Episode 7

1951 Words
" Mother I am in love with Quincy Moon and I ... " " Will you shut up right this minute! " Sage's mother, Harow snapped immediately. " What in the world is wrong with you Sage? Why does it have to be you and you every moment? Do you have any idea who this man you claimed to be in love with is? " " Mother ... " " You are only getting married to your mate and your mate is Harry Crescent. The younger brother of Alpha Kyro Crescent " Sage's mother concluded and then leaned back in her seat. It is evening already and Sage's father, Preston is back from work. Quincy Moon had left immediately after he announced his marriage with the beautiful lady from the beta tribe, leaving everyone stunned totally by his declaration. The moment Preston, the man of the house arrived, his wife, Sage's mother took no time before she informed him about the incident, and a meeting was called without delay. Gage was also there to listen and give his own opinion. He leaned over the bar counter at the corner of the living room but didn't drink any wine. Their parents sat on the couch while Sage stood before them with her hands folded under her breasts with her mouth pouted in stubbornness. Her mother is so against her getting married to the Alpha but Sage insists that she wants to say yes. " I can't let you tie the knot with a man like that. No, never " " Harow calm down " Preston finally said softly. " She is our only daughter and she is already an adult. We should hear from her as well " Upon hearing this, Harrow, Sage's mother gently turns to her husband with a frown. She couldn't believe she heard right. " Don't tell me you are serious about this. Do not tell me Preston that you are in support of her romance with that Alpha " Preston shook his head gently. " Wait a second. Which Alpha are we talking about? Quincy Moon? " " Yes. Our Alpha. Do you think he is the right man for sage? " " Why not? He is ... " " Never! " Harow exclaimed again with a tone that signify finality. " Quincy Moon is never the right man for my daughter. It will end in tears for her. Don't you know Alpha Quincy? Sage and him are very incompatible. I got so many reasons and firstly He is an Alpha, a man I dare not look up to his eyes but Sage... She is just another lazy lady who couldn't stand fully well on her two feet. Secondly Quincy Moon is extremely wealthy. Do you have any idea how much inheritance and grace he has in store? Sage here comes from a humble background. She has no grace " " Mother ... " " Thirdly! "Harrow continues with a glare at her daughter as she cuts in. " Thirdly Alpha Quincy is ... I don't know how to put his beauty to words. Thousands of women and men are ready to jump right into his bed, to please him because of his beauty, because of how dominant he is. If Sage gets married to him she will never have a peaceful day. She will have to worry about the Ladies that flock around her man " " Quincy only loves me Mother" " Fourthly He is a very mysterious man. I understand you both were in love when you both were teens but things have changed now. He disappeared from the surface of the earth and lived for a good seven years in his room without stepping out. Now he comes back, looking insanely dominant and beautiful and you thought you could trust him? " Silence fell at last and Sage looked away to gulp down hard in frustration. She could see everything happening so fast and she welcomed it all with a heavy heart. Deep down she knows she loves Quincy Moon and no other man. He left for Seven years, yes but he is back and his feelings never changed for her. He is also willing to be her husband which is the dream of thousands of Ladies from far and near. Sage heard her father clear his throat and then asked softly, this time to Gage. " Do you know about your sister's romance with our Alpha? " Gage nodded gently. He slowly glances at Sage and then says. " Yes. She has been in love with him from the moment she set her eyes on him. The feelings are mutual. Quincy Moon loves her too, I think more deeply " Sage secretly says a word of prayer for her brother as she marvels inwardly at his brilliant response. " Didn't Quincy Moon have a fianceè? I heard he had an engagement ring around his finger on the day he took his vow as an Alpha " Preston asked again and Gage replied. " I don't think he has a fianceè. They said a woman was in his home ... But I am not sure. If he had a fianceè he wouldn't have proposed to Sage so openly " Again Sage swallowed hard the Joy she felt as Gage took her side again. All this while Harow, her mother only continues to glare. Preston took his time before turning now to Sage whom he asked. " Sage ... You have always listened to my words and acted accordingly to them. You have grown up under my care and walked on the path I have shown you diligently and I am glad and grateful you have grown up to be a woman that even an Alpha would love to take as a wife. You have made me proud Sage and because of this I shall listen to your words