Episode 2

1852 Words
" I, Quincy Moon, take the oath of sincerity tonight. I swore tonight as the Alpha of Moon pack, never to neglect my duty, to provide for every Werewolves in Moon pack, make them live in bliss and Harmony " That night Quincy Moon become an Alpha and the elders, Werewolves in attendance finalized his ascension. It turns out to be a successful one with drinks all around. It was finally Sage's turn to say her speech as the beta. Everyone's pairs of eyes were now on her. She caught the sight of her mother in the crowd. Her tears of joy glittered under the artificial lights. She becomes determined at once, to do her brother proud. With a grace that matches none other, Sage walks her way to the Alpha's side and falls at his feet for a brief moment. " I, Gage Preston, fall at your feet today Alpha Quincy as your beta. In bliss and sorrow, I vow to ride with you to the end of the world " Loud cheering from the happy people erupted immediately, shaking the four walls of the hall. Alpha Quincy now bent slightly to ease Sage up to her feet and in doing this his fingers curled up on her arms. The moment this physical contact was made Sage couldn't help but shiver. However, she allowed him to ease her up. His loamy cologne swirled around, teasing her senses. She stood before him at last, her eyelids dropped, fearing to look deep into his eyes. His nearness was making her feel lustful but she shoved back the thought as she tried to stick to the plan, reminding herself that she has a mate already. " Thank you, Sage... For coming back to me " Quincy's voice came, stunning her so much that she nearly fell. Sage's breath caught and she snapped her head up to look deeply into his eyes, the sapphire blue eyes that speak of love and longing. Quincy Moon, a man with a squared jaw and thick shoulders, slightly built with Long curly that stop at his shoulder and dark lashes stood before her dominantly. His eyes stared back at her, mesmerizing her. Sage almost felt as though they are both the only ones in the hall and a sigh escaped her lips. " You know who I ... am " She whispers shakily to him and to her surprise, Quincy dropped his hands on her arms and steps back. " My heart never lies " After saying this Quincy walks away to attend to the well-wishers who had arrived. Sage on the other hand was stunned. She couldn't get out of her shock that the Alpha had known her true identity even without staring into her eyes. She was still battling with herself when she caught from the crowd her mate, Harry whom her parents had said she will be marrying in the nearest future. To her awe and disappointment, Harry was there, in the ceremony Hall with another lady, having fun. Her heart dropped at the sight and in a jiffy she goes to him, forgetting entirely about her facade. " What the hell is going on here Harry? Who is she? " She asked angrily, slamming her palm on the table where Harry and his lover had sat to enjoy the jubilation. Harry, her mate looks up slightly from his drink with a scoff. Just like everyone, he never knows it's sage, herself. " What's the deal beta? Because you are now second to the Alpha you think you can order me around? Look the other way as you have always had. Go on " ' Always had? ' Sage repeated this inwardly and she got the answer at once. Gage Preston had known about Harry's waywardness but in order not to sadden his beloved sister's heart, he had kept quiet. Blinded by rage and disappointment, Sage made to leave the hall at once but the call from one of the elders came, stopping her. " We would like to make a toast to you Beta before you leave " She turns slightly to see everyone staring at her, waiting for her to accept the alcohol and make a toast. ' Lastly, Never have any drop of alcohol ' She remembers the warning of her twin brother but she ignores it. Her sad heart will only feel better if she had the alcohol, so she thought. She marched forward to pour herself a glass which she held up and say before taking a gulp. " To Alpha Quincy " Everyone cheered up but she feel no better. Fearing of getting intoxicated before everyone, Sage grabbed one of the bottles of alcohol and then make her quick exit. She arrived outside the building, on the lawn that leads to her home. The deal was for her to return home immediately after the ceremony but Sage didn't keep to the end of her bargain. She is so mad at Gage for keeping the truth about Harry's promiscuous lifestyle away from her that she took another route that leads to the silent, abandoned Creek in the pack. There, Sage settled down beside the pleasant water and sniffed back tears of agony that has been threatening to trail out. " How hard it must have been for you Gage. How heavy it must have been to keep such a secret away from me " She lamented quietly. Slowly she opens the