Episode 10

1590 Words
The silence that stretched after Sage made this statement is deafening. Quincy was taken aback, obviously at her surprised expression. She turns gently to settle her gaze on the man who was so clueless. He shook his head in the negative, trying to explain himself. " You ... You know this mask? " He asked Sage who slowly stared at him with his eyebrow creased up in a frown. " Yeah ... I do. I saw it last night, at the audition " " Last night? " Quincy repeated as he picked the half mask up and extended it to Sage who was reluctant to accept it at first. " Check it well so you won't be mistaken. Tell me where you see it " Sage nodded in obedience. She slowly glanced down at the mask and at once the memories of the night began to crawl back into her mind, filling her with fear. Immediately she dropped the mask as though it were lava and then bit her lower lips to issue an apology. " I ... I'm sorry. I think I recognize it. I might be mistaken though " " Hey ... Calm down. I am with you. Tell me where you saw it " Quincy urged, very interested while Sage got confused. She wonders what has come over him. She looked around the eerily silent house and then got the chill. " I went to an audition last night. A demon's audition. There I saw the ... A man. He is ominous and scary. He has this mask ... No, a very identical one. Quincy, can you believe he looks just like you? He seems exactly like you but ... But... Just at the lower lips. His attitude is too rigid to be my Alpha. You both are different " Sage looked away to sigh, pushing the thought away but Quincy had heard it and it had plunged him into darkness. A man who seems like him, Wearing the same mask but mysterious, cruel, and scary. No! No, no. It's someone else. It's ... Then how come the mask comes here? He thought to himself Inwardly. When he couldn't find the answer to his question he bowed his head to swallow hard. " I will bring you some tea " He suddenly offers Sage who didn't even know what to say. She only watched as Quincy left the couch. He goes off and returns with the cup of tea which he placed on the table ahead of her. " Thank you, Alpha ... " " It's Quincy " He cut in as he sat down. " Don't treat me like the others. I will feel bad " These words from Quincy make Sage swallow hard. He wanted more than just an Alpha to his werewolf relationship. It's obvious. She only could manage a nod, unable to look at him at all. She reached for the cup of tea and looked into it only to see it colorless. Sage was wondering if it was water Quincy served her when the man said. " It's tea. I learned how to make a colorless one " The lady replied to him by taking a gentle sip. When the liquid slid down to her tongue, settling down her throat she couldn't help but sigh in satisfaction. " Goodness. This is the best. How do you make it? " Quincy smiles brightly, more innocently at this, and then says. " It's ... It's a trick I learned from my Nanny Bel " At this Sage quickly looked around, expecting the Nanny to walk out but then Quincy explained further. " She comes here once a month to clean the house and help me refill the stores. Her name is Bella but I prefer calling her Nanny Bel. She is a human " Again Sage was surprised but she smiled brightly at Quincy before setting down the cup of tea. A tense atmosphere now spreads again as no one speaks between the two. " Why did you go to the demon's audition last night? Were you not supposed to be indoors late at night? " He asked now, rather angrily and Sage quickly gulped down. She had been expecting him to go enraged. Here we go. She thought. " No, I just go to try my luck. It's only for fun " " Fun going to a scary place where you feel uncomfortable? What if anything has happened to you? " Quincy accused again with his voice raised and Sage pulled back to sigh. " I'm sorry. This isn't my first time to go out late and besides I needed some money. The fee for the winner is huge. I couldn't take my eyes away from it " Her sincere reply took Quincy aback and somehow made him less angry. He settled his gaze on her now to offer. " I can give you any amount of money you want. I have enough of it in my possession. You can take any amount you want from it " " No " " Sage... " " I can't take any money from you Quincy. You are my Alpha " " Which means it's in my duty to provide for your needs " the man quickly retorted before looking away, realizing he was running their first time together. He wonders what has gone wrong with him. Maybe the thought of her going to an audition with someone that looks like him makes him nervous. " I don't want to be called a gold digger Quincy. The love I have for you isn't about your wealth or status. All I want is just the young man who was the first person to claim my lips for a kiss. I only want your undying love, Quincy. I want to be the only woman in your life. Only that. Please " Now the Alpha of Moon pack couldn't help but stare blankly at the woman before him. She just said the same thing he wanted which means they are both aiming for the same goal. Slowly he ran his fingers through his hair to reply when Sage's cellphone suddenly rang out. This unexpected occurrence interrupted the Alpha from speaking but he is willing to excuse Sage as she beg for one. The lady pulled out her mobile to answer the call from Ivan, her crazy best friend. " Sage? Sage, have you seen the news? Have you checked the live show? " That was the first question from Ivan who is so eager to hear a yes but Sage shook her head in the negative. " What about it? " " The Demon audition show you went to. You are the winner! Your face has been aired as promised and you are expected at the De Moon Lodge this night. Sage, we are going together. You got that? " The lady couldn't reply and that was because she didn't know how to react before Quincy who sat watching her every move and closely. She knows he is against her going to the demon audition. " I will ... I will call you back Ivan. I am busy " " Screw you, Sage. You won't be hanging up now because you won. The money should be shared with ... " " I'm in the presence of my Alpha Damn it! If I got locked up in the silver room Because of you I won't let it slide " Sage said before disconnecting at once. After her actions silence fell between her and Quincy who continued to stare at her intensely. At last, Sage decided to inform him as though he hadn't overheard already. " Wow! Quincy can you believe I won the Demon audition show? " " Forget it. You are going nowhere " He replied while leaning back on his couch. " Quincy ... " " Don't dare ... " He suddenly warns, his eyes glaring. " Don't dare try to persuade me. It's final. You aren't going to any show. I will contact my accountant to make your weekly payment as my girlfriend. You should live financially comfortably " Quincy Moon said these words with that tone that signifies nothing but finality. Even Sage couldn't think of a way to Persuade him. She feels helpless but somehow happy that the Alpha called her his girlfriend and could get so jealous and possessive. Slowly she reached for her cup of tea, aiming to calm her nerves with a sip when unexpectedly her shivering fingers pushed off the cup and the content made to pour down on the marble tile but Quincy was quick enough to set it right on the table. In doing this some of the liquid content pours down on Quincy's hand. Sage was expecting a skin reaction but none came which surprised her. She took no time to drop her jaw. " Quincy ... Weren't you allergic to water? " " No " He replied, surprising sage. " I am only allergic to Black color. I don't ... Like it. I detest it with so much passion " Sage again was surprised. She didn't understand so she extended her wrist forward, showing off her black bracelet to ask. " You mean this color black? " Quincy unconsciously turns to settle his gaze on this black bracelet of Sage. Upon doing this the usual takeover took place, naturally and his eyes bloomed into dark lights, announcing the presence of his other self, his dark side.
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