she was just going to continue painting, but instead she swung the paint at me, hitting me. I had tiny droplets of paint splattered on my shirt, the tip of my nose and on my forehead. I did the same back to her and it landed right on her cheeks and in her hair, causing both of us to start laughing. After a couple hours the front of the house was painted and it actually looked really good, so we sat down on the porch for a while and May brought out some drinks for us. “Well, I’m going to get going. I don’t want you thinking that I’m a nice guy and all.” I said and she rolled her eyes at me, causing me to grin. “I know you’re a good guy, Erick, so don’t try acting like a Billy badass.” May replied and I started laughing. “Billy Badass?” I asked and she nodded. “Yeah, it's a guy that tries to act like a badass when he really isn’t.” May replied and I shook my head. I was only like this with her, but I couldn’t tell her that. “I’ll see you tomorrow, I gotta get going. How about I come pick you up and you can come over to my house to visit. I promise I won’t stalk you, plus I know my mom would like to see you again.” I said and she nodded. “Oh only if you promise.” May replied, standing up and facing me. I took that as my chance and gently pulled her towards me, then I leaned down and softly brushed my lips across hers. May’s P.O.V My whole body started shivering when I felt his lips softly run across mine and although I wanted so much more I held back. This was the first time he was over and I didn’t want to just jump his bones on the first night, even though every inch of me wanted him right here at this very moment. I had to control my body, mind and my heart. I watched Erick stiffen slightly for some reason and then he suddenly straightened up and pulled away from me. “I have to leave.” Erick said, kissing my cheek and practically running to his truck. Had I done something wrong? Did I scare him away somehow? I thought as I walked back into the house. I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower, but I couldn’t help feeling like I had somehow upset him. Erick’s P.O.V I finally made it home after racing away from her, but I was still so stressed. I could smell her arousal and I could tell that she was turned on, but she was trying to hide it and I knew that I had to leave right away or I would have taken her right there and then. I didn’t think she was ready for that, so I left before either of us could rush into anything. I went upstairs to my room, but just as I got there I noticed that my bedroom door was open just a little, which immediately caused me to roll my eyes. I opened my door wider and turned the light on to see that it was Caroline. She was a she-cat that had liked me before I even went on Alpha training and yeah we had our fun, but that’s all it was and I always told her that, so she knew that it was nothing more. She was lying in my bed, pretending to be asleep, which only made me roll my eyes at her. “You have until I get out of the shower to leave or I will toss you out.” I said, taking off my shirt and heading to the bathroom. I heard her huff, but I didn’t care, she knew I meant it.
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