Chapter 5: Shia Cristella Michirian

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Just like what Aicy said, she came over to our house right after our class. But right before dinner time, she had to go home because she was supposed to meet someone and she already promised to that person that they will do their projects together right before we met earlier.   So, I had to let go of her.   Besides, we already talked about everything in our lives after we got separated. Though, she still has many things that want to tell me so we will schedule another meeting with each other.   And as for me, I already talked about my life and I don’t have anything anymore. My life is too boring unlike hers.   “You looked sad.” Justin is already sitting beside me and I didn’t even notice it. “Something happened?”   I shook my head. “I am just thinking.”   “About what?”   “A lot of things,” I said. “And about the changes that happened in my life ever since I got here.”   To be honest, I envy my cousin.   I feel like I have been left behind in life and it is hard for me to keep up. It is like I have missed so many opportunities in life that is why it has been so boring. And it is like I still don’t know much about this world because I was too busy taking care of myself and too afraid to be with someone closely.   “Is it bad?” he asked. “I mean, is it a bad kind of change?”   “I…” I sighed. “I don’t really know. I am still adjusting to this new environment so I can’t really say if it is good or bad.”   He nodded. “Well, I can understand that because all the things that you are experiencing right now are new to you.”   “Yeah,” I said. “Being in this huge house. Having someone that stays in this house. Someone who helps me if something troubles me in school. It is all new to me and I don’t know how to absorb everything without feeling overwhelmed.”   I sighed.   When I agreed to this kind of setup, I already accepted that my life will really change. But I didn’t expect it to be this fast.   I thought I could take my time but it seems like I don’t have control over this kind of change.   “But I can see in you that it is not a bad change,” he said. “Your eyes seem different compared to when I first met you. You were so dull and lifeless before. You are not even smiling but all of that changes specifically when you entered school and met those kids that you consider as your friends.”   I couldn’t say anything. Well, what he said is true but I didn’t expect that he would notice me and remember everything he sees about me.   “And don’t stop yourself from experiencing all of it,” he said. “It is all normal so you don’t have to be afraid.”   I just nodded.   “So…” He stood up and stretched his body. “I gotta go.”   I frowned. “Where are you going?”   “In my study room,” he answered. “I still have some wo--” He stopped talking when I showed him a key in my hand. “What are you going to do?”   “Your dad told me to do this,” I said. “And I will not give it to you until you take your rest.”   “But--”   I shook my head and stood up. “Sorry, Justin. I am just following your dad.” And before he could even say anything, I immediately turned my back on him and ran.   And all I could hear from him was his curses because he knew he couldn't do anything but to follow his father.   __________   Until now I still can’t help myself but to laugh about what happened earlier in the morning.   Well, because I locked Justin’s study room, he doesn’t have any choice but to sleep early. And of course, he is not happy about what I did so when he woke up, he immediately went in front of my room and continued to knock on my door.   When I opened it, I saw his frowned face while insisting on getting on the key. And since I got to see that he really rested well last night because of his super messy hair, I didn’t think twice about giving it to him.   But of course, I warned him that I will lock it again if he didn’t finish all of his work in school after work hours.   “Hey,” Nico sat beside me. “It looks like you had a great morning.”   “I did,” I said. “And I hope that it will be good for the rest of the day.”   “Well, I am sure that you will be,” he said. “Anyway, good morning. And good luck on your special exam later. We really won't have time to talk to you later.”   “Eh?” I turned on him. “You and Charlie are really busy, huh.”   “This work was given to us by my mother so we really need to get it done by today,” he said. “Just eat your lunch with Den then, you can go immediately to the faculty room where you will take your special exam.”   “Hmm,” I nodded. “Okay, thanks. Then, good luck too. I hope you will be able to finish it.”   I started to review again just to be sure that I will be able to pass my exam. I don’t want to waste the effort of those who help me.   And for me to finally keep up with the class.   So that the issue circulating around our class will finally stop.   I am not that numb and stupid.   I know most of them are actually thinking that I am getting a special treatment because I am Justin’s step-sister. And that is also the reason why they don’t say anything in my face.   But they don’t really like me.   And I hope that it will stop after everything is finished.
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