Episode 8

2192 Words
It was almost night when Preston left his two children in the living room and walked toward his bedroom to talk with his wife. When it remains only Gage and his twin sister he pours himself a drink and then goes to sit beside her on the couch while saying. " You are the luckiest lady on earth Sage. You have An Alpha by your side, in love with you. The most beautiful man everyone had ever seen. Cheers to that " Gage took a sip from his glass of wine and his sister watched him carefully. " You are also beautiful " " Not as Quincy. You know how insanely attractive he looks. When I stepped out with him earlier today I saw the girls falling over for him. Mother is right at that part Sage. You might as well spend the rest of your life shooing off the ladies from him " Sage shrugged and then replied. " Not that stressful. I think I can do that " At that moment the door flipped open and the young man with red hair stepped in. Gage and his sister look up to see Ivan who of course is the only one who usually barges in as though he pays the rent. Ivan Cargill is known wide and near as Sage's best friend. They do everything together. Their parents already had long gotten accustomed to their friendship. " Your Crazy friend is here " Gage whispers as he pulls out his cellphone and begins to get busy on it. " He isn't too Crazy " " Ah, Sage. I know you will take his side " The beta whispers with a low chuckle as Ivan walks nearer. The young red headed man stops abruptly in the doorway and gives a grin. " Never did I think I would meet the beta of Moon pack here as well. What a luck! " Ivan made to pounce on Gage but the beta was Swift enough to vacate the couch as he continued to drink his wine. " You are nuts, Ivan. I pray you find your mate and settle down so you will stop frequenting here " These words from Gage make Ivan chuckled. " I pray you find your mate and move out too. That is much better " " Not really " Just then Gage's cell phone rang out. He quickly checks the screen to see the name of Quincy Moon displayed on it. At once the humour in his eyes wither away and he got so serious. " Alpha Quincy " " We got a place to go. Meet me outside your house. Urgently " The beta rushed to the window only to see Quincy's car waiting before the house as he had said. " Sage I have to step out. Tell Mom and Dad I am off with Alpha Quincy for some task " " Sure. I will. Please be careful " " Always " Gage made to walk away. He set the glass cup on the couch and passed by Ivan whom he gave a playful kick before running out. After his departure, Ivan could breathe again. " Your brother is very fun and troublesome to be with. I never expected him to even be at home. In Rainbow Pack, my beta is never seen. He is usually busy. I sometimes wonder how he copes with the loads of work and ... " Ivan stopped when he realized Sage wasn't listening. He stared at her for a while before muttering. " What is wrong with you? " No answer came. " Sage! " The lady nearly jumped out of her seat. She swallowed hard and then shook her head. " I'm sorry. You were saying? " This question makes Ivan sag his shoulder and then shake his head in the negative. " You are unbelievable. What is going on? You even look more paler than usual. Because Alpha Quincy is back? " " Ivan ... " " We both know you love him " Sage finally rolled her eyes and then let out a sigh. She decided to share her worries with Ivan who usually listened to her if he didn't mock her. " Ivan I had a nightmare " " What? Do you just say a nightmare? " " Yeah. I ... " " Wait, wait. You, sage had a nightmare? " Sage didn't bother to reply anymore. She only laced her eyes on Ivan and waited for his reaction which of course was a scoff. " When did you start having a nightmare? You are the type of woman that ... " " Ivan! " Sage screams out frustratedly. " Just listen. I am serious here " Ivan quickly nodded. He realized she seemed serious. " Alright. Let's hear of this so-called nightmare. What was it about? " Sage smile. Glad that Ivan is ready to hear her words. " It's about a Demon which ... " " Demon? Did you just say demon? " " Yes. Why do you look Surprised? " Ivan first leaps for joy before saying. " Can you believe I am here because of this so called Demon? Listen ... " He urged as he opened the bag he had brought along and opened it to bring out an invitation letter. " I got this from a random passerby. It's an audition. They are looking for a female lead in their movie which is based on Demons. The pay is very huge Sage. Once you pass the audition you will be aired on TV and be rewarded with a jaw-dropping amount of dollars " At the heard of Cash and being aired on TV the ears of Sage immediately strained. She soon forgot about the nightmare she wanted to inform Ivan and focused on the audition. She was about to say yes, Ivan anxious to hear her reply when all of a sudden Sage shook her head. " Demons are dead, sent into exile and it's forbidden for any werewolf to talk about them. I am uninterested " Ivan sagged his shoulder and then asked. " Really? This is your chance to get famous Sage. They will only ask you a few questions about the demons and then you pass. It's just a movie, a fiction. Don't tell me you will be letting some dollars go off just like that " Sage chewed on her lower lips. She realized Ivan was right. It is only a fictional movie. She'd get over it and earn some money. Slowly she turned to Ivan and parted her lips to speak again but this time she was interrupted by the loud argument