Chapter 7: Shia Cristella Michirian

1079 Words

We already roamed most of the establishments here in the town proper. We even brought all the necessary things that we needed to buy. And of course, I also bought some things to give to Nico, Charlie and Denmark for some appreciation for the things that they did for me.   And to be honest, this whole day was so much fun that made me think of doing it again some other time.   Though, I am not really sure if we had that kind of time so I will just enjoy this day.   And I can see that they are also enjoying this tour.   "I gotta be honest with you, Shia," Charlie said. "This is actually the first time that we had time to just roam and enjoy this place."   "Eh? Why?" I asked. "I mean, you are originally from here so I assumed that you are always hanging out here."   "Not all the pe

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