I Messed Up

1620 Words
His eyes scan the empty dimly lit room. Everything looks still except for a few waiters moving up and down. Some soft jazz music is playing on the speakers surrounding the entire place. It's still too early for anyone to find themselves here but he is. The empty tables are lined up as they should be ready for their customers later. His eyes revert to his own table that is not so empty. He stares at the items on it once more before he takes a deep breath and empties his first glass. A strong burning sensation in his throat follows the moment he swallows all the contents from the tiny glass that he is still holding in his hand. This is the only thing he could think of to help him think clearly. He laughs at how ironic that sounds. "Can I get you anything else sir." "How about a girl?" Lucas looks up at the waiter who looks uncomfortable and afraid to give him an answer . "Well?" "Am...Am afraid we are not that kind of establishment Mr. Miller." The young man stammers and he laughs. "Can I at least get one of these then?" He raises the tiny glass in his hand and waves it before the young waiter. "Of course sir." The young man does not even hesitate but dashes to the bar. The waiter's behaviour makes him laugh bitterly. For a long time he was used to people reacting to him like that. Just his mere presence would get many sweating. They didn't know if by the time he left, their lives would still be intact or would have completely changed forever. Some would come as CEOs but would leave as nobodies even those that boasted to be rich would go back penniless if they dared to cross him. Except one person. He laughs when he remembers the feisty girl that made him wipe the floor in his home a long time ago. He had been running late and had forgotten a folder so he rushed back to get it from his room and he ended up messing the floor that she had just cleaned in the process. When she saw the mess she stopped him in his tracks and handed him the mop to clean up. When all he did was look and smirk at her she had gotten furious and threatened to pour water all over him which she almost did had it not been for her mother. He thought with her mother now present he could simply walk away but he couldn't have been more wrong. She wasn't one to be pushed over so easily when even her own mother couldn't get her to back down until she got what she wanted. That was her first time in the Miller mansion. She was joining her mother after being done with high school in their former town where she had remained after her mother got employed as their housekeeper. And that day for the first time Lucas had looked forward to getting back to their usually cold home. "Here you go sir." He looks up and finds the same waiter from earlier holding a tray with his drinks on it. "These are on the house, please do enjoy yourself." The waiter nods in his direction and he does the same with a smile. His eyes go back to the drinks that are now before him. He already has had one too many but he bets no one here is bold enough to tell him that. No one in his life had the guts to tell him 'no' except one person. Even now she dared to say no to him. Him...Lucas Miller the king of the construction industry, the man at the helm. And that is why he loves her because she dares to be different, she is different. From everyone that ever walked into his life she was the only one that didn't wish to kiss the ground he stepped on. That is why her supposed betrayal stung so much. Seeing her in that bed with Ray looking like that was like being hit by a giant wrecking ball. It was like a curtain had been removed from his eyes and he was seeing her true self. In that moment she was no different from all those girls that would sell their bodies in his circle. She couldn't even deny it when he wished she could. He downs one more and his throat burns yet again and he closes his eyes trying to contain the burning sensation. When he opens them his mind wonders to the early hours of today. He found himself unable to sleep and wondered round the hotel looking for their garden so that he could get some air. His balcony wasn't giving him what he wanted, those beautiful scents mixed with the cold air to relax his senses. He found Jaelyn purely by accident when he stumbled in the hallway where her room was and he was glad he did. It was never a question for him to help her out as his mind just sprang into action when he saw the state she was in. And thank God he found the garden in time. He holds the tiny glass tightly when the thought of losing her crosses his mind. That is one thing he could never bear. Being away from her is already tearing him up from inside and he doesn't know how much of it he can take. He didn't know just how much she was hurting too until this morning when she couldn't even let him touch her. He didn't even mean anything by it except wanting to help her but her reaction both surprised and hurt him. He probably deserved it but it didn't hurt any less. He found himself hours later with his eyes still looking the way she went. It hurt like hell seeing her walk away like that and it got worse when he imagined how she must have felt when he walked away from her the day he broke up with her. "Some jerk I was." He mumbles to himself as he picks one more glass and pours all of its contents down his throat. He squints his eyes when the liquid comes into contact with his throat making it hot. He had walked over to this place when the sun rays hit him and made him realise it was already morning. The night before he had a full schedule for the day but that encounter with Jaelyn made him put everything aside. He just wanted to drown everything, so he came to the only place that would help him do that. That was hours ago and yet up to now he can't seem to let go of even one tiny thought about the woman he hurt so deeply. Even when he closes his eyes her own sad eyes are staring back at him reminding him of his mistake. He drops his head on the table wanting to stop it from thinking. "What do you think you are doing ?" He looks up and finds Nina looking at him with disapproval. "Enjoying your services of course." He raises his glass towards her but she grabs it and puts away from his reach. "Hey you are no fun." "Drinking this early in the morning is your idea of fun?" Her smirk is evident and Lucas just scoffs. "I felt like it. Any problem with that? After all this is my time off." He smirks. "What happened? We both know Lucas Miller doesn't do alcohol unless..." He looks up at her and smiles awkwardly. "Maybe I changed." "Uh huh...tell that to someone who doesn't know you." He sees her sit back with arms folded waiting to hear the real truth no doubt. He just scratches his head messing up his hair. "I messed up big time and I dont think she will ever forgive me Nina." He looks up and finds her watching him. "What should I do?" "Na uh...you are not dragging me into your mess, no." Nina protests. "Help me out here Nina." He begs her but she just shakes her head. "Get up. That is the only help you are getting from me today. As for the rest you'll have to figure it out by yourself." Nina lifts him up not caring if he is done or not and he dares not protest her actions. He is glad she came when she did because he would have probably drunk himself to oblivion. He stumbles beside her surprised at how unstable he is. He didn't realise he had taken enough to be this drunk. Nina brings him up to his door and he insists he will take it from here. He stands steadily trying to convince her that he is not too drunk. He just doesn't want to be babied by her which is what will happen if she goes in with him. "Thanks and don't worry am fine. " he leans on his door as he salutes her goodbye. "If you say so." She replies while she eyes him with concern. "I will check on you later okay?" "Sure." He opens his door and slips through before she even leaves. Once inside he leans back on it and sighs. He is still dizzy so he drops to the floor. This is not the best version of himself but right now he doesn't care. He is about to close his eyes when a figure in his room comes into view. Surprise is written all over his face when his eyes land on the last person he expected to be here. "Jaelyn?"
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