Episode 5

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Sage Preston was taken aback definitely by the information from Harry Crescent who seemed to be the worst mate one could ever have. He had left after dropping the bombshell and Sage couldn't help but refocus on her mother who looked away to hide the truth. Sage felt like screaming out. She does not know what to think anymore but she knows what to do. Inwardly she vows never to marry anyone else but Quincy Moon. She is even carrying his babies so there is no way around it anymore. " Mother, what is going on? Why can't I break the mate bond with Harry Crescent? What is going on with our family and his? " " Sage you have to marry Harry no matter what " " Why? " The lady challenged angrily. " Because he is Alpha Kyro's younger brother? " " That too " Sage's mother replied now as she whirled around to stare at her daughter. " Harry is your mate and his family is the only one who can save us now " The words sink into Sage's plain mind and she frowns in confusion. " Save us? Save us from what? Mother, what is going on? " She asked again in awe. She wonders why things seem to have changed drastically in her one month's absence. " Alpha Quincy is dying Sage and once he breathes his last the Crescent family will take over the moon pack. Those who were on their side before the takeover will be spared while those who go with Alpha Quincy will meet their death. Now you are my daughter and I do not want anything bad to happen to you. Thank goodness you got Harry Crescent as a mate. If you marry him, which you will we can ... " Sage managed to listen to the words but after some seconds her mother's voice trailed away into the background and all she could overhear now and think of was the face of Quincy and his voice. Stunned totally by the reality, Sage staggered out of the house and stood still in the street before staring ahead to that lamp that stood magnificently at the top of the massive gate. The lamp is still on and the light on it is glowing very brightly which means the Alpha is alive and well. The lamp of light represents the leader of a pack. In rain and snow, the lamp continues to glow but the moment the Alpha died it got put off. Quincy is still alive. Oh, thank you so much, moon goddess. Sage found herself saying inwardly. She was about to look away now when all of a sudden the lamp immediately dimmed, going unsteady. It came to the young lady as a shock and her jaw fell at once. The lamp wavers again and this time it aims to get off. Sage knows better than anyone when it does that so she does not want to wait to see the outcome. Instead, she headed at once towards the building where Alpha Quincy lives. Everyone she passed by was surprised at her acts but she did not care. All she wanted was for Quincy to be saved no matter what. Sage at last arrived at his building. She made to go in but a security hefty man stopped her immediately, blocking her way. " The Alpha is closed for today. He won't be attending to anyone " The guard said but Sage jutted up her chin. " I am seeing Quincy tonight. He is dying " " Go back " " I won't " She replied determinedly. " I want to see my Alpha. Get out of my way! " The security guard is finally bad enough. He signals the other guards to take Sage away but then a voice comes just before the men make physical contact with her body. " Let her in " That was the thick deep voice of Quincy Moon, the man who had stolen away Sage's heart and soul even without being her mate. At she heard his voice, Sage felt emotional and she saw the security guards parting ways for her to go in. She did, she walked on with her heart in her throat, through the small hall and into the very large living room. That would be the very first time Sage or anyone other than Quincy's Father would ventured so far to Quincy's abode. The man who never interacts with anyone from the outside world. Sage didn't have the time to marvel at the tidiness or anything in the house, she only focused on the man who stood beside the window, peering out. Quincy's curly hair flows very lovingly around his back as he stands still with his hands crossed on his chest. He was cladded in a crew neck sweatshirt but he wore a rain coat over it. the coat swirling at the top of his boots. Sage was surprised to see him wearing his gloves as he manager to keep every bit of his body out of sight. He was focusing on the lamp that stood on the gate and he saw for himself how it was wavering. " You have come to say goodbye? " He asked after a long time without turning to her. " You have come to bid me goodbye and then go off to the Crescent family? " Sage Preston was astonished by the indirect accusation but she managed to wave it off and asked instead. " Quincy, are you okay? I saw the lamp that represents the Alpha's health wavering. Please ... Do not tell me you are dying. Are you ... " " That one? " He cut in gently. " That is just a decoy. It's not real " The lady got more confused. She quickly Stated it must be his failing health that has caused him to go delusional. " Quincy are you okay? I thought you were dying and ... " " I am dying. So what? " He cut in again, softly. " That is what you wanted, isn't