Chapter 10. Into The Woods

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Updated.   May’s P.O.V   The next morning I didn’t have work because it was Sunday and the store was closed, so that we could get rest and start fresh on Monday. I stretched my arms and legs, then swung my legs over the bed and got up. I got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, made myself a cup of tea and then sat looking around at the living room, which was coming together nicely, but I still had three boxes that I had yet to unpack. I sipped my tea and relaxed a little before finally unpacking them and putting everything away where I wanted to, then I was done. I was officially moved into this place and I had made it my own. I had fixed some of the stuff on the outside of the house and it was starting to come together nicely, but I really loved it here and I never wanted to leave. This was now my home. I was still curious as to whether the guy I rented it off would sell me the house, so I messaged him, but he told me that he was only taking care of it for his cousin and I would have to ask her. He messaged me her phone number and I looked at it for a while, deciding whether it would be better to call or text her. I decided that since this was a serious matter that I would call her and deal with her over the phone, rather than texting her, so I called her number and she answered on the second ring.   “Hello, my name is May Woods and I’m renting the house in the woods from you. I was wondering if you would be interested in selling me the house, instead of me renting it? If you are then I could pay you until the house is paid off.” I asked, hoping that she would say yes. The other side of the phone was quiet for a few minutes and I had to check a few times to make sure that she hadn’t hung up on me, but then I heard noise in the background and knew that she was still there.   “The house isn’t actually mine, well it is, but it isn’t. It was left to me by an old friend that passed away a few years ago and I was hoping that someone would take it off my hands and buy it, but I never found the right person. I really don’t want it, but if you do then let's discuss numbers.” The lady said and I couldn’t help smiling from ear to ear. We talked about the house and how much work needed to be done to it, then she gave me the number she wanted for the house. I had received all the money owed to me from my last job and also the money from the sale from my old flat, so when I checked my bank account I was happy to see that I could afford it.   “You will have the money in your hands tomorrow.” I said, smiling.   “Really, oh that is great news. I’m so happy that I can hand it over to someone who really wants it. My friend was trying to do it up, but when they suddenly died obviously the house was left in a state, so I’m glad that it's in good hands now.” She said and I smiled. We arranged a time and place for me to hand over the rest of the money and then we hung up from each other. I was so happy that this place was going to be mine, I thought as I laid back on the couch and relaxed a little. I grabbed my phone and played a few games, then I decided to text Erick. I didn’t want to seem like I didn’t care, but at the same time I didn’t want to seem like I was too eager, so I decided to just write a few lines. Me - Hey Erick, I have today off and was wondering if you knew of any sight seeing places or trails. I was thinking of going on a hike, there's one close to my house, so if you don’t know any then I’ll just take that one. I sent the message and then waited for his reply, but after a few minutes there was nothing. I shrugged and put my phone in the pocket of my shorts. I put on my hiking boots, filled my water bottle up and decided to go on the trail that I had found. I walked out of the front door, locked it, but just as I walked a few feet away I looked back at the front of the house. It really could do with painting, so seeing as I have the day off maybe I could go to the store after my walk and find some paint I like. I could paint the front of my house today and then next weekend I could build on the back, make a bigger kitchen and then paint the back of the house, I thought to myself, planning everything out in my head. I turned back and started walking down the trail. I was happy to see that there were rabbits and deer here, some wiggled their noses at me, while others just merely looked up and then carried on eating. I did however notice a few baby deer that were hidden, but I didn’t dare try to go near them or mess with them as I didn’t want their mothers to abandon them. I carried on further down the trail and came to a small pond, so I sat down on a boulder that was near the edge of the water and watched the fish swimming. A few turtles were in there too and it was really cute and funny as they perked their noses above water and then went back under. This would be an amazing fishing spot, I could buy poles and catch some fish, then release them. If I wanted to I could even cook a few, I thought to myself as I got up from the boulder and brushed myself off. I saw a path just across from the pond and decided to save that path for another day. I walked away from the pond and back down the way I had come, hoping to see more of nature. The whole time I was sitting by the pond I felt like I was being watched, but just put it down to the many animals that were around me.   