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A bang on the door makes Jaelyn to quickly wipe her tears. "Am coming Nina am almost done" "5 minutes" she hears her friend shout from the other side of the door. "What?" "5 minutes and am coming in Jaelyn" It's so like Nina to threatan her like that. She pours more water on her face trying to make her bloodshot eyes look better. She sighs when that doesn't help. "Jaelyn..." "Alright I'm out" she replies as she goes to open her bathroom door. She finds Nina looking right at her. "Hi" she forces a smile. Nina just comes close and gives her a hug while she rubs her back. Jaelyn fights the tears threatening to fall and fails miserably. Sobs escape her as she continues leaning on Nina's shoulder. It's one of those days when the events of her past months creep up on her sending her back to the moments everything happened. Lucas's smiling face during their engagement announcement to the press has haunted her from that day. It has kept her questioning his love for her because no matter what had happened she didn't expect him to be marrying someone else in a few hours literally. She holds on to Nina tightly while her friend let's her cry. Jaelyn is glad to have her by her side. If it were not for her she doesn't know where she would have been. Especially during the time she found out that her night with Ray had left her pregnant. Being pregnant was supposed to be something she celebrated but she had wanted to die when she found out. She couldn't bring herself to forget all those painful memories and to have something else remind her of that pain every single second of everyday was just too much for her. She was even afraid of looking at her own reflection, afraid of seeing the life growing inside her. And just the thought of going through it all alone made her cry over and over again. "Why me Nina? What did I ever do?" She is now crying like a little girl. "Hush now Jaelyn. Everything will be alright" "When Nina?...I'm tired. I'm tired of it all" Nina holds her at arms length and looks at her face seriously. "Look...you have already come this far Jaelyn, you've achieved so much. Look around you. You own a damn company for crying out loud and its doing so well. We are doing well and so is this little guy over here" Nina touches her baby bump while Jaelyn just looks at it. "So stop feeling sorry for yourself. Don't let those good for nothings hold you down. There is nothing you can do about what happened but you have all the cards in your hands about your future. And you can make it as bright as you want hmmmm?" Jaelyn looks at Nina a smile forming on her lips. She feels better already. "Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you" she hugs her. "I do" Nina answers with a mischievous grin. "Oh shush!" Jaelyn knows exactly what she was going to say and today she doesn't want to hear any of that. "Come on...your projects await their architect" Nina pushes her towards their office. "Aye aye captain" she salutes her playfully. "And it's not a boy" Jaelyn shouts after her. "Of course it is" Nina shouts back making Jaelyn laugh. They have been having this argument ever since they could joke about her pregnancy. Nina keeps on insisting it's a boy and has been getting all boy colours for all the baby clothes she gets. Nina is more like family to her now. She has literally held her hand during the past months of her life. When Jaelyn got to the island she moped around for barely a month before Nina started dragging her out of their house and forcing her to do something about her life. Always reminding her that if she threw her life away then everyone who hurt her wins. That thought kept her going even when she had bad days. When she gets to her office she dumps herself on the couch first and takes a moment to catch her breath. She is getting heavier now as her due date is approaching. In just about three months she is going to be a mother. She smiles as her hands rest on her bump. "I can't wait to meet you sweetheart. Always know that mama loves you no matter what" She closes her eyes and thinks about how beautiful it will be when her baby comes. "Uh...I'm pretty sure I meant you come to work and not to sleep" Nina is standing by the door. "Give me a break will you, I'm carrying two people here" Nina just laughs and hands her a glass of juice. "Thank you" "So have you thought about the contract?" "Yes I have and the answer is still no" "Jaelyn..." "No Nina" "Please reconsider, you don't even have to be there, I can represent us. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. And after this project you would never need to scout for clients anymore." "There will be other opportunities." "Jaelyn..." "Please Nina, I'm tired of talking about this" "Alright, but I do hope you change your mind" "Not happening" "Stubborn woman!" She hears Nina mumble to herself. "Look who's talking" Jaelyn looks at her arms folded. "You are impossible" Nina walks out with hands in the air in protest. Jaelyn just sighs. This offer is giving her a headache. If it were any other company offering it she would have jumped at the opportunity without a second thought. She opens her email and finds fifteen new messages waiting for her. All of them from Miller construction a well known company in the construction industry and they are talking about the same offer that she and Nina just talked about. She doesn't even understand how her company got picked for this job when she didn't even bid for it. She closes her laptop yet again. She has no intention of responding to Lucas Miller...
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