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"Damn it!" "Don't tell me everybody in this room has failed to get in touch with one small stupid company all this time." Lucas's temper is flairing and he is about to explode. Everyone else in the boardroom just sits quietly avoiding his eyes. He rubs his temple harder than he intended as he stands up. "If I don't get that contact by close of business today, I will have all your jobs!" He gives everyone a pointed look and walks to one of the boardroom windows. His employees don't even need to be told the meeting is over as the boardroom is empty by the time he turns around except for one person. "What do you want Ray?" His voice is colder than usual. "To talk" "Not now.." "Damn it Lucas! It's been six months!" "And I still don't want to talk about it" he bites back. "When then?" "Leave me alone" He walks out not even bothering to say bye to his best friend or more like former best friend. Lucas walks back to his office with gritted teeth. When he gets into his office he slams the door shut and throws whatever he was carrying on the floor. He is trying to calm his breathing but every second that passes just gets him in a worse mood. "My my my...what's got you so worked up?" He whips his heard around at the sound of that voice and his temper just boils beyond what he can contain. "Get out!!!!" He is seething. "Now now that is no way to greet your future wife is it?" "If you know what is good for you Delilah you will leave now" he looks at her with a sour look while she grins at him. "Calm yourself my love, I was already on my way out anyway. After all I can't talk to you when you are in this....mood. See you at home" She leans in to give him a kiss on the lips but he turns away at the last minute and she ends up kissing his cheek. Delilah just laughs and walks out of the office. The moment the door closes he collapses in his sit. He feels a headache coming on with everything he has to deal with. He sighs heavily. Today is not a good day. All the pressure he is feeling is making him want to murder someone. He opens his laptop and goes straight to his emails. "Why aren't they responding?" He yells in frustration. He has been watching his inbox like a hawk waiting for a reply but not even an acknowledgement of receipt to any of his emails has come through. If only his client didn't insist on using this particular company he would not have wasted so much time trying to get in touch with them. "And what kind of company won't give any other contact details apart from their email address?" He bangs his laptop shut in frustration. He doesn't know how long he can hold this up. He needs to find a solution soon before he loses this contract, something that he can't afford to. Otherwise Miller construction will take a hit that they won't be able to recover from. And he has worked too hard for it to get here. He gets up and walks out of his office. He is headed to one of their garden spaces to get some air. Maybe he might come up with better ideas on how to reach that architect. When he gets there he sits on one of the benches and relaxes. The smell of the flowers does some good to ease his frustration. He sighs in contentment. If he is being honest its not just this deal that is stressing him. It's also a reflection about his past. Something that he finds himself constantly thinking about these days. The mistakes he has made that cost him a beautiful life with a beautiful person. It's been six months since he last saw her. Six miserable months of him torturing himself for not being there for her when she needed him the most. And his last memory of her sitting naked except for a bed sheet wrapped around her in his hotel hallway has haunted him more than anything. She was pleading with him but he ignored her. He was only thinking of himself and how hurt he was because of her betrayal. For six months he wished he could have heard her out even if it was just for a minute. He should have listened to his heart but he chose to believe everybody else except her. And what was worse was his choice of words to her, words he could never take back even if he wanted to. "Jaelyn..." he whispers her name. He has no idea where she is. When Ray had suggested he watch the hotel footage that day he had refused until it was too late. He found out how that she was a victim in this whole thing when it was too late. She was gone and he had a fiancee. "God am so sorry Jaelyn. Am sorry my love" If only he knew where she was, he needs to tell her how sorry he is for everything and that he will do anything to earn her forgiveness. "Lucas?" Ray's voice brings him out of his thoughts. "I said leave me alone" "Believe me I got that part clearly, this is business" "Yeah?" "I was thinking that maybe tracing that company's designs might just lead us to them." Lucas thinks about it for a moment and it makes sense and he knows exactly where to start from. He heads back to his office ignoring Ray. The truth is he still can't stand being in the same place as his best friend. Their relationship is not how it used to be before. He knows he shouldn't be mad at him for something that wasn't his fault entirely but he can't stomach all the thoughts of him being Jaelyn's first. It's the first thing that comes to his mind whenever he sees him and it always rubs Lucas the wrong way. It's one of the reasons he doesn't want to hear him out too. Meanwhile all Ray has done these six months is apologise over and over again but Lucas can't bring himself to forgive him. He just can't. In his office he opens his laptop and goes to his gallery and opens one particular picture of a very magnificent hotel. It's not as big as most Miller hotels or those they have worked on but it's very classy. The first time he saw it he thought the design was out of this world and looking at it now he can understand why his client wants him to get this particular architect to design their hotel too. He dials his secretary's line who picks on the first ring. "Yes sir?" "Make a reservation for me at the pearl hotel for five days."
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