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"I don't know why you are torturing yourself like that Jaelyn" Nina laughs. "Let me be. If I can't drink it at least let me smell it" she keeps holding on to her cup of coffee that is already getting cold. Today all she wants is a mug of coffee but her bump won't allow it. So she made a cup for herself and smelling it is the closest she's getting to having one. She sighs when she realizes that Nina is right. The smell is actually making her craving worse. "I will just have juice then" She sounds like an unhappy child who didn't get the candy they really wanted. Nina hands her a glass full of juice that she had been refusing to take the last hour. "Remind me to have 10 of these when am done with labour" she says pointing to her coffee mug. "You can have as many as you want on that day" Nina replies with a grin. "Right.... Where were we?" "You taking a break?" "No not that" "You do know it's for your own good right?" "That I do, but you know I don't do breaks. Besides you know I can't just drop everything now. I won't have a company to get back to by the time am done." "That is why I keep on telling you to get this deal. You won't have to worry about any of that if you did" "The answer is still no" "Jaelyn..." "I don't want anything to do with them...with him. And saying yes to this deal will hurt me more I know it Nina. You of all people should understand what it has taken me to get here." Her friend just looks at her thoughtfully. Jaelyn doesn't even want to think about seeing Lucas again because just the thought of her being in the same room as him is already choking. She has fought to forget him all this time and seeing him again may just put all those efforts to waste. On the other hand she also can't ignore what this deal would mean for her small budding company. In such a competitive industry having such a big job fall into her laps is already a miracle. Working with Miller construction will put her out there in a way that would have taken her years of marketing and countless number of small jobs before she lands anything close to this. She puts her juice aside as her own mind struggles with thoughts of putting her personal life first or being professional and putting her company first. She smiles sadly when she remembers how she and Lucas had planned to head out on their own and establish their own firm together. She was supposed to be the brains behind the designs and he was going to bring her designs to life. That has been the hardest part about setting up her own company. Every step reminds her of their dream. Something that she had looked forward to for a long time and it was snatched away in just a moment. Something good may have come out of it but she can't deny she lost so much more. Her hand caresses her belly and a kick from her baby gives her some kind of comfort. At least that little bundle of joy would brighten up her days when she would be lonely. "Why does it have to be him?" She whines. "You could just choose to be professional about it. Or I can stand in for you if you need to attend meetings." "I see you seem to have forgotten a minor detail about Lucas. There is no way he will have just anybody on this project. Not from his company or the company he is working with." "True....that workaholic always wanted a hand in everything." They both laugh at that. "Phew! All this talk and thinking is making me hungry. When is lunch?" "I thought you just ate." Nina looks at her shocked. "Don't look at me like that, it's hard work to make a person." Nina bursts out laughing. "Remind me never to get pregnant." Jaelyn just rolls her eyes at her. "Let me get you something." Nina says that as she gets up but she stops her. "Don't worry I will do it. This little person seems in their own mood today. So I will just let he or she choose what they want to eat today. And I need to stretch my legs a bit too. "He" Nina corrects her. "What?" "You just said he or she." "Yes?" "Its a he I already told you." "Am not doing this now" Jaelyn laughs as she walks out of the office. "Am telling you it's a boy, I can feel it" She hears Nina shout after her. Jaelyn just smiles. She doesn't really mind if the baby is a boy or girl. She will be happy either way as long as the baby is healthy that is all that matters. She walks on lost in thought as she heads to the kitchen. Today she feels like eating something that will agree with her body, mind and soul. She laughs at how weird she is being right now. "I can't blame me entirely." She mumbles to herself. "Miss Gray?" She turns around and finds one of the employees for the hotel standing there. "Yes?" "We seem to have a problem at the reception with one of the reservations. The person is asking to speak to the manager but I can't seem to find Miss Nina." The man looks at her apologetically. "It's alright. Let's see how I can help." She figures lunch can wait a little bit. Some good customer service will always get them a good recommendation after all. They walk back but before they can even reach the reception Jaelyn can already hear the commotion coming from there. She quickens her steps trying to get there before things get worse. But when she does she freezes on her spot. She understands why there is so much noise and why they failed to handle this particular person. She would recognise that voice from anywhere. "Miss Gray, everything alright?" "Uh yeah..." She tries to compose herself and walks further towards the reception area. Her heart is racing so fast she hopes she doesn't faint. She didn't think today would be the day she had dreaded ever since she came to the island. Right now she wishes it was Nina here and not her. She has no idea how she will handle herself in front of him. "Good day sir." It takes everything in her to keep her composure. 
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