
She broke the rules.

kickass heroine
coming of age
first love

17yr old, Bessa, by all rights should not exist. Her parents where Omagas, they should not have had an Alpha for a daughter. She should not have her wolf yet. She has had Kainda sense she was 5 years old. Why then you ask? The Alpha that took her in found out that his alpha's voice doesn't work on her. He almost killed her.

After the war that killed her parents several packs where ordered to take orphans in. Not all those packs where/are good. The orphans of one such pack decided to make a change for themselves. The plan becomes reality one night and they run.

A small town in America takes them in. They find their safe haven for now. just as things start to get comfortable life takes a turn. Will it be fore the best or worse than what they had?

While working at the grocery store a gentleman approaches Bessa and ask if she has recently made peanut brittle. She doesn't know what to make of him. She does suggest that he check out the bakery. That they may have some.

He goes back to his pack with a smile on his face and a pep in his step. Wondering how she will accept them. how will the others accept her. He comes up with a plan for his pack to meet her.

So the Omegas and a few off the ranked wolves start planing a spring carnival. They do one every year, but they decide to make this one special. Over the next few weeks, the gentleman and his partners take to doing the shopping.

When the festival comes around they men scout for her only to find she has children with her. Do they change their plans? Are the children in danger with the gentleman's pack?

Bessa starts to wonder what is going on. who is the secret admirer that leaves gifts to her and the others.

Kainda says they are from her mates. That they are courting her. That she must meet with them and soon. That it maybe life or death. Kainda says she will not say why and which it will be. She is not a seer.

The gentleman and his partners start getting more assertive as the days go by. They start coming to the house to spend time with her. She makes it plain that the children go where she goes. That they need protection. The littlest is only 3 after all.

Will the gentleman oblige? What will happen with the young ones? Will they find themselves in the dungeons again or will they too find the love of a home?

Alley Cat finds out that the librarian's family wants all of the littles to come live with them. That the gentlemen want all the kids safe and happy. some of the older kids are sceptical and justly so.

The twins find that they have relatives near by. They must make their own choices. As all children must.

As for Bessa and the gentlemen there will be tears, smiles and maybe laughs. Touches of love and surprises for all. Solidity and hope. At times the love is overwhelming for the child who never knew it.

Only the Goddess Luna knows why she broke the rules. What is it that she needs to be brought to heel? Luna needs help and the only ones to bring light to a world of darkness may just be The Gentalmen and The Orphan pack.

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lay of the land- Bessa
It is cold tonight. Our bodies shiver as we all cuddle together on the damp stone floor. Old castles suck for keeping anyone warm. Especially if they are kept in the dungeons. Barely rags to cover us. Some of the smaller kids cry and sniffle. They know not to make a sound or a beating might come. I guess I should tell you who we are. We are the orphans and castoffs. We live in the basement of the pack house...ok castle. The most I know is that we live in upstate New York. No not the city. The mountains of New York, USA. I am Bessa. I don't know my parents. Like most of the kids here. I am one of the three oldest down here. I am 17. I have had my wolf since I was five. That was when I got beaten the second time which almost killed me. The first time was when they found out that none of their barks could affect me. The time they almost killed me was at the hand of the alpha, when he decided that he needed me to learn my place. The other two oldest are Mackenzie "Mac" and Max. We lovingly called them M&M. They are 15. Now you get the joke. They are twins. Alley cat is the youngest at three. She is a spitfire and has the locks to show it. There are ten of us in total. The lights snap on blinding me for a minute. The lights tell us it is time for chores. Yeah we get the dirty jobs. The ones none of the omegas will do. Sometimes we do the stuff they didn't have the time for. We take the time to gather things that are discarded. Like stained up shirts or pants. Blankets that get tossed because someone doesn't like the color anymore. Everyone over the age of five heads up. We leave the little ones and someone to watch them down stairs, to have some kind of childhood. Alley cat, Ben and Tosh are the littles. Mac and a couple of kids start on the usual laundry and supply closets. The pack is sleeping or in their rooms. The night is ours...well sort of. I head to the kitchen to see what Omega Sue Ann has left for extra chores. Max takes a few boys out to the woodshed to get busy cutting wood for the pack house. I go through the fridge and start by pulling the throw away stuff. When the fridge and kitchen are clean I start on chopping veggies and prepping for tomorrow. C comes up to take some from me and heads back down to the little ones. He will make something to eat for all of us. I go to the pantry and find a few things there that would be on the throw list. I add them to the pack. Hey, they are non perishable. I do touch ups as the rest are coming back from their chores. We double check everything and head back down as the sun rises. It is our turn to tuck in for the night. M&M take my bag down to the kids. I wait at the top of the stairs as a look out and listen for the door to be locked. No one below moves other than laying down. I wait until the count of ten then head down. We all shuffle to the back. The littlest are the excited ones. It looks like everyone has a hood load tonight. No one speaks. I take the bags and start pulling things out. We did really good; Paper, food, clothing, score with a couple of blankets. A couple of children's books the littles start to bounce. I give the "mom's look" or at least what I think it would be. I get to the bottom of the bag. I KNOW who gathered these. I slap the bag shut, look at Mac and cover a smile with my hand. I know my eyes are sparkling. She smiles big. Ally cat starts to say something but C covers her mouth. Everyone covers their mouths as well. We stay as quiet as mice down here. We don't speak at least not the way everyone one upstairs does. I play with everyone a little. I opened the bag again to make sure I saw right. Close it and look at Max, then at C. They both know it is something special. Mac is giving the sign to open it all ready. I shake my head no then hand her the bag. It is her find after all. She looks everyone in the eye with a finger over her mouth. We all nod yes. I go to the stairs and listen one last time. Then nod again at Mac. She pulls out a pack of 64 count crayons and a pack of green and purple pencils. We all raise our hands and wiggle our fingers. This is our happy dance. We put everything into its hiding place. It is time for bed. We put a "new" blanket over what is our bed like a sheet. The littlest one goes to the center of the bed. The older pack is around them. Then pull the blankets over all of us. *We did good tonight. Sleep well my friend. I will keep watch* Kainda my wolf says. *Yes we did. Thank you my friend. Be safe.* I remarked with our usual change over. This marks the changing of the guards.

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