I cried myself to sleep last night. The truth was finally out, but the moment I had hit send, I regretted it. Big time. I had acted rashly last night. I had let my emotions, as usual, cloud my better judgment. I let all the guilt seep in from the moment the twins had asked me about Aden, and I found the wrong outlet for all of it. It was only the first time they had brought it up, for crying out loud. This could ruin everything. I worked so hard for the past six years, and that was a stable home for my babies. It was, however, the twins 5th birthday party, and I couldn’t wallow in my misery any longer. There was too much to do before everyone got here. I trudged my way down the stairs. Mom, Reggie, David, Anna, Amy, and the twins were already sitting around the dining room table enjoyin