Episode 9

2278 Words
The beeping sounds awake Quincy Moon as usual and he fluttered open his blue eyes to look around. He realized he was back in his bedroom with the artificial lights forever turned on. Gently he sat up and walked to the body-length mirror where he saw his hair curly once again. The color is a little bit brown but not black. He swallowed hard at this. He walks carefully out of his room and emerges into the very long Hall that has many corners. Quincy walked alone in his isolated big house, going to the certain window that faced directly the house of Sage Preston. He soon stood before the window but didn't open it. He is cautious as usual, as always. His father had taught him how to survive and he had obeyed. He had learn about how to live alone without anyone else for seven years. He only leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to listen to her voice, that pleasant voice that kept him going every day and night, throughout his isolation. " I thought we had this conversation last night Mother " Quincy heard the words from Sage that surprised him. He slowly turns to the wall clock to see it's still early. 10: 23 am which means the lazy Sage is expected to still be snoring but that morning it was different. Quincy does not love eavesdropping but the urgency he had overheard from her voice makes him feel curious. He gritted his teeth when he realized he was about to break one of his moral developments but listened anyway with his red, full plump lips twisted. " I can't marry Harry. He is never what my heart desires. If this is all about money then forget it. I will work hard from now on to provide more for you " Sage yelled again, making Quincy crease up his eyebrows. He was about to give up when another came through but this time frustratedly from the woman he loved sincerely. " That's a huge amount of money. I can't ... I can't afford that mother " Silence fell again. At last, the miserable voice of Sage came through " He is never mysterious. He is just a reserve man. Quincy Moon never hurt anyone. It wasn't his fault he was different. I am not discussing this with you anymore Mother if you are going to insult my man and Alpha because he got an allergy. Since Dad accepted him that is enough " The Alpha of Moon pack immediately pulled away from the window and hurriedly went into his bathroom where he undressed and put on the shower that brought water pouring down on him. He closed his eyes, tried to breathe well, and then he sighed. Sage's mother isn't accepting him and this makes him feel sad and bothered. After some minutes he walks out of the shower and goes into his closet. It was like another world entirely. A world of clothes painted in every color except black. Quincy reached for a gray long-sleeved polo and sweatpants. He then put on only his gray socks before walking out to the spacious living room. He sat down gently on the couch for many minutes, trying to push the information from Sage he had overheard but that wasn't working. He gave up trying and he got up. Carefully he walked into his large kitchen but stopped abruptly in the doorway when his eyes caught the glass cup of wine on the dining table. Red wine. He thought to himself Inwardly. He is never fond of red wine in any way but it seems his invisible housemate loves it. Quincy walks to the table and picks up the glass cup very carefully. He stared at it for some time and then sniffed, trying to get the scent of whoever that has handle it earlier but none came. He could only perceive the scent of flowers which is for him. At last, he gave up. He goes into the kitchen and looks around for what to cook but somehow he isn't Hungry. He is about to settle on a light breakfast when the doorbell rings out loud. Surprised that he got a guest after many years, he rushes to the main door which is big and far from the main kitchen. At last, he got there but didn't open the door. He only leans over and listens gently. The scent came before he made any effort and he called. " Gage? " " Yes, it's me, Alpha Quincy. So ... Are you set? " " Set? " Quincy repeated in confusion. " Set for what? " " You are ... You got a meeting this morning with other Alphas. It's all about you so you have to go. You said you would be ready before 10 " These words from Gage surprised Quincy and he let out a sigh. He is very sure he never said that to him. He didn't even remember any of their outing the previous night. Quincy reached for the doorknob, making to open up but stopping at the last moment to ask. " Do you have any black color on? " Silence stretches as Gage who is behind the door looks at himself to be sure. " No... No. I am putting on a Green Tshirt " Quincy Moon then opens the door at last. His sexy eyes are reluctant to look at Gage but he finally does with his jaw gritted together. The man who looks exactly like Sage Preston made to enter but Quincy never opened the door wider. The Alpha relaxed and gave him an uneasy smile. " I don't think I can go to this meeting. You should go in my stead. I am not ... Feeling too eager to step out today " " What? " Gage was stunned and he dropped his jaw to express his shock.." This is all about your ascension. If you don't attend the other Alphas will hold a grudge against you and ... " " And what? Kill me? They can't do anything to me except hate me and this I do not care about " Gage let out a soft sigh. He realized Quincy didn't know the true part of his job as an Alpha. " You are an Alpha. If anyone wants to get back at you the best way possible is to murder any werewolves from Moon pack " Quincy stopped abruptly. He couldn't speak anymore after this. Deep down he does not want his Werewolves to suffer because of his negligence but then he does not want to step out for fear that he'd lose himself. " Go for me, Gage. Make some excuses " He finally says. " What if ... Any Alpha ... " " To hell with anyone