Chapter 6: Denmark Lopez

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Saturday morning.   I can see the excitement in Shia's eyes as soon as we arrived at Silent Town proper, Vind City.   We immediately planned this hangout after our professors told her that she passed all of her special exams.   And not just passed it. She actually aced it.   So, to give her some rewards, Justin agreed for us to take her here in the town proper to have a little tour. Well, she works hard for it.   “So? Where do you want to go first?” Charlie asked Shia.   “Why don’t we eat first for starters,” she said. “After that, let’s go shopping. I have a lot of things to buy.”   I couldn't help myself but smile while I was staring at her.   Well, she looks like a child. Happily turning her head side by side. Looking amazed on everything.   And she kinda looks cute.   “Hey,” Nico put his arms on my shoulder. “Don’t stare at her too much.”   I felt my cheeks hot so I immediately turned my eyes off her. “I… I didn’t.”   “Dude, I was looking at you the whole time as soon as we arrived here,” he whispered. “And you didn’t take your eyes off her.”   I looked at him. “What?”   He smirked. “Well, I just have this kind of feeling that you will stare at her reaction once she sees this place. And you are kinda cute, that makes me want to tease you.”   “Oh, shut up.” I take his arms off me. “And stop teasing me, you dork.”   “Don’t be so serious, dude.” He patted my shoulder and then turned to Shia. “I already made a reservation at one of our restaurants so let’s go there.”   Nico and Charlie’s family own a lot of restaurants and hotels around the province of Vind. And both of them are the heir of their own family.   And that’s the reason why most of our classmates are not close to them.   They are too intimidating and they actually intended to act like that. Well, I can’t even blame them.   They have the money and influence that everybody will want so most people will try to get close to them.   And both of them don't want to deal with that kind of thing so they distance themselves from our classmates.   That’s why I don’t understand them for being the first one who initiates friendship with Shia since the very first day of her in our school.   And that’s not all.   They also volunteer to tutor her even though they are busy most of the days because of their mother’s order to them.   So I am kind of curious why they are too close to her.   “I didn’t know that you are from a rich family, Nico,” Shia said as we entered the five star restaurant that was owned by Nico’s family.   “Yeah,” Nico said. “My dad owned a lot of restaurants while my mother owned hotels.”   “Oh.”   We sat at the reserved table that Nico prepared for us and I can say that this is one of the tables that only those VIP can use.   “There are a lot of girls who know that Nico will come here so most of the regular tables are full,” Charlie said. Maybe she noticed that I was wondering why they had to reserve this table. “Only the VIP section was the only one open for us to use.”   “Eh?” We all turned to Shia. “Is that okay?”   “Don’t mind it, Shia,” Nico said. “I already told my mother about you and she’s the one who said that we should just use this rather than risk it on the regular table where we might not be able to eat properly.”   He is right. Because I am sure that those girls around the regular section will stare at Nico if we try to sit there.   “Well, if you say so,” Shia said. “Just thank your mother for me.”   Besides, the VIP section had a nice view that really gave us a more astonishing experience.   Most of Nico’s restaurants are located in the seaside area. That’s why the VIP section is placed under the water. Where the ceiling is made of glass that makes us see all the things under water.   Such as colorful coral reefs and different kinds of sea creatures.   Well, I am not a sea person so I rarely go to this kind of place but I didn’t expect that they would have this kind of nice place where I really enjoy the whole scenery.   Especially when I am with someone who looks like a child that amazes on everything around her.   “Anyway, Shia,” Charlie said. “Are you free next week?”   Shia nodded. “I don’t have any plans yet for next week. Why?”   “Nico’s mother and mine are actually best friends,” Charlie started. “And Nico talks a lot about you to his mother so they got curious about you.”   “And they want to meet you as soon as possible,” Nico added.   “Eh?” I can see panic in Shia’s eyes while she was thinking of something to say.   And I don’t blame her for giving that kind of reaction. These two really shocked her with something that she is not used to.   I kinda knew that Shia is someone who talks a lot with people. She is shy and reserved so she often feels nervous when talking to someone, especially if she isn't close with those people.   And meeting the mother of her friends is not something that she can immediately accept without preparing herself.   “I am sure that Shia wants to meet both of your moms,” I said, which made them look at me. “But don’t you think that you are giving her a heart attack for suddenly opening that thing.”   “Ah,” They scratched their heads as they realized what they had done.   Well, I am sure that they also notice what I notice about Shia so they know that they shouldn’t ask her something just like meeting new people as soon as possible.   “Sorry, Shia.” Charlie held her hand. “You don’t actually need to agree on meeting them as soon as possible. You can take your time and then, let me know when you are ready.”   “Ah,” Shia is frowning right now. Maybe she didn’t know that she is the kind of introvert who needs a lot of time to prepare themselves before meeting some people.   “Let’s just drop this topic and start eating,” Nico said. “We can resume that some other day.”   “For now, let’s just enjoy the whole day because we might not have another time like this next time,” Charlie added.   And I agreed with them.
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