bottle of alcohol and takes a long sip from it without caring about the aftermath of her deeds. " I have been the useless one. The one who never passes her examination. Who had to be bethroed before securing a perfect job. The one who couldn't do anything right. I am useless. No wonder my mate left me for another lady. That sly wolf. I will kill him myself " Sage continues to rant alone, bitterly, and sipping her drink. Unexpectedly, she overheard the sound of leaf rustling and this makes her turn around immediately. She knows well enough that no one comes to the creek since it has been abandoned. Her Blue beautiful eyes searched the darkness for the intruder and she saw him after a while. Alpha Quincy Moon. His stance was formidable enough to make her heart leap in fear and confusion. She wonder why he had left the ceremony and come to her. His sapphire blue eyes were on her all through. She saw the familiar emotions playing in his eyes. The one that speaks of love and passion. He had left the world for seven years, that was when he is still a teenager. Now he is a man, a leader, and an Alpha. " I followed your scent. It's still the same " He said softly after approaching her. The deep sound of his voice makes her shudder slightly. She watched as he look down at the bottle with her and received it gently. " I need one of these... to get away " Quincy sat down beside the Creek and let out a sigh. He soon drinks from the bottle while shrugging. " The pack has changes but the people never have... Except you and your brother " " How do you mean? " She whispers. Her legs made their way to him and she sat as well beside him, relaxing at last. " Quincy... It's been a while. You left unannounced one day and never returns until after seven years, today ... " " Is that why you forget about me? Find a mate and ready to settle down? " He cut in softly, turning to stare at her. His question makes her gulp. She couldn't afford to stare at him for long before muttering. " I never forget about you Quincy. My brother and I never do. Yes, I found my mate and I was ready to settle down since my parents insisted " " Was ? " " He cheated " She whispers softly and then looks away to dab her eyes while wondering why she is crying for Harry whom she never love. " He is an asshole. I can't believe the moon goddess will fate me to a man like that. It turns out that Gage knows about his unholy act but didn't inform me " " Your brother is always like that. Looking after you " Quincy replies while looking away from her mesmerizing face. He felt a pang of sadness when he saw her tears. Silence fell between them and the atmosphere become awkward. It has been long seven years since they saw one another. Sage would like to make enquires about his disappearance but she keeps mute when she remembers who he is now. The Alpha. " Have you ever lay with any man? " Quincy suddenly asked, his question stunning Sage so much. She looks up at him to see his sapphire blue eyes glowing warmly in possessiveness. A sigh escaped her lips at his action and she asked. " Does that even matters? " " Answer the question, Sage " " Quincy ... " The rest of her words were stopped by the man who suddenly gripped her wrist urgently. His eyes pinned on her face and his jaw set. " Tell me, Sage. Do you slept with anyone during my absence? " " No " She whispers. " Is that all you wanted to know? You aren't curious about how I have survived all these years without you? How much I have been heartbroken knowing fully well I won't see you unless you become an Alpha? " This time she also had started glaring at him in anger and displeasure, fresh tears welling up her eyes. She pulled her wrist away, trying to exit but Quincy won't let her have her way. He held onto her wrist firmly and with this movement, pulled her down to the floor where he quickly covers his body atop her. " I won't let you go any more, Sage. You are mine. I don't care whether you have a mate or not. You are mine " She tried to reply but somehow words won't come out from her parted lips. Just like in the past, seven years ago, her body give in to his requesting fingers. This time he didn't only kiss her but also pulled off the t-shirt of Gage which she wore. When his eyes fell on the layers of clothes she had used in pressing her breasts to make it oblivion, he gritted his teeth. " Don't ever do this again " He sent her a warning with a glare. " Don't hurt yourself like this anymore " " For my brother... I will " She whispers but Quincy didn't reply. He claimed his lips with hers. His hands came to undo her trousers but she informed him shakily, her eyes almost pleading. " It ... Will be my first time if we did it " " For the best " He whispers before taking her on a journey of love and lust.
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