Chapter 2

1954 Words
It felt like a bucket of cold water was poured over me upon hearing that. I couldn't believe they were the reason my three angels were gone. "Thank goodness our family doctor is on our side, so the findings didn't reveal that the reason she miscarried was because of the abortifacient drugs." Gina said as if what they did was nothing. Their family doctor, Alec's Doctor, Angela? Does this mean Alec knew too? Was he also complicit in killing our babies? As if the heavens wanted me to hear the answer to my question, because the next things I heard confirmed my suspicions. "Poor Alec, he really didn't want to have a child with that woman. He even had to help in aborting their worthless children with Felicity." Hearing that made me want to kill Gina. But it's as if my feet were glued to the floor, and I couldn't bring myself to move towards her. Suddenly, I remembered the pain I felt when I lost my babies, how the blood flowed down my thighs, a sign that my womb was empty. All that pain, the depression I went through, was because of the people I trusted. I always thought my relationship with Gina was civil because she was the mother figure I grew up with after my mom passed away, but here she was, talking about murdering my unborn babies as if it were nothing. She even called my babies worthless. I hate them. I hate all of them. Dad, Alec's family, I hate them all. Dad said they found out about Jason's real father when he was eight years old. That means they've been hiding the truth from me for four years. How could they do that to me? How could they tolerate such betrayal? They made me look like a fool during his birthdays, Christmas, New Year's, and every other occasion! While I was surrounded by people who knew the whole truth, they talked to me, smiled at me, comforted me because of my miscarriages, but was it all a facade? Why did they do that to me? Aren't we family? I ended up sitting on the floor while listening to Gina. A maid who saw me in that state had to assist me, and I had to be escorted back to my car because I couldn't stand up properly. It took me several minutes before I could drive away from Dad’s house. I wanted to be alone. I didn't want to go back to our house with Alec. That place is a lie. Everything that happened there, all the happy memories, all of it, are lies. In my desperation to get away from everything, I stepped harder on the accelerator. I knew I wasn't in the right state of mind to drive, with so many thoughts racing through my head. Samantha's words, what Dad said, and what I discovered from Gina and all her accomplices did kept playing in my mind. My chest and head hurts, and tears kept streaming down my face, so I had to wipe my eyes every now and then because my vision blurred from the tears, and I couldn't see the road clearly. After wiping away the tears, I was shocked to find myself facing an oncoming car. I realized I had been counter-flowing without even noticing it. I quickly swerved my car back into the correct lane, but because of my speed, I didn't notice the post, so I crashed into it at full speed. I felt the impact of the crash all over my body. My head hit the steering wheel repeatedly, and it felt like time slowed down. Is this what it feels like to die? Is this what they say your whole life flashes before your eyes? I couldn't accept that this was how my life would end. I couldn't accept that everything would end like this. I wouldn't rest knowing that the people who betrayed me and killed my babies were living happily, while I only had pain and resentment. I wanted revenge for all the pain they caused me. I needed to avenge my children who never even got to see the world. I needed to avenge my children who never got to feel my warm embrace and experience their mother's excitement at loving them dearly. Screw Alec! I can take care of and raise our children on my own if he doesn't want to be a part of it. Why did he have to kill our babies? "If anyone can hear me, I hope you hear my prayer, God, please give me another chance!" Those were the last words I uttered before I closed my eyes and was consumed by darkness. And if it was some twist of fate that occurred, I don't know if God listened to my prayer or if some other mystical being heard my desperate plea and gave me another chance, because I woke up again. I expected to wake up in a hospital because of the accident, but I didn't. I woke up in my old room. In my room when I used to live with Dad. I walked around, feeling nostalgic as I looked at my old bedroom. It used to be Jason's nursery when he was born. We were already married with Alec by then, and living separately. But I was shocked when I saw myself in the mirror. I saw a much younger version of me in the reflection. I reached out to touch my face. In the reflection, you wouldn't think that the person facing the mirror was already thirty-eight years old. The wrinkles and lines under my eyes from years of stress were gone. You couldn't see the depression and stress that had robbed my face of its color and smoothness. My cheeks were rosy as if I had blush on, even though there wasn't any. My lips were red as a rose, and I looked radiant even without any makeup on. How did this happen? Why does it seem like I've come back to my twenties? I think my eyes are playing tricks on me. Maybe I'm just hallucinating because of the impact from the accident earlier? My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden ringing of my phone. I searched where the sound was coming and found the phone resting on the bedside table. I grabbed it to see who was calling. My eyes widened at the name displayed on the screen. 