it? So I won't be able to bother you anymore " " Quincy ... " " You are a betrayal. Your brother and you betrayed me " " Quincy, what in the world are you talking about? What is going on? " At last, the dominant man turned around gently to settle his sapphire blue eyes on her. His gaze was cold and expressionless. Sage realizes there is something off with him that night. He didn't seem angry but sad. " Where were you all this month? With your mate who cheated on you? " Sage shook her head at this and she quickly replies. " I was studying, taking my examination. I had to travel to Las Vegas for the tutorial " Silence fell after this reply and Sage could tell the man was taken aback. He marched forward to her now, taking his step gently and each one he took forward did nothing but fear Sage so much. At last, he stood before her, walking out of the dimly lighted areas to the light where Sage stood. Quincy a man with a very handsome face gulped down hard and then asked again to clarify his doubts. " You didn't go to the Crescent family? You didn't ... try to betray me? " Sage shook her head again and this time she explained with a completely confused expression on her face. " Listen I was Scared a month ago when you ascended the post as an Alpha. I told Gage you might keep summoning me for s*x and this I do not want. Gage then suggested I go for my examination. Once I return I would have kept a clear mind and even have the strength to break the mate bond between Harry and I. I know nothing about betrayals or ... " Quincy suddenly grabbed her wrist but then his clutch released and it turned tender. He couldn't believe his ears and he was so willing to believe her so he asked again with desperation written boldly on his sexy blue eyes. " Sage ... Are you telling the truth? You didn't know about ... Anything about the conspiracy? " The lady stared up at him very lovingly and unconsciously the tears clouded her eyes. Her heart misses him so much and now he is here, so close, holding her. She suddenly goes into his arms, hugging him so tightly with her heart aching. The love she had for him is so intense and gradually going toxic. It almost seemed as though she couldn't breathe without him and this truth scared her so much. Quincy Moon felt more for her. It is obvious and Sage knows this. He circled his arms around her too, so tightly as he worried she might vanish. That their reconcilation might be an imagination like he always thought. " I thought I lost you too. I thought ... I thought you were among the enemies I got Sage and I was scared. I was sad " He pulled her back to stare deeply into her eyes for a brief seconds before claiming her lips with his, making her moan into his mouth. The two lovers were lost in one another's arms for a short moment. Sage was lost in no time in Quincy's arms and she took no time before aiming for his Tshirt, going under and deeper. She wants more than just a kiss and the Alpha is willing to give it out but all of a sudden he pulls back and unexpectedly slump down to his knees. To Sage's awe, Quincy sprawled on the floor. His veins suddenly become visible and his face shows how much he is in pain. Sage was surprised at the turn of events. At once she kneels beside him to care for him, wondering what to do to stop his pain. " Hospital! " She suggested in a jiffy. " Stay with me, Quincy. I will call for help. I will surely ... " She was about to leave when the man immediately caught her wrist and pulled her down to himself. " Stay with me. Please ... Do not leave. It will take only a few minutes " Quincy managed to say. His voice came out in a rasp. The little words he said left him exhausted and he passed out at once, stunning Sage so much. She drops her jaw and wonders what just happened. She wonders why a dominant Alpha would suddenly had a seizure and just passed out. A man who is supposed to be the lifeline of Masses. The lady didn't wait to gets any answer. She only goes to the couch and picked up a pillow from there which he placed under Quincy's head. She glanced down at him for some seconds and it felt as though he is only sleeping. Like he is only taking a nap. Quincy is dying which means the lamp should be wavering. Sage thought inwardly. Carefully she goes to the window and peer out to see the lamp now glowing brightly as though the Alpha is healthy. She turned slowly to Quincy again, staring at his body sprawled on the floor rather lifelessly. At once she understands what has happened as his words resound in his head. " That is just a decoy. It's not real " Quincy Moon isn't the true Alpha of the Moon pack and if truly he isn't the true Alpha then he isn't a werewolf. Sage Preston was about to move away from the window to attend to the man she love more than life itself when the large massive gate give way to the numerous cars that drive into the pack. Sage had her heart in her throat when the cars headed to Quincy's abode. It finally stopped before the House and everyone alighted. Now from those who come down from these luxurious cars is Kyro Crescent, the dominant Alpha of Crescent pack. that man, The man that will be Sage's nightmare till forever.
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