Chap 9 French toast, Some-mores and Forest- a mix of characters speak. pg 13ish from here on it will get hotter.

3030 Words
Bessa I wake to the smell of French toast. Syrupy french toast. The last thing I remember is getting passed to another guy who looked just like Mr Marshall only with blue eyes instead of green. I still smell earth and rain. My nose bumps into fabric. I frown at the feeling. French toast is food not clothing. So I open my eye just to shake my head and blink. Mr French toast is blue eyed Marshall. My cheeks get hot like the fire In the pot belly. "Hi." He says with a smile while playing with my hair that fell over my shoulder. "Hi, what is going on?" I whisper. "Are you asking about why you are smelling what you are smelling? Or why my brother and I are in your bed?" "Yes? To both? I guess." I start playing with his shirt. "Ok, first give.Do you feel this?" he runs just a finger from my hand to my elbow. I shiver all the way to my toe. "Ye...yes?" "That is the mate bond. It will get stronger. It will draw us to each other. Make us want each other. Encourage us to kiss and touch." He runs a finger along my cheek. I look at his chest playing with his shirt again deep in thought. He slips a finger under my chin, getting me to look at him. "Just ask sweetheart." " The guy that looks like you but with green eyes?" I pause to see if he is following. "Teagan my brother." He nods "He smells different and does the tingly thing too." "He is one of your mates also." He runs his fingers through my hair. The bed shifts and then a kiss below my ear. The tingles race through my body and I gasp. "Breakfast is ready." Teagan rumbles. I blush more. "Thank you." "You're welcome. Beast and Mouse should be here any minute. Do you want to wake the others?" "Ok" I whisper as he touches my cheek. "Ok we will take care of the bed while you get the rest up." Teagan helps me up, and I go up stairs. It doesn't take long for me to wake the others and I change while I am up there. Before coming down to wake the littles. When I get back to the living room a large breakfast is set buffet style on the table. The littles get their plates and sit by the fire. The others take the chairs. The only place for me is the couch with the Marshall twins. Teagan catches me shifting from foot to foot. "Come here Peanut. There is nothing to fret over." He pats his leg. I take him up on his offer. Just as there is a knock on the door. Teagan holds me firm to his lap. His brother goes to the door to let in a giant of a man and another almost the opposite in size. "Ms.Alpha" the big man puts his hand out to me to shake. When I do I feel the zing of the battery. My eyes go wide and look to Angel. He just nods with a smile on his face. Then I look to Teagan, Who is just watching me with his hand on my back. "The guys call me Beast." His boom of a voice quiets the room. It isn't an alpha's voice or bark but just as effective. "Yes I felt it too and you are my mate as well." He reaches for the small man bringing him forward to me. "This is Mouse. He is the reason they say be careful of the quiet ones." "Lady Alpha." He says taking my hand sending more sparks through my body. I shiver and Teagan holds me a little tighter. *Kainda, We have four…* gulps* mates?* *Yes, baby girl. We will be well loved and cared for.* The older kids are watching us. I blush and duck my head. Playing with my food. Mouse kisses my cheek and goes for his plate. He smells like a wood fire and chocolate and marshmallows. Beast kisses the top of my head and I smell the forest and his wolf, raw nature. He gets his plate and stretches out next to the littles. Ashley let's mouse take her spot and then climbs on his lap. Everyone goes back to eating. Teagan takes a forkful and holds it to my lips. I didn't realize that anyone had noticed me playing with my food. I look at Teagan and he nods encouraging me to accept the bite. So I do. It seems to shift things a little. It send my stomach to a warming almost butterfly-like feeling. We all finish eating. "Alpha Bessa, I would like to have a meeting with you, and your Beta and Gamma. With my Beta and Gamma. Would that be ok?" Teagan asks. "Yes,Sir." I look over at the younger kids to give directions. Teagan pulls my face gently back to him. "No, Peanut. You have a choice. We need to have a serious conversation. I want your pack to understand that I respect you and your pack. These men are not just my pack but your mates. So I would like it to be the oldest pack members. Now I would like to discuss things first then we can let them ask questions after. Does that sound ok?" "Yes. Alpha Teagan." I turn to the kids "You kids can play here or outside. Mackenzie and Maxwell please join us in the littles bedroom for the meeting that Alpha Teagan has asked for. Is that agreeable to you Alpha Teagan?" "Perfect. Thank You Peanut." He says kissing my jaw. "Gentleman this way." The guys grab chairs and follow to the bedroom off the living room. M&M sit on the bed with me and the guys take chairs facing us. There is a few rumblings coming from the guys and I give a curious look. Angel nods