His Girl

1544 Words
"You are here?" He squints his eyes trying to focus and making sure it's her he is seeing and not his alcohol talking. "Hi." He is overcome with emotions at the sound of her voice and he struggles to get up from the floor. After struggling with thoughts of her the entire time today he feels so happy he could scream. It's something he did not expect at all. She is standing right in front of him looking unsure of herself. When he sees her indecision he finds his feet quickly and moves towards her afraid she might change her mind and leave. He stumbles all the way to her and he stops clumsily in front of her. "You are really here?" There is excitement bubbling through him at the thought that she did come for him after all. When she smiles at him he feels like the heavens just opened. From her attitude towards him this morning this is a complete turn around and he smiles inwardly at what that may mean. "Jaelyn." He reaches out to her and takes her hands. "Lucas I..." "Shhhh. Don't say anything." He whispers to her. "It's enough that you are here. That's all I want. It's all I have ever needed Jae." He places his forehead on hers liking having her close again. Her scent is just as intoxicating as ever and the longing in his heart doubles. How did he ever let her go? His breathing is heavy and having her own breath fan his face has him not thinking so clearly. Her closeness is not helping either as he feels himself draw even closer to her. Beads of sweat cover his face as he feels the temperature around him suddenly change. It's getting hot, he is getting hot. It was always his reaction to his girl. He didn't need anything but just having her close drove him insane. And just like before he waits. He may be intoxicated but he would never forget this, not with his precious Jaelyn. It was like a code between them, he wouldn't move unless she said so. He keeps waiting but she does nothing and frustration starts creeping in. She is so close and he will go crazy if he doesn't... "Lucas.." She whispers his name and he stares into her eyes. They are full of longing and he doesn't need to be told twice when he leans in and angles himself aiming straight for her lips. He stops inches from her looking for any sign of her not wanting it but she stays unmoving and he takes that as a yes. In a split second their lips collide and Lucas doesn't hesitate to dive down deep. He is like a mad man trying to devour her whole. His lips on her are as hot as fire with its blazing flames consuming its prey. He just wants to hold on to her, to have her with him always. When he feels her melting in his arms, he dives deeper trying to reclaim her. The warmth of her mouth driving him insane. She is his Jaelyn and she will always be his. His mind and heart agree, he doesn't even need to ask his body that is aching for her so much he can feel it in his bones. After a moment of nothing but pure bliss he pulls back to look at her. He is about to smile but the look on her face makes him clench his teeth. How did he not see it or feel it. Once again all he was thinking about was himself. He was so lost in her delicious taste he did not realize that she was crying. "Jaelyn?" He calls out to her softly. She looks up to him and his heart falls when he sees the hurt in her eyes. It's so clear to him and he mentally kicks himself for making her suffer like this. Him, his temper and his big mouth did this to her. His regret grows even bigger than before. How he wishes he had taken a moment to just breathe when he saw her with Ray in that hotel room. Instead of thinking the worst of the girl that had probably loved him because of who he was and not his money. The only person that could see him beyond everything that his world painted him out to be. Why couldn't he have been like her? He was no saint but she accepted him with all his faults. She loved him despite him being the coldest, meanest and ruthless person she had ever met. She smiles weakly at him and he loathes himself more. "Here." The folder she is handing out to him is familiar. He can see her hand tremble a bit as she hands it to him. He takes it and puts it on the side and goes back to looking at her. "We can talk about that later hmmm?" Right now he doesn't think it's important. He wants to make sure she is alright. He takes her by the hand wanting to help her sit down but she stays rooted on her spot making him look at her questioningly. "I can't do it." "Am sorry about that, we can take it slow if you want." He cups her cheeks and holds her gaze but she looks away from him and her eyes fall on the folder that he put down. She looks very conflicted and he wonders why and what she is talking about. "Am sorry but I can't do this project with Miller construction." That statement has him panicking and he wonders if he heard her right. This is not what he was expecting at all. At best he thought she had brought the signed copies, that is why he even thought they could talk about it later. "What are you saying?" He lets go of her hand afraid he might hurt her because right now his clenched fists feel like they can crush anything. He is struggling to hold on to his temper as well when he sees the future of his company going up in flames if Jaelyn pulls out. "Why? I thought we worked that out already?" He is as calm as his rising temper can allow him. In his heart he knows he shouldn't be mad but his mind is flairing when it thinks about what this means for Miller construction. He closes his eyes momentarily trying to keep his cool before he makes everything worse. "Am sorry I just can't. I only came here to tell you that." She is looking down and her hand goes to her mouth and she seems to be wiping it. He looks on bitterly when he realises that he may have just made a fool of himself too by kissing her the way he did. There is no trace of her enjoying any of it and he wonders if he had imagined it all. A coldness covers his heart when he realises the truth that is staring him right in the face. The love of his life no longer wants him. He thought they could work it out if they could just talk but the finality in her eyes let's him know there is no chance. All the hope he had is going up in flames right before his eyes. He can't even blame her for his own misunderstanding of her actions. From the word go she had been clear but he was too focussed on getting her he missed all the signs she gave him. "Lucas are you listening?" Her soft voice brings him out of his thoughts. He looks at her and finds her looking at him with concern. "I said I can find you someone who is just as good." He shakes his head at her and moves towards her holding her hands again. "You don't understand, it has to be you Jaelyn no one else." That is true not just for his project but for his life too. But she just shakes her head. "If it's me you don't want to work with I can have someone else in charge and you won't have to see me I swear." "Its not that, I just can't." "What is it then? He feels himself snap. "You just want to punish me? Is that it?" He is angry that even when he is doing all he can to win her back nothing seems to work. "Am not you Lucas." She sneers before she turns and starts walking out. He is in front of her in a flash and blocks her way. "What can I do to make it up to you, please Jae?" "Nothing!" He is taken aback by her immediate answer. She didn't even flinch or hesitate. He looks at her shocked and once again he is reminded that he lost her a long time ago and he refuses to accept it. He feels his anger mounting and a new resolve forming within him when she decides to go round him and head to the door. Before she can even turn it's handle he turns and calls out to her. "You are mine Jaelyn." "You will always be mine."
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