Episode 3

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The pleasant sounds of the birds chirping woke Sage up from her deep slumber and the warmness from the palm that covers her right breast made her open her eyes immediately. For a heart-stopping second, she gazes at the man beside her, naked from his waist to his head. Quincy has already put on his trouser but his long curly hair has fallen over his sleeping face, making him appear less vicious. Sage remembers vividly what has happened the previous night. She had laid with Quincy Moon and every bit of the delirious moment, she had enjoyed it. This discovery stunned her so much but she quietly dressed up, trying to make a silent exit. She was about to wrap her breasts as she had to conceal the swell but Quincy suddenly snatched the thin clothe away from her and toss them into the flowing Creek. She was out of breath at his act. She had thought he was still asleep. She dares not to make eye contact. " How do you feel? " He asked but she couldn't reply. Swiftly she focuses on buttoning up the t-shirt and returning home. " Sage " Quincy finally called. He sat up, raking his hair with his Milky long fingers. " I was expecting you to ask me where I have been all these seven years. Why I had to leave without any words " She looks away to sigh. " Will it make any difference now? It has happened. You left without any words and I got bethroed. You are now an Alpha and ... Your mate will be someone from a wealthy family not me who has to become a professional doctor before being taken seriously " Quincy stare at her for a while and then said tightly. " Don't piss me off. You are mine, Sage. I do not care if you are bethroed or not " She gulped down hard but didn't reply. Slowly she stood up and put on her Boots. " I won't wait for too long Quincy and you know " She left after these words, walking out of the abandoned Creek to the wide lawn which was bath with sunlight. The people weren't too much in sight. The majority of them still have hangovers. The jubilation the previous night has been massive. Sage quickly headed home with her heart in her throat. She knows her heart still beat for Quincy but somehow she knows things won't work out well for them both. They are so different. " Beta? " The voice of a man suddenly calls from behind her and she stops abruptly while biting her lower lips. " Yes? " She replied, trying to sound confident like her brother. " The Alpha, he didn't return to his room last night. His fianceè had been yelling out in fury. Perhaps you know where he is " This new information stunned Sage but she held her ground and calm her nerve. " We had a nice time together last night. He must be in his room as we speak ... With his ... Woman " The last word brought her heart tearing but she didn't wait anymore. With her eyes clouded in tears she dashes into her home. Luckily for her, her parents weren't in sight as she made it to her room, leaving the door open. Gage who had been waiting all night long for sage's return was astonished at her behavior. He quickly moves away from the bed and goes to shut the door at once. " What happened? " He asked in horror. " Sage, why the hell are you crying? " She didn't reply. She only focuses on the blank space, trying to keep her thoughts together. Gage walks up to her quickly and look her over, at once noticing her breasts. " The people who had walked around speak well about the beta who had arrived last night. I heard it goes well. Sage, why then will you be crying? " " It's nothing " She replied Abruptly as she left to the bed but Gage caught her wrist and glare into her eyes. " I won't buy that from you. We don't keep things from one another. If anything goes wrong it will be my fault. I am the one who sent you out there last night. What happened? Did anyone hurt you? " Staring into the concerned eyes of her brother she felt tired of keeping things in. She broke into a sob and goes into his arms. Gage was considerate enough to hug her tenderly. After minutes crawl by, he asked her again softly. " What happened? " " It's Harry. You didn't tell me he has a woman " This piece of news saddens Gage. He slowly pulled her away from his arms, just enough to stare into his sister's eyes. " I'm sorry I didn't inform you about his acts. He isn't worthy of you Sage. I have always wanted to inform you but I am worried about your health. I know you will want to reject him and in doing this ... You might fall sick during the process of breaking the mate bond " Sage looks away to sigh. " That is like a piece of cake Gage. I won't get married to a man that never respects me. I will inform Mother and Father about it today without fail " Gage smiles at her sister and whispers lovingly to her. " Now that you have said it I am relieved. If you need any support I will be here, always " She nodded, staring lovingly into his eyes. At last, the memories of Quincy come up and she left Gage to sit on the bed. " I failed you brother. I couldn't be you one hundred percent. I could fool everyone but never did I succeed in fooling our Alpha. Quincy knows it's me without any effort " Gage goes to sit beside his sister after hearing her words. He was Smart enough to know what has transpired between them later on. " You shouldn't have slept with him, Sage. We don't know who he is anymore. He left us seven years ago and just appears last night. He ... Has a fianceè already " Sage nodded and choked back bitter tears. " I know this already. About the fianceè, I only heard about it this morning. I don't know what to do Gage " She said as she look up to her brother. " Quincy won't let me go. He is possessive just as he was seven years ago. I felt ... If I stay here he will keep summoning me and all we'd have is a s****l relationship and this I do not want. I'm scared Gage " Sad by his twin sister's naiveness and insecurity, Gage hugged her once more and mutters into her hair. " How about you leave for the examination as you have planned? It's just a month. I am sure once you return everything would be fine " " And Harry? " " You will be mind stable enough to confront him, break things up with him " He pulled back to say to her face. " Listen, mother and father won't let you break the bond between you and Harry unless you got a tangible career. You know the reason why they accepted Harry's family proposal in the first place was because they are wealthy, because they promise to make you the heiress " At once Sage nodded. She bought the idea of her brother without a penny but a smile. In no time she freshen up, pulling off her lenses and making her white hair flow lovingly around her waist, she approached her parents, telling them she is ready to travel for the one month of examination. Mr and Mrs Preston was so excited. In no time they booked her a flight and inform her uncle who she will be living with for the one month of her examination. When the sun was already going down, the car arrived to take her away. Her parents were sure to escort her to the car and bid her goodbye but Gage goes with her to the airport where he gave her a lot of kisses and hugs before letting her go with a sad heart. " In one month's time Gage, I will be back and I will do you proud " " I trust you " Sage Preston finally left to write her examination as she had promised. Throughout the one-month stay, she keep a sane mind and soon everyone began to bask in her glory because she did great in her academy. It was just two days left before she will make her return to Moon pack to enroll herself in a prestigious hospital when unexpectedly she fainted. *** " Sage Preston... Can you hear me? " The beautiful lady's eyelids fluttered open to see a man with a stethoscope around his neck standing over her. She looks around to see herself in an hospital bed which makes her stunned. " Oh my! What am I doing here? Why am I ... " " Please... Do not try to stress yourself at all " The doctor was quick to inform her, pulling her back to the bed very carefully. " What is going on? Why are you pampering me with your hands? " She asked in horror and the man replies with a smile. " Congratulations Sage Preston. You are one month pregnant with quintuplets "
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