Chapter 3

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The headlines were about Damian Vladimir, my father's business rival. Since I had nothing else to do, I decided to read the article. I almost spat out my iced coffee when I read the words "the most eligible bachelor, ready to settle down?" It seemed like the funniest thing I've ever read in my life. I continued reading and learned that his mother was ill, and like a TV drama, she wanted to see her son settle down before she passed away. Given the arrogance of this man, settle down quietly? That's probably the most ridiculous thing ever. I stopped reading the pointless article, but before I could put the newspaper back on the table, an idea popped into my head like a light bulb. Alec's dad and my father both hate Damian. And I would do everything to piss them off. I looked again at the newspaper where the name and face of the man they despised were imprinted. This is the perfect opportunity for the revenge that I want. After eating, I went straight to my hotel room. When evening came, my phone was flooded with text messages and calls. Most of them were from Alec. He was asking where I was and we needed to go to his mother's charity event. Even Samantha started texting me. Seeing her name on my screen makes me want to vomit. I hate her so much! I turned off my phone and went to sleep. The next day, when I checked my phone, it seemed like the entire Ortiz and Thompson clans sent a message and called me. Even on social media apps, they were blowing up my phone with calls and messages. Just like what I did last night, I didn't reply to any of them. In the afternoon, I realized that I had brought the wrong purse due to my disorientation yesterday, and I left most of my cards at home. I needed to go back home to get my belongings and leave that place for good. I checked out and went home. As soon as I entered the mansion, I heard my father laughing. "Hahaha, it's good that the mother of that shameless man got sick!" I heard him say. "Hon, maybe that's his karma. I hope his mother dies!" When I heard Gina's voice, I immediately remember the moment I heard her talk about the abortion pills they gave me. And now, she wants someone else dead again? Does this woman have no heart? As I approached the living room, I saw them reading a newspaper, and on the page my father was reading, I saw Damian's photo. That's when I realized that it was about the article I read yesterday. So when Gina says she wants someone die, she meant Mrs. Vladimir, Damian's mother. I didn't greet them and continued upstairs. I stopped for a while when I saw Samantha coming down. "Hey, where have you been? Do you know that everything was chaotic last night because of you? Do you know that Alec was stressed out? Don't you have any pity for the person you left hanging after promising to accompany him to the event?" She accused me right away. I didn't care about anything she said. All I want to do right now is to push her down the stairs. I want to cripple this home-wrecker who ruined my life. Fine, let's say Alec doesn't love me, but she still slept with a married man, and that's me, her sister. Maybe because of Samantha's loud voice, my father and Gina heard her. At that moment, they were also near the stairs. "Felicity!" My father shouted my name. I ignored him and continued upstairs. I even bumped Samantha's shoulder as I passed her. I heard her say 'ouch' as if I really hurt her. I heard my father's voice saying something, but I didn't understand because I was already in my room. I started packing my clothes. I packed all my important things in my suitcase like my laptop, credit cards, some documents, and jewelry. "What are you doing? Where are you going?" My father asked as he entered my room and saw what I was doing. "I'm leaving this house." I answered stoically. I can't stay here any longer. The longer I stay here, the more I want to forget the idea I came up with and instead, just poison my entire family to avenge myself and my lost children. "And where are you going? What's happening to you? Stop that and call your fiancé! Did you know how worried he was last night when you didn't answer his calls and messages?" My father raised his voice. Alec was worried? He's probably thrilled that I'm not around, giving him and Samantha time together. And even if he is worried, it's definitely not for me, but for himself. On the day of my accident, one of the things my father told me when Gina left for us to talk privately was that Alec's parents really liked me. Also, because I'm my father's real daughter. The true Ortiz, not Samantha. They never wanted her for their son, but because they wanted a grandchild, they accepted her for Jason's sake because almost everyone in the family knew that at that time, the doctor said I might not be able to conceive. So Jason became their only grandchild, their favorite child. If only I had given Alec a child, the Thompsons wouldn't have condoned their son's actions. I asked my father why he also hid the truth from me. He should have told me because I'm his daughter. But what he told me broke my heart even more. He said I was worthless to the family. He didn't want to antagonize the Thompsons because they were his business partners. And because he considered Samantha as his real daughter, it's like Jason was his real grandson too. My mind returned to the present reality, and I faced my father. I felt nothing but anger and resentment towards the person I once considered my superhero. "I'm breaking off my engagement with Alec. The wedding will not push through," I dropped the bomb. "What did you say?" His eyes widened in surprise. Perhaps because of what he heard, his blood pressure went up. He held the back of his neck as if he were losing balance. Gina quickly approached to support him. I took the opportunity to storm off with all my luggage. "Felicity, what do you mean the wedding with Alec won't push through?" Samantha had the audacity to follow me to my car and asked. "Oh, I'm sure you know why," I looked at her and gave her a dirty look. I saw how her expression changed. "H-How would I know?" She tried her best to act like she didn't know, but panic was evident on her face. "And besides, you know Alec's parents will be mad at him if the wedding doesn't push through!" She changed the topic. "I don't give a damn," I replied after putting my suitcase in the car. "But I think it would be best if you're the one who will explain to them why this engagement is over." I saw fear replace Samantha's face, but at the same time, she was trying to calm down and pretend she didn't know what I meant. The reason Alec and I were arranged to be married was for the merging of the two families' companies, and the transition started shortly after the announcement of our engagement. That was the last resort they did to bring down their common enemy, Damian. And now that I'm breaking off this engagement, I don't care what happens to that merging anymore. If my father's company continues to decline because of Damian, I'll be thankful for it. I drove off and went to my condo unit, which I haven't used since I graduated from college. I went back to my father's house because I worked for his company after graduating. That's one of the reasons why I'm mad with my father. I was loyal to the company, and I was one of the reasons why his company recovered from losses due to competition between Ortiz Mall and Majestic Centre. My brother Samuel, who only knows how to fool around, inherited the highest position in the company even though he didn't contribute anything and only made too many mistakes. It was me who made Ortiz Mall bounce back, and all I got for all my efforts is betrayal? I will never forgive them for all the betrayal they did to me. After calling for a cleaning service and arranging my belongings, I focused on the plan I came up with yesterday. To get revenge on my family and on Alec and his family, I plan to become Damian Vladimir's wife and make their lives miserable.
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