towards Max and it clicks. Max catches the silent conversation and moves to the desk chair. "Ok everyone this is not a normal mate moving in with a mate. So this needs to be done carefully. Everyone here is a minors. Including our Peanut." Teagan states and I look at my lap, blushing. "We won't go back. Who knows what will happen if we go back. They could succeed at killing one of us." Hot headed Mac argues. I grab her hand and squeeze. "After finding out what we did last night. That won't happen. However, we would like your pack to be absorbed into ours. We would like to see you guys either find family that you belong with or a family who would like to adopt you guys. The way it was intended to be done." Teagan stops talking for a bit. Letting us absorb things. "We won't have to serve the pack house?" Max questions their intent. "Only if you want to. If you guys choose to be warriors there is other things for you." Beast answers rank to rank. "First you guys will do school and play like children. Then be assessed after your first shift. I will not have children in my kitchen."Mouse grumbles. "My Omegas are forbidden to abuse anyone or vice-versa." "What are you thinking Alpha Bessa?" Teagan looks at me. I notice he isn't calling me Peanut right now. I think he is trying to separate responsibilities. "I don't know yet. We just got out of one situation….I guess I want to know that my pack is ok. I want to be able to check on them at any time. So if they do move out of the pack, that we all have contact numbers for each other. Maybe have a check-in somehow." "Like a run or dinner." Beast suggests. You can tell what gets to his heart. "Why?" Mac finally asks her question. I felt it burning her up inside. She is looking at her hands wrapped around mine. "Mac, honey." Angel asking her to look at him. "Your Alpha is our mate. If it was someone else they would leave their pack and move to ours. Goddess Luna changed the rules for everyone. So instead we think it should be a merging or blending of packs. Where we can we would like to reunite families. That is what we think is best. However, it is your pack and we are not supposed to make decisions for another pack." "Ok. I can get behind that." She turns to look at me. "I think we should. They have more training and people to help protect the littles." "When?" Max pipes up. "I mean we will need to pack." "I can call a few Omagas to come and help. Have them bring a truck and another SUV." Answers Mouse. "We don't have much. Just a few packs that we brought." I respond "Peanut, how often do you let your wolf play, to run?" Teagan asks "Kainda has been out a lot lately but not to play." " How about this M&M take your pack and our driver to our pack house. You,me and our mates go for a much needed run?" Kainda tries to push forward and my eyes flash for a few seconds. "Hello little Lady." Teagan says with a bright smile."I take it she likes the idea?" I blush and duck my head. Then look at Mac and Max. They both nod in turn. "Ok. Guess the only thing left to do is pack up." I get up and leave. Everyone follows me out. Mouse steps out to call the Omegas. I get everyone's attention. I tap my wrist and Alley cat starts to cry. She pops up and runs to Beast and buries her face in his leg. He scoops her up and whispers to her for a minute. The tears stop as she hugs with a death grip. Then points to the room we just left. They head off that way and the other littles run after. "Just worry about your things. We don't need to pack food stuffs. We are moving to the guys pack house." I let the others know. "Boss!" Beast hollers from the other room. I bolt to the room. Trying to think of what might have happened to upset him. Teagan is hot on my heels. Along with M&M. Who is followed by the Angel. "They only have rags for clothes." Beast holds up one of Alley's good dresses. The littles are tight to each other. Angel sees this and goes to them. Alley climbs up into his arms and Tosh and Ben come to me. Mac takes Ben. "Mouse." Teagan hollers. Gives a scowl that has me whimpering. Tosh pulls a little tighter. He comes over to me. Wiping tears I didn't know I had. Then kisses me." I am sorry. Baby tell your pack to only bring what they want. They will get new things on their way to the house." He finishes with another kiss and walks out to find Mouse. I link with the pack and let them know. I help Beast with the littles. While M&M go to pack their stuff. Soon the second SUV shows up and a couple of people knock on the door. Angel let's them in and they start hauling the packs to the car. Next thing I know it is all packed and we are ushering everyone to it as well. "You will see your Alpha at the pack house. I promise. The people you are with now will take care of you guys for now. We will talk about things more when we can." Alpha Teagan swears. Beast fist bumps with each of the littles. He seems sweet on Alley cat, ruffling her hair. It makes me smile. The Marshall twins cuddle me between them as the SUVs pull away. I drop my head to Teagan's arm. The contact feels natural. After the trucks are away, Angel kisses away tears. Beast kisses the