Chapter 10- A new start- little bit of everyone

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Mouse I go to check on Lady Alpha but the room we assigned her is empty. I take a whiff of the room and find a faint scent of strawberries and biscuits. I follow the scent to the girl's room. Where I find her curled up with Alley in front and tosh behind her. Her thumb in her mouth. If I didn't know any better I would say she was around Alley's age, stuck in an almost full grown woman. I tiptoe to the side of the bed. I reach over Tosh and move Bessa's hair and I kiss her head. She stirs and I pet her cheek and her eyes flutter open as she looks over her shoulder. I wave her to follow. She squirms her way out from between the girls. Padding her way out the door to join me. When we get into the hall I take her hand and lead her a bit away. We stop to talk and notice the missing child. The need to be cared for. The hunger to cuddle. The longing to be touched and wanted. "Good morning Sweets. Did you sleep ok?" "No?" "Why not, Baby girl?" "I am used to sleeping with the new place I guess and the bed." "I can understand that. You need to sleep. Right now I need your help with something baby. ok?" She nods. "I need words Baby girl." "Ok." She whispers and tucks her head. "You know the kids better than any of us. I think all of you could use a day special to you guys." "Bake them a cake and they would be happy." She fidgets with her fingers. "They thought last night was good." "I am thinking of doing up rooms and getting school gear ready. I know that we still have to test everyone. That can happen later. I think Alpha would approve of planning an introduction party. " "Don't make them the center of attention. So maybe a play date or just have dinner with both packs together. If your pack does their normal the Orphan pack will be able to catch on soon." She thinks for a minute. "What does Alpha Teagan think?" "He wants to introduce the kids to potentially their classrooms. He wanted me to ask you. " Introduction at the school let them try to make friends and then add us to pack meals. I think that should work." "Then let's get everyone up and ready for school. We will put them in with their age groups for now. We can assess them in a few days. Have the party this weekend. The guys are working on getting in touch with families. They could use your help there. For now let's focus on the kids." She nods then heads back into the littles room to get them up. I head down a level to start waking the older kids. Bessa The talk with Mouse helped. Having a plan for the other kids gave me something to focus on. I moved into the on suite bathroom, which is a typical kids bath. Claw foot tub, separate shower, toilet, double sink, and linen closet. I fill the tub with bubbles and warm water. Then go to wake the girls. Alley is a hard one to wake. Knowing that she normally asks for a few more minutes, I try to wake her first. Then I wake Tosh up. I get her in the tub and leave the door open and get Alley up and in the tub. Just as I was getting them out someone knocked on the door. "Just a minute." I pull the girls out and wrap them in towels. Then get the door. "Luna, I was told to bring these to the girls." "Thank you." I answer as I turn to close the door. "May I help you and the girls get ready? I can do their hair nicely." "I would love the extra help." As we work I find out that she is just a little older than me. Her name is Marie and that Mouse told her to help anyway she could. I thank her. Then the four of us go and make sure the others are up. Beast meets up with us as we head to the dining room back on our floor and he scoops up Alley cat. Then puts his other arm over my shoulder. Sending tingles down my spine causing me to blush. "Guess what Beast?"Alley cat squeals " Your nose is blue?" "Nope," she giggles making me smile. "Umm you are a pony in disguise?" "No," more giggles "I get to go to school. Mr Alpha set it up. Mr mouse sent the uniforms. See?" She shows off her jumper. "My girls are beautiful." Giving Tosh's hair a tussle. Mouse has breakfast laid out and everyone has plates and juice. Teagan and Angel walk in behind us holding new backpacks for everyone who is going today. They pass them out as we all head for the school house. We take the kids to their classes. We set it up so Alley goes into the kindergarten class. Beast has a bigger issue leaving her than she does. Watching them is sad and hilarious at the same time. "You have to go be boss. I have to be a kid now. We can have dinner tonight. Bessa said so." pudgy hands squash a big man's face that is pouting. Alley pats his head and heads for her class. I giggle and Beast sulks away. I take his arm and we head for Teagan's office. Beast I could listen to my calico's giggles. She smells of chocolate and peanut butter. I pull her close and smell her hair. Then drag her into a pantry/linen closet. Taking her mouth as I pin her to the door. Covering her small body with my larger one. I know Teagan said no touch. I have to taste her mouth. Even her mouth tastes like reese cups. I take her mouth deep. She is so much smaller than me. My hands almost touch behind her head and leave just enough to kiss her in front. Someone jiggles the door handle making us jump a part. I put my forehead to hers while we both catch our breaths. We get lucky that they move off. I peak out the door and the hall is empty. So we get back on our way to the office. As we enter, Teagan moves from behind the desk. He takes her hand and leads her to his seat behind his desk. I take a seat across from her and next to Angel. Mouse scurries behind us with some snacks. Taking the fourth chair in front of the desk. I can tell she is trying not to laugh. "Ok the most important question you may have to least today. When is your birthday?" "What is today?" "December 7th." Mouse pops the answer out as if in a trivia game answer. "Three weeks-ish. December 31." "Sweet holidays." Angel says "Mouse we get