Chapter 5.1: Shia Cristella Michirian

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After our morning class, Nico and Charlie immediately dashed their way out of our classroom.   They must be really in such a rush because like what Nico said to me earlier, they didn’t even say goodbye to me.   They just get their stuff in their bag and go. Without even looking back.   “They're really in a rush, huh.” Denmark said when he is already in front of me. “You are ready?”   I nodded. “But I really wanted to eat before taking my exam. Is that okay with you?”   He smiled. “That sounds good.”   I stood up and smiled at him. “And it is my treat.”   We started to walk out of our classroom to go to the cafeteria.   “That would be my way of saying thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” I said.   “You really shouldn’t have to do that.”   “But I want to,” I said. “You are really a great help to me so I want to do some little payback. And please, let me do this one, okay?”   He sighed and just nodded his head. “Fine.”   When we got to the cafeteria, we bought and grabbed our food and sat in a corner and started eating.   I only have twenty minutes for our lunch so this will be quick.   “So? Are you sure you are prepared for your exam?” Denmark asked.   I nodded. “Yes, I am. And you know, I actually can’t wait to finish this special test.”   “So you can finally tour around the city?”   “Nope,” I said. “So that I won’t get any special treatment anymore.”   He frowned. “What do you mean?”   “Oh, come on.” I waved my hand. “I know that most of our classmates don't want what is happening around me. I am not that dense. They don’t like me and that is the reason why only Nico, Charlie and you are the only ones who keep talking to me.”   “Well,” He scratched his head. “I guess, I can’t deny that one.”   Oh, yes. No one really talks to me inside our classroom. Though, they don’t really want to say anything against me but they keep their distance from me as if I am an outsider in their class.   And I am not really surprised about that.   That is what always happened to me when I was still at my previous school. But the reason was different.   When I was still on Cena, everyone in our neighborhood and in my previous school treated me like some kind of invisible.   We owned a huge house in an exclusive subdivision in Cena City. That was a parting gift from my mom’s friend but the job that Mom had cannot afford to give both of us a high level of lifestyle.   And that made our neighbors think that we are some social climbing trying to be level with them. Some gold diggers who were trying so hard to enter their world.   And even though they don’t want us in that place, they don’t have any choice but to let us stay there. Well, we are really part of the homeowner because our house was put under my mother’s name. They cannot kick us out of there even if they beg.   So, they made sure we felt like an outsider in the whole neighborhood. They treat us like we are just a wind and invisible so I kinda really used to getting this kind of situation.   “But don’t really think bad about them,” he said. “They are just, you know, don’t want something unusual for them.”   “And I am unusual?”   He nodded. “You just got here this late, all the professors are giving you so much favor, Nico and Charlie are already close to you right from the very first day when they don’t really associate much with our other classmates. You are the hearthrob professor’s step sister that made most of the girls envy you for being close with him.”   “And I am already close to our class representatives the very first day we met,” I added. “And that is being unfair.”   But I know that this is all normal for them because life isn’t really fair.   Jealousy and envy are always on every person’s skin. So they don’t want to get others any favors more than they have.   I sighed. “I don't really think bad about them. I was just, you know, upset because I didn’t do anything wrong.”   “Don’t be,” He held my hand. “I am sure that when this extra favor that you are receiving for being a late comer is over, they will stop thinking anything about you.”   “Well, I just hope so.”   After we finished our food, we immediately went to the faculty room. And maybe, I was really too lucky because I didn’t need to wait for the professors to finish their lunch.   They immediately gave me my test papers and let me take my special exam. They even prepared an extra table for me to use it.   Ah, I don’t really know why they are being too nice to me.   And now that I can see it clearly, I don’t think they are like this to me just because I am Justin’s step-sister. They have other reasons except that I am their student and they need to guide me.   Reasons that I can’t really see and I don’t really have the guts to ask them because I am shy.   Anyway, I managed to answer all the questions in the test paper. And I am glad that everything in here is what I reviewed and it made me confident that I will really pass this special exam.   So, when I turned in my paper to the professors, they immediately checked it so they could prepare my files as real students of this school and finally keep up with all the latest lessons that we are currently discussing in our class.   “Okay, Miss Michirian.” Miss Grimm called me so I immediately went near her. “We already checked all your test papers and…”   To be honest, I don’t really feel nervous with the result of my test because I knew I passed it.   “Oh, well.” She gave me my papers. “You seem confident so I won’t suspense you more. You actually aced all of it.”   My eyes widened. “Really?” I knew that I would pass the test but I didn’t expect to aced them all.   “You really are smart, Shia,” she said. “Just like what your previous teacher said. So please keep it up even though you change your school here, okay.”   I nodded. “I will.”
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