'My Darling' That was the name flashing on the screen. It was Alec calling. Because of the rush of memories before the accident, I didn't answer the call, so it got disconnected, but barely ten seconds later, it rang again. Alec's contact flashed on the screen again. I didn't intend to answer it, but in my mind, I wondered what he wanted to say now. He had hurt me so much, and there's no amount of apology that could ever make things right again. Before the phone could finish ringing, I picked it up and answered. "Babe," he immediately greeted on the other line. "Why did you take so long to answer?" It was a casual question, as if he hadn't done anything wrong to me. The nerve of him to call me babe! But wait, why did he call me babe? Hon has been his term of endearment for me since we got married. Does he think I'll forgive him if he sweet talks me like that? "Babe? Are you listening?" he asked. "Don't tell me you're still getting ready and can't talk right now? But okay fine, I'll pick you up at 6 PM so we can go to Mom's charity event together, okay? Bye. I love you." I shuddered at his last words before ending the call. "I love you?" I sarcastically repeated. "You son of a b*tch!" I cursed loudly at his audacity. Did he really expect me to go to a charity event with him after what he did to me? I was about to throw the phone so he couldn't call me anymore, but then I noticed the date on the screen. November 26, 2023? I was shocked at what I read. The date I came from was November 26, 2041. How did it become 2023 again? And why do I have this old model of a phone? This model has been phased out for about 15 years now. It took me a few seconds for everything to sink in. I went back to the mirror and looked at myself again. I wasn't hallucinating. I scanned my room once more. Everything was arranged the way it was before I got married. Everything wasn't a hallucination. I went back in time! I'm twenty again! 'I went back in time and retained memories from my previous life.' I repeated in my mind because just now I sounded like a crazy woman. To confirm my speculation, I grabbed the phone again and browsed the internet. All the sites and applications I visited gave the same information. It's indeed November 26, 2023. "Ma'am Felicity, it's time for lunch. Sir and madam are already in the dining room." I heard someone call. I opened the door of my room and saw a maid who had been serving in my father's mansion for a long time. Wasn't she the maid who helped me stand up and escorted me to my car before the accident? Her face changed too. She looked young like me. "What's the date today?" I asked. There was a hint of confusion on her face, but she quickly answered me. And just like what my phone indicated, the maid gave the same exact date. That's where reality started to sink in. I'm alive again and back to the age of twenty. According to the date, in three months, I'm getting married to Alec, that deceitful man! Instead of going out to eat, I dressed up and prepared to leave. As I descended the stairs, I saw Dad and Gina in the dining room, starting to eat. I could feel my lips trembling with anger. Especially towards Gina. I wanted to snatch the knife she was using to cut her steak and stab her in the chest. I rolled my eyes when I noticed Samantha wasn't in the dining room. With the truth revealed, I wouldn't be surprised if she's with Alec at this hour. Maybe they were giggling together while Alec was calling me earlier. Maybe they were mocking both of us. Dad saw me descending the stairs and called out, but I continued walking out of the mansion and went to my car. I drove off, and before I could get far, my phone was flooded with messages from Gina asking why I was disrespectful to my father. I restrained myself from replying to her messages and cursing her out. I will never forget everything she did to me. I went to a nearby hotel and checked in. Before heading to my room, I passed by the hotel lobby and ordered iced coffee and cake from one of the cafes there. I sat down where there weren't many people and started eating. I have a sweet tooth, and cakes are my comfort food, but even after several bites, my chest still hurts immensely. The pain didn't even lessen a bit. I felt like I couldn't find peace unless I got revenge for everything they did to me. Isn't that the last thing on my mind before I die and wake up at this time? As I was determined to replay that in my mind, I noticed the newspaper on the table, and a familiar name caught my eye in the headlines.
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