Chapter 8: Denmark Lopez

1182 Words

“Good morning, everyone,” I greeted the whole class when I entered our classroom. “I hope you all have a great weekend.”   “Looks like you are the one who had a great weekend,” Russel said, one of our classmates who was also sitting in front. "You did something?"   "Yeah," I said. "Charlie, Nico and I hung out all day last Saturday."   “Really?” He looks so surprised and I can’t blame him because it is really not possible for Charlie and Nico to go and just have fun with anyone in our school.   Well, as I already said before, those two are the heirs of the richest family around Vind province. So, being with them outside the school is kind of rare.   “Yes,” I said. “And Shia is with us.”   “Oh,” He nodded. “The new girl. I am kind of amazed that she managed to get close to those

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