back of my neck and Mouse takes my hand. Teagan kisses my temple. "We should go shift." Mouse suggests. The guys head towards the woods to shift. I hesitate, then head to the cabin. Teagan stops and looks confused. It only takes a beat then dawns on him. He nods and heads my way. "I will stay on this side of the door while you shift." He touches my arm like he can't resist even for a second. I go in and shift. Before I am done I hear him shift and lay at the door. Kainda As I come out of the cabin I see the twin black wolves, a grey wolf and a red wolf. They all start painting as they see me. I shake out my calico fir. We all head to the woods. The guys surround me as we run it turns playful but always heading in one direction. We bound over logs and body slam each other. Some nips and yips get passed around. Red scoops up a stick and comes up to me with it. He lays down Infront of me. I look at him funny and he nudges the stick to me. I inch towards it. At the last second he steals it and bounds off. I bound off after him. When my stomach growls the boys come near. They seem to "talk" to each other then one of the blacks run off with the grey. We keep heading towards the pack house. They come back with a couple of rabbits and offer them to me. I eat with gusto, I think that is what humans call it. Glad that Bessa is taking a nap. We get a little more serious after the snack and head the last few yards to the pack house. One of the blacks nudges me to a tree that hides a bag. He lays facing away. Bessa I shift and get dressed quickly. I give a scratch to the black and stand facing away as Angel and Beast head my way. Beast walks into my space and possesses my mouth with his. His tongue finds every nook and cranny of my mouth. I grip his arms. Teagan steps to my back, hands on my hips. Needing them gently. His tent pressing into my butt. His lips finding my shoulder/neck junction and nipping. My body floods with butterflies and pressure. The guys growl scenting my pleasure. Their eyes fluctuate. Glancing to Angel, I see him rubbing himself through his pants. I am panting and whimpering. They pull back to foreheads on me trying to catch their breaths. "We have to…"Teagan pants "Wait until She is 18." Angel finishes, he comes up to me and whispers growls one word. "Now." Then he takes his turn to own my mouth. I explode. Heat rushes through me as my patties turn damp. I whimper not totally getting what just happened. They each kiss me again and we head into the pack house. The twins each take a hand and lead me up four flights of stairs to their room. Angel and Beast peal off to do something. Teagan hands me a shirt that must belong to Beast, leggings they must have gotten from somewhere and a fresh package of underwear. I look at what I have in my hands. Then spot Teagan's belt and steal it. He just smiles as I run off to the shower. Teagan After Bessa steals my belt. I step out long enough to tell an Omega to gather some things for her and have them brought here. I mind link Mouse and let him know to put the kids up on the floor normally reserved for the Beta and Gamma families and to put the littles in the kids room up on our floor. When Bessa comes out dressed in Beast's shirt, my belt and a pair of leggings. She slips on a pair of Angel's old boots. We head to the kitchen on this floor. A couple of Omegas are opening containers and making plates for everyone. Alley cat talking a mile a minute. Tosh is trying to smell everything. Ben watching quietly and discreetly as possible. M&M, Jamie and Jimmy, Ashley and C and the rest carry bags from the cars. They set them down in the living room and come to the table. We all sit down to eat after the other guys get to the dining room. The Omegas nod and head out. I thank them as they leave. Given how these kids were raised they have good manners. If anything was done out of line, all it took was a look from Bessa. "Would you guys like to join us for one of our rituals?" Bessa surprises me. "If it means getting to know you, I think we would love to." I glance at the guys who nod. "When are you thinking of doing it?" "After dinner, in the living room." I look at her confused. "We used to gather supplies during the night, when we worked, then we would show eachother what we found. I thought everyone would like to do that again. It would make for a way to wrap up the day." She points to the bags. "Makes sense." I pull her head to me and kiss her forehead. We finish up and the kids each grab their bags and Mac hands Bessa a bag too. "We shopped for you too." Mac says "Thank you." Bessa responded They take the next couple of hours and show each other their things. Then we take everyone to their rooms to unpack their things and put their new stuff away. The older ones decide which rooms they want and who they bunk with. Bessa and I take the littles up to their rooms. C decides he will bunk with Ben so he has someone too. They all turn in for the night. We decide it is best for Bessa to have her own room for now, then she will move to our room after she turns 18 next month.
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