from inside her parent's bedroom. This stunned her so much and she got up, and quickly made her way to open their door when she heard her mother's words. " Why do you always have to put others forward, ahead of the other children? You know better than anyone that the Crescent family will stop providing the allowance for the other children " Sage stopped immediately after hearing these words and then pulled back in awe. Other children? She thought to herself in confusion. That would be the very first time she learned about some other children. She decided to let them be and eavesdropping was out of the question so she quickly backed off, scared that she would overhear another unpleasant word. Sage goes into the living room and announces to Ivan. " You won. I will be going to the Demon's audition. It's better than staying in this house " " Great idea! " Ivan mutters as he gets off the couch. " So what now? Did you get the dark dress for the audition? " " Dark dress? Hmm, I can get one but before anything, I need to break up with my mate. I should send him a text message " Ivan dropped his jaw as he watched Sage brought out her cellphone and begin to punch the screen. After some minutes she pocketed her cell phone and went into her bedroom to dress up. After some minutes she returns in a Black dress and black hat. " I look as a lady who is going to a funeral " " No. Your white hair makes it all good. Let's go and on our way, you will have to explain to me what I have missed so far. Why in the world would you text a breakup message to Harry Crescent? Do you even know who he is? " Ivan asked in astonishment as they both made their way out and into his car. " I know who Harry Crescent is but do you know who my next loved one will be? " Sage asked with pride written all over her face. " Tell me " " I am Rolling with Alpha Quincy now Ivan. He was mine in the past and mine now. Nothing ever changes " Ivan was shocked but he was curious about the whole issue and how it all unfolded. Their journey to the demon's audition was filled with Sage telling out the lengthy story. As usual, she never leaves anywhere out for Ivan who keeps reacting to all the talks. The time he drove into the building used for the audition was when Sage Preston finished her narration. " Quincy won't let me go and I love his possessiveness that way " " Sage ... " " We are here. Let's go " She cut in gently and then alighted. She looks yo at the building where many people stood before. The big banner beside it and the billboard advertise the audition for the demon-based movie. The Price for the winner as well is written boldly at the top which makes it all exciting. Sage with Ivan by her side quickly walks into the building. They make their way to the long queue that hosts the females who are ready to try their luck. Ivan was asked to stay back and it was written that no mobile is allowed in the audition room. This makes Sage part ways with her Best friend and gives him her cell phone to hold onto. The queue moved quicker than she had thought and it took only a few minutes before it got to get a turn. Sage Preston gulped down to settle her nerves before walking gently into the large room used for the questioning. There were many seats in this room but all were empty except the front row where the judges sat. Three men and a lady. Now a mysterious man also sat in a corner. A man in a half mask because it only covers the top of his face. His lips were uncovered and his black hair was there, flowing gloriously around his back. Larissa saw this man and immediately got mesmerized. She wondered why in the world did he look so much like Quincy Moon. She peers harder again, to be sure she isn't mistaken. The scent oozing out from him however isn't of Flowers. " Quincy? " She called in awe. " Quincy? " " Focus! " One of the judges before her suddenly announced, pulling her back to reality. " You are here to answer some questions. Not to stare at the CEO of De Moon " Upon hearing this Sage's jaw dropped but she was quick to shut it back. Slowly she let out out a sigh but couldn't help glancing sideway at the ominous man who sat without saying any words. " I apologized " Sage finally whispers. " I thought he was my Alpha because he looked so much like him. Now ... I realize he isn't. Quincy Moon has curly hair but his ... Isn't curly. I apologize sincerely. Let's get to work. Ask me any questions. I will try to answer diligently " The judges were astonished but no one was more stunned than the mysterious man behind the mask. The CEO of De Moon. " You ... You should leave. We will call back to you, surely " One of the judges stuttered stupidly in astonishment. Sage Preston was confused at first. She wonders if she has done badly. " Go on " Another judge urged and she finally nodded before walking out of the large room. After her departure, the man in the mask carefully gets to his feet. He headed at once to the window where he peers out. His eyes bloomed in dark lights. Sage Preston would be the very first woman, aside from his subordinates that dares look into his eyes. This makes him feel antsy. Am I not scary anymore? He thought to himself. She knows my name. Why did he call me her Alpha when I am ... A Demon? " I ... Want her " He finally whispers to no one in particular but his subordinates who had disguised themselves as a judge were quick to stand up from their seat and bow. " I want that woman. She is ... She is different. So different "
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