
Wrong Heart, Miss Beta!

one-night stand
second chance
blue collar

Misunderstanding emerges with Lies and it results in heartbreaks and bitter tears. Toxicity is combined with purest love and it makes the hearts bleed and ache.

The Distance left nothing but bitterness behind and the blood that was shed left its mark. Sage an innocent lady from the Beta tribe fell in love with an enigma, a man who is said to be the first of his kind, A Demon and a Werewolf. it is a forbidden love and they were condemned by the world.

However, Sage Preston pulled through only to discover at the end that the heart she aimed for is the wrong one. Maybe not ...

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Episode 1
Her Blue pair of eyes are innocent. Her skin is flawless and white. Her lips naturally plumped and red. She was smiling at the passerby the moment the wind came lovingly, blowing her long white hair backward in a beautiful way. Sage Preston was peering out of the window in her room, gazing at the busy people walking around, preparing for the ceremony later in the night. The Old Alpha of the moon pack just kick the bucket and his son, the mystery man whom no one has seen in Seven years, Quincy Moon will be crowned the new Alpha. Sage could see with her blue brilliant eyes the ladies who were giggling loudly, having a flirty conversation about the new Alpha whom they will all be seeing that night. She snorted her nose in disgust and pulled away from the window in somewhat jealousy. She could vividly still recollect Quincy Moon's handsome face Seven years ago and his possessiveness. Other than that, there aren't any memories of him because he was kept in his room for a reason unknown to everyone for seven years. Sage was about to move completely away from the window when she caught sight of her twin brother, Gage Preston coming up. With a happy heart, she storm out to meet him but in the living room, she collided with her mother who took no time to rant about her negligence as always. " You can see Gage is becoming a beta tonight. The man who will be by Alpha Quincy's side. What will you do Sage? " " Mother do not be negative. I have decided to obey you this time. I will go to my uncle's home to write my examination " " That is all you have been saying for years now. Being a professional doctor is a beautiful career sage. Your uncle is the only one who can help you " The young lady nodded quickly. She didn't bother to reply because that moment Gage had arrived, his face drawn in a forced smile. " Mother " He greeted and the older woman, Mrs Preston smile brightly at her. " Why have you come home son? I thought you will be by Alpha Quincy's side, getting ready for the night ceremony with him " " Almost, Mother. Almost " Gage replied as he turn to his twin sister who raised her eyebrow. She could see her brother is battling with something unknown. " Sage come here " Gage says, pulling his twin sister into her room in a jiffy, ignoring their mother completely. Mrs. Preston sagged her shoulder. She knows better than to interfere with the twin's issues so she holler after them. " I'm going out you two. Gage make sure you go back to the Alpha before the ceremony. We will come later on to watch you being pronounced as his beta and you should prepare sage. I will give your uncle a call " When the sound of their mother's retreating footsteps came, Gage dashes to the window where he peered out. He saw their mother taking to the busy street and he sighed, satisfied that no one is at home except him and his sister. " Gage what's wrong? You are sweating " That was Sage's question from behind. To her words, her twin brother turn around to stare at her for a brief moment and then pulled off his t-shirt, hence revealing a bloody bicep that has been stabbed so cruelly. Sage went out of breath in a jiffy. Her already white face goes whiter and she stiffened. Before her eyes Gage fell on the floor, bleeding out. " Gage! " She screamed in horror, dashing at him. " Gage, what is going on? Who did this to you? Gage! " " Don't yell out sister. I have come to beg for a favor" " Shut up. You are going to the hospital. I should call Mother immediately " She said as she rushes to grab her cell phone. She was about to punch on the screen when Gage zoom up to her and took away the mobile from her. " I can't let all my efforts go in vain. If I go to the hospital today I will miss the ceremony and if I failed to show up, other candidates from the beta tribe will take up my post, especially Ceaser " Sage had to gulp down hard when she heard this. She knows how well her brother has fought, how diligent he had been all his life, looking forward to be appointed as the beta of the Moon pack. Gage Preston had earned the spot at last but at the last minute, he has been stabbed by Caesar on his way. " Gage I know how much you have wanted to be the beta, how you have worked hard to be by Quincy's side but I'm sorry, risking your life isn't worth it. I am calling mother and father. We are going to the hospital " Sage took her cell phone once again, aiming to call their mother. This time the mobile was snatched away from her. Gage could still pull his speed even though he is hurt and bleeding. It all happens in a jiffy for the beautiful lady, Sage, and the next second she saw herself being pinned against the wall by her twin brother who now glares into her eyes intensely. " Don't call anyone sister. I can't Miss the ceremony. I will ... Die if anyone takes my position. You of all people know how much I have always wanted to be by Quincy's side. He was my best friend before he was locked away for an unknown reason " Gage said tightly, swearing with his eyes laced with determination. He pulled away from his sister and mutters carefully as he goes to the bed where he lay down. " This is for us Sage. I know how much you love Quincy as well. If I can be his beta then it will be easier for you both " The offer was so tempting that Sage look away to breathe for some seconds. She quickly find her way to her brother and checked his wound carefully. " It's serious Gage. I don't think you can make it to the ceremony. I wish you could, more than anyone but there is no way around it " " Then you will go in my stead dear sister " Upon hearing this Sage pulled away from her brother, ready to flee but Gage was quick to grab her arm and pull her down. " No one will know Sage. We have done it in the past. Fooling everyone with our appearance. I got a long white hair and so do you. We are twins. An identical twins. Please sage, go to the ceremony for me. I will be fine once the day breaks. No one will notice our foul play. Please sage " " It is a dangerous movement. We won't be fooling the Alpha alone but the entire pack as a whole. I can't do this Gage. It will be our heads on the platter if we are caught " " I promise you we won't be caught. Please " Gage grabbed his sister's hand and plead pitifully. " Just this sister. Please " *** The night arrived at last and almost the werewolves of the moon pack had arrived at the ceremony Hall. However, the beta is still at home, trying hard to look her best. " The earrings Sage " Her brother said, pulling off her dangling earrings and replacing her earlobes with his. " Your eyes. Wear the lenses " Gage said again. " And the lipstick. I used pink. Good! It's perfect " " Not really " Sage mutters. " We still got the breasts to worry about " Gage let out a sigh at this. He pulled off Sage's towel and walk off weakly, he returns with long thin clothes which he held up. " This will be painful. You can use this. Thank goodness you are not too bursty " At long last, a bit before the exact time, Sage Preston walks slowly to stand before the mirror. Her breath caught when she saw her reflection in the mirror. Nothing more and less, she looks every bit like her brother with her hair held up in a long ponytail as Gage always does. " I pray this works Gage " She whispers shakily. " It will. Walk with your head high and with confidence. Don't be feminine. Alter your voice a little. Don't make too much eye contact with Quincy so you won't be mesmerized by him and lastly, never drink any alcohol at the party. You know how intoxicated you usually be after a drop " " Trust me " Gage swiftly hug his sister and the loud chime came, interrupting their moment, announcing the time for Alpha Quincy's ascension. Gage pull back and sat on the bed carefully, his face twitched in pain. " You should go now, Sage. Give the perfect speech and do me proud " Sage lay down her brother and drape over him the bed coverlet. " I will return without delay after the ceremony. With the drugs I have given you, I believe you will be able to get to your feet tomorrow " " Sure. Go now. I love you " " Me too " Sage placed a kiss on her brother's forehead and goes to the door. Her fingers reached for the doorknob and she sigh heavily to calm her nerve. She closed her eyes, trying to do her best, to get the job done. Abruptly she opens her eyes, her jaw gritting together like that of Gage, she pulled open the door and walks out, in her glory, adopting the posture of her brother. She goes to the living room, going out when unexpectedly her parents walk out from the bend, appearing before her. Her breath caught at their sudden presence. Her jaw almost flopped. She sagged her shoulder, realizing the game is up when her parents stood gazing at her in awe. " You have to be kidding me, Gage. The ceremony is already on " That was the words from her mother that makes her gulped down hard. " On my way mother," She replied with her voice deep. " On my way " " And sage? Where is she? I thought she will be the first to be at the ceremony since she has been in love with Quincy all through her lazy life " Sage scoffs at this and replies. " She is on her way too. Let's get going already " The family of Preston started on their way to the ceremony Hall. Everyone who bypassed them greeted Sage as though she is her brother. A smile curled up at the corner of her lips at this. She stated inwardly to herself that if her mother failed to recognize her then no one will. Sage arrived at the hall which was filled up to its capacity. Everyone striving to see the Alpha who has been locked up for years. At her arrival, everyone parted ways for her, making for her a passageway that leads to the Alpha's side. Unconsciously Sage Preston stops to look ahead, to the man who will be the new leader, the man who had stolen her heart even though he wasn't her mate. Quincy Moon. He was there, staring at her too. His ominous Sapphire Blue eyes gazed at her without blinking. Sage had thought her heart won't be beating for any feelings when she set eyes on him again but she was woefully wrong. Staring at him, the memories of the delirious moment of passion they shared in the past make her heart thud once for relief and twice for love.

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