Erick’s P.O.V   I was up in the tree, in my tiger form, when I heard footsteps approaching and then I smelled her scent, she was so close to me. Holy s**t, I thought as I looked at the house she came out of. She lives right down from where my pack is. I sat in the tree and watched her as she watched the fish and turtles, but then I saw her looking at the path opposite, the path to my pack.   “Mom, dad, May lives in that old house that Helen used to live in. It makes me wonder if she is renting it or if she has bought it, but either way she has found the trail, so we need to be careful. I’ll keep an eye out for her to make sure that nothing attacks her.” I said, mind-linking my parents.   “Keep an eye out for her, I’m sure she’s only going for a hike on the trails there and I think that one of our warriors saw her before you came back home, so all is good. I think that she is just out walking, just be careful and don’t let her see you.” Dad said and then ended the link. I watched as she walked away from the pond and I carefully hopped down from the tree, then slowly began following her. Every time I thought that she was going to look back I would climb another tree and stay out of sight, so that she wouldn’t see me. This was a little fun for me, watching her and seeing what she liked to do, also finding out what animals she liked to watch. I did this for a couple of hours until she was finally back home and then I decided to call it a day, but I guess she must have felt something because she suddenly stopped and looked around. I managed to hide in a tree, but then she looked up and saw me. Her eyes went as wide as saucers and I thought she was going to freak out, maybe even run away, but instead she smiled and started to talk to me.   May’s P.O.V   I felt like someone was watching me and I don’t know why but I had the sudden urge to find out what or who it was, so I looked around and then for some reason I looked up and there was a beautiful white tiger.   “Well hello there, are you the one that has been watching me? Don’t worry, I’m not out to hurt you or anything else here. You are beautiful. Are you on look out duty or something? Well don’t worry because I’m heading home now, little one.” I said and with that I slowly walked away from it. I knew that if I showed any fear then it would sense it and I would probably be its dinner, but I honestly didn’t feel afraid when I looked at it, which is why I spoke to it the way I did. When I knew I was a safe distance from the tiger I began running as fast as I could all the way back home. I ran to the front door, unlocked it and hurried inside, closing and locking the door behind me. I fell back on the couch and began laughing as I thought about my lucky escape, but also the look on the tigers face when I started talking to it. It honestly looked like it was listening to me, then it looked at me like I was crazy or something. After I settled down a little I took a quick shower and got dressed, then left my house and got into my car. I drove off to find a paint store, so that I could paint the front of the house and after driving for almost thirty minutes I found one. I went inside and the guy that worked there helped me choose the right colour. I didn’t want to stand out because I lived in the woods, so I wanted a woodsy colour that would make my house blend in with its surroundings. The guy brought out a brown paint that had a tint of green to it as well, which was perfect because it would match the woods around me. I loved the colour and didn’t need to think about it, so I paid for it, then drove home. It was getting pretty late, so I decided that I would paint the front of the house tomorrow after I finished work. When I finally got home it was already dark, so I took the paint into the house, made myself a cup of tea and then went back out to sit down on the porch. I sat there and listened to the owls and crickets, even the frogs were croaking tonight and it all sounded wonderful to me. I loved the sound of nature, it was the main reason I picked this house because I could relax and listen to everything around me. After a while I went back into the house and sat down on the couch, putting the TV on and began watching the news and weather. I was glad to see that it was going to be a bright and sunny day tomorrow.   “Good, after work I can paint and there will be nothing to it. I’ll just have to make sure that I can leave a little early so I can do it.” I said out loud, talking to myself. I often did that and people thought it was weird, but I didn’t care. After watching the news I turned the TV off and went to bed, thinking about what I was going to do tomorrow and also thinking about the beautiful white tiger I had seen in the woods today.
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