who hurt my werewolves because I won't let it slide " The man cut in now, gritting his teeth angrily. " I never ask them to make any meetings " Gage gulped down hard again. He nodded at last and bowed while saying. " I will do as you have said. Uh ... About last night ... Why didn't you later return as you have promised? You know without your signature we can't finalize the documents " Abruptly the Alpha stiffened. He couldn't believe he had heard right. He tried to remember but nothing came up. The previous night has been hazy, Very. After he had rode out his memories left him. He would hate to alarm Gage for nothing so he acted. " Yes. Uh... We will try to finalize the documents another time. Don't worry " He finally says. He was about to pull away from the doorway when he stopped to ask. " Uh ... Sage. Is she still home? " Gage nodded but slowly looked up at him. " Yes " " I want to see her. Can you ask her to come over? " " Her... e? Do you mean in here? " The surprised expression on Gage's face makes Quincy also amazed. He looks around his house to sight what Gage is witnessing. " Yes, why? " " Uh ... I'm so sorry. I was taken aback because ... No one ever visits you here except the former Alpha " Quincy swallowed hard at this and he stepped back to nod. " Tell her to come over. I want to see her " He closed the door before Gage could say any more words and then walked back to sit on the couch. Seconds later he buried his face into the hollow of his palm before giving a heavy sigh. He was still thinking when his eyes fell on the half mask beside him, laying also on the couch. Quincy was surprised at this and he gently reached for it in Wonder. No one ever visits you except the former Alpha. The words repeated themselves in his head and he felt like yelling out. He realized his father knew something but didn't speak, till he died. Quincy feels frustrated but he tries to keep a positive mind, as always. There is someone else in his home, another person entirely who loves absolutely the opposite of what he wants. That morning he sat alone on the couch, waiting for Sage to come but the lady seemed to be taking her precious time. When Quincy was thinking about going to her himself, the soft footsteps came approaching. He couldn't believe he heard right so he sat still to listen. " Hello? " The voice of Sage came through before the soft knock that sent Quincy Moon gulping hard. Slowly he gets up on his feet and goes straight to open the door. He is too excited to ask if she is wearing any black color. He opened the door wide for her to enter and Sage did with a small smile. Quincy closed the door and finally turned to stare at the lady standing before him. Her White hair glittered under the artificial lights. She has no makeup on but her dangling earrings were there to make her more beautiful. She wore a long denim tight jeans and lacy blouse that showed off her bare shoulder. Sage had her hair flowing beautifully around her decanter waist and her eyes were down, in respect and also in fear. In her nightmare, she had visited Quincy but his house in reality is vastly different from what she had seen in her Dreamworld. His house in reality has numerous windows but it was locked up. There is no natural light except the artificial ones that brightens up every nook and cranny of the very large but silent house. " Come in " Quincy says after admiring her silently. He led the way through the very long hall to the main living room where he directed Sage to have her sit. The lady did rather reluctantly with her eyes gazing around in fear. To her awe, she saw the artwork, the finished one which had the image of her seven years ago hanging up on the wall. Sage Preston unconsciously gets up to her feet and slowly goes to this painting with her jaw drops. " This ... This is me Seven years ago " She whispers thoughtfully and the man replies. " When our relationship was still new " Swiftly Sage turns around to see another painting of her three years ago. It was a little blurry but she couldn't help but marvel at it. " I ... I took the risk to open one of the windows, to take a quick peek at you. It's not clear enough but I draw it anyway " Quincy explained again, this time very innocently that Sage's heart couldn't help but thudded in love and also love. There are also paintings of Quincy's Father as well but other than that it is only her or nature. After she had done marveling, Sage returned to her seat and carefully sat down. She watched uneasily as Quincy took his seat across her and then settled those ominous eyes of his on her. " I'm sorry " He stated softly, begining. " I never mean to make things ... Harder for you. I never expected your mother to be against my interest in you " Sage's eyebrows creased up at Quincy's words and the Alpha quickly confessed. " I eavesdrop. Normally I usually eavesdrop every morning when I wake up, to listen to your soft snores. I have done this over the years but today it was different. You woke up early and ... You got into an argument with your mom because of me " Another confession from the Alpha that surprises Sage Preston. She slowly turned to him and stared deeply at him, wondering why he had gone so soft and innocent. Being alone had made him grow up to be no one but an Angel. He claimed he had wakes up every blessed and unblessed day to hear her breath. Isn't that the cutest thing ever? She thought inwardly. His confession only makes her want her the more. Sage Preston smiled at last. She parted her lips to speak, to tell him not to worry about anything when all of a sudden her gaze dropped to the half mask on the couch beside Quincy Moon. The sight makes her heart leap and she immediately remembers her incident the night before in the demon's audition. Quincy? Is Quincy Moon the ... The CEO of De Moon as well? She thought to herself in awe.
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