Chapter 13

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Updated. Caroline’s P.O.V I knew I was taking a chance when I came here, but I couldn't help myself. I opened the door to Ericks room, letting myself in and then pulled the door, so that it didn’t close completely. I took my clothes off and laid them on the chair in the corner, then I got into his bed and waited. I listened for his footsteps and then I smelled his scent, so I pretended to be asleep. “You have until I get out of the shower to leave or I will toss you out.” Erick said and I heard him walk across the room into the bathroom. I huffed and got out of the bed, but decided against leaving. I waited until I heard him get into the shower, turn the water on and then I went to the bathroom door. I opened it and watched him get all soapy before I slowly walked into the bathroom and then opened the shower door. I stepped inside and stood behind him, but then he turned and growled at me. What the hell was that for? “Oh don’t growl at me, you know you like how I sneak up on you like this.” I said, rolling my eyes as I got down on my knees. I grabbed onto his already hard thick c**k and brought my mouth to it, touching the head of it. It was almost too big to fit in my mouth, but I knew that he wanted this and I knew I did too. “We always used to have fun and it could be so much more.” I said, then swirled my tongue around the head of his d**k. Suddenly Erick grabbed my shoulders and picked me up from the shower floor. “You she-cats need to get a grip.” Erick said, pushing me out of the shower and leading me back into the bedroom. “Get dressed now.” Erick commanded me and I quickly did as he had said. “I’m going to need to change the locks on my door. Listen, If there was another time or place then we could’ve had fun, but I found my mate, Caroline.” Erick said, making me scoff. “Erick, you can’t be serious about her. I heard that she’s a human, so what can she do for you?” I replied, rolling my eyes, but Erick didn’t say a word. He must have known I was right, but when I turned to face him he grabbed me by the arm, opened the door and shoved me out. “Don’t ever come back here.” Erick said, shutting the door in my face. How could he do that to me? How could he choose her over me? I’m a werecat just like him, so how could he choose some weak human over me? Erick’s P.O.V Tomorrow I was definitely going to change those locks, no matter what. I got back into the shower and washed Caroline’s scent off me, but damn if I didn’t have a mate then I would definitely have jumped on that in a heartbeat. I finished up washing, then got out of the shower and dried off before going back into the bedroom and getting into bed. I could have at least let her finish me off, maybe I could have even f****d her hard and then had her leave, especially as May and I aren’t official just yet, so what could it hurt? I thought to myself, but then I heard my tiger growl in my head. “ARE YOU SERIOUSLY f*****g THINKING ABOUT THAT f*****g b***h?! SHE IS NOT OUR MATE, ERICK! YOU’RE HORNY, THAT’S YOUR PROBLEM, SO STOP ACTING LIKE A f*****g CAT IN HEAT! YOU HAVE A MATE, SO JUST GIVE IT TIME, BUT IF YOU KEEP THINKING THIS s**t THEN I SWEAR I’LL MAKE YOUR d**k GO LIMP EVERY TIME YOU TRY TO USE IT! I’LL MAKE SURE THAT YOU WON’T EVEN BE ABLE TO GET IT UP FOR OUR MATE!!” My tiger, Nathan, shouted in my head, making me laugh. “Do you remember the last time you threatened me with that and I blocked you for several days, so just knock it off.” I replied and Nathan huffed. “Alright then, fine, how about this, if you cheat on our mate then I will tell your mom and dad, now what have you got to say about that?” Nathan said and I knew that this time he wasn’t joking. “Nathan, now you listen to me, if you keep this s**t up then I swear I will ask the Moon Goddess for another cat.” I said, getting out of bed and walking towards Caroline’s room. I was just about to knock on the door when suddenly my dad appeared next to me and stopped me. “Erick, what the hell do you think you’re doing? You have a mate, Erick, are you going to disgrace her like this?” Dad said and I stood there in shock. I wasn’t even thinking about that, I was just thinking about getting it on with no strings attached. I never wanted to hurt May, I just wanted to have a little fun. My dad looked at me and I could see the disappointment in his eyes as he grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Caroline’s room. He pulled me into the office and shut the door behind us, then turned to face me. “Now you listen to me, I was just like you when I was younger and I was always wanting to fool around when I didn’t have a mate, but the second I found out that Hope was my mate everything stopped. I had my fun but the second your mother came in the picture that was when it all stopped. It doesn’t matter if she has accepted you, you have mated or even made it official, she is still your mate and it's still cheating, which as you know is against the rules. If you decide that you don’t want her as your mate then reject her and maybe the Moon Goddess will be kind enough to grant you a second chance mate, but until she is your mate and I will not let you disrespect her like you were just about to. If you cheat on her, Erick then so help me I will cut you off from everything, from being the next Alpha of this pack and from me and your mother. Is that clear? You will bring her here tomorrow and show her around, then if you still feel the same way that you do now then reject her and let her go on her way so that she can be happy with someone else, but you will not cheat. Is that clear?” My dad said and I quickly nodded. I had never thought about rejection, but I would do what my father had said, especially as I didn’t want him upset with me and I definitely didn’t want my mother upset with me. What the hell was I thinking? “I’m sorry, I really wasn’t thinking with the right head, if you know what I mean, but I’ll do what you have told me to. I’ll bring her here tomorrow and then I’ll make my choice after that.” I said and dad nodded. “Good, bring her here tomorrow and I’ll make sure to let everyone know that there will be no training or anything else while she is here, until then keep it in your pants. Now head up to bed and get your rest.” Dad said and I nodded again. Dad was right and I knew he was, hell even my tiger had told me about it as well and I didn’t listen, but I would now. Unknown’s P.O.V I have been watching this human for a few weeks now and I like how she does things. Maybe I could change her into one of us and she could be my mate, but Erick is always around her so I can’t just walk up to her. I know where she works, so maybe I could head to her job tomorrow and have a chat with her. Maybe I could even ask her out and she might agree. I could always keep an eye on her to make sure that she doesn’t know about us just yet and if she doesn’t, then by the time I get done with her she will know everything there is to know about the supernatural. I won’t hide anything from her, like Erick is. This is going to be so much fun, but I need to hurry back home and let my pack know what I’m planning on doing. I need to get to her before Erick does because if I can claim her before he does then she will be my mate and Erick won’t be able to be the next Alpha in his pack.
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