and heart desires this time " Preston dropped the bombshell and Harow gasped in astonishment. At once she sprang up from the couch. " My daughter will never marry a man who is allergic to water! Quincy Moon isn't the right man for Sage. Earlier today when the coffee I was serving for him mistakenly pours on his hand ... His skin reacted. Do you think he is the right man for our only daughter, Preston? " Slowly the man glanced at Sage for an answer and the beautiful white-haired lady nodded. " I think he is allergic to water. I am not sure though but his skin reacted to the coffee when it pours down on his hand " She explained carefully to her father who let out a sigh. Preston realized there was more to the Alpha of the Moon pack than met the eyes. However, he is willing to follow the path he sees Sage wanted. He would hate to put his daughter into a loveless marriage as he had been. He would hate for his children to suffer in a marriage without love or care like he had. " Do you think you can cope, love, and live the rest of your lives with this type of man, Sage? " Preston finally asked quietly. " Do you think he worth your loyalty, your heart and sacrifices? " Emotions overwhelmed the body of Sage Preston as goosebumps covered her skin at this question from her father. Very gently she walked to the man she respected and loved with all her heart. Slowly she took his hand and nodded in positive. " Dad ... I believe Quincy would cherish me till and after he takes his last breath. I know his love for me is pure and I felt absolutely the same for him. I thought ... I wouldn't feel any love for him after the seven years had passed and we lived apart but I was wrong. I saw him last night when he took his vow as an Alpha and my heart thudded for the most precious feelings " She looked down to calm her nerves and choked back tears before she continued. " My mate ... Harry Crescent cheated on me, Dad. It has been going on for a long time but I got to know last night. Can you believe he didn't even feel remorseful after I caught him red-handed? " Now Preston was astonished. He slowly glanced at Gage who nodded in positive. " She is telling the truth, Dad. I knew all along about Harry's promiscuous lifestyle. Sage only caught him cuddling with another lady last night but I have caught him in a bed numerous times with another woman " Gage confessed and at once Sage's skin crawled in disgust. Preston literally dropped his jaw in awe. He never expected Harry Crescent to stoop so low. This new information pushed Preston to make up his mind as he accepted Quincy Moon wholeheartedly. " What is your next plan now Sage? " He asked and the lady quickly replied. " I have discussed it with my brother. I will break off the mate bond with Harry and be done with him for good. Then ... Dad? " " Yes, my dear? " " Will you forgive me? " She requested in regret. " I can't be the professional doctor you wished I was. I couldn't ... " " I know you have passion in the movie industry. I have caught you more than often you and your best friend Ivan on an auditions. I only kept mute because you don't wish to be caught " Hearing this from her father makes Sage drop her jaw in awe. " But now that things have turned out this way I am ready to accept you for who you are. Go with the man your heart wants. You are already twenty-four years which means you should be able to make your own decisions. As your father, my task is just to guard you through. What do you think Sage? " Tears have already clouded Sage's eyes while listening to her father's words. At once she goes into his arms to appreciate him for his love and understanding. He has been the only one who is ready to listen to her worries aside from Gage. Harow, her mother never cares about how she feels. Sometimes Sage would wonder if truly She was her real mother. " Fine! " The angry Harow agreed grumpily. " Since you have all decided to turn deaf ears to my reasonable opinions I should keep quiet. Let's see who will have the last laugh. Let's all see who will come back crying at the end of the day! " These bittered words from Harow stunned everyone and they all watched her angrily go into her bedroom while shutting the door loudly behind her. It wasn't her first rude behavior so Gage and Sage only kept quiet as usual and looked on. The beta of Moon pack is happy for his sister but deep down he is also worried. He knows their mother has a point. Quincy Moon disappears for Seven years for an unknown reason and then returns to become not only an Alpha but to claim Sage as his woman. He shouldn't be fully trusted. He has his Secrets too and obviously, he has enemies. On the other hand, Sage isn't at all concerned. She is only excited and relieved that things seem to be working out well for her. Now she thought she would be getting Quincy Moon all to herself but no. Fate has its tricks, twists, and turns. Poor Sage. If only she knew how much it would later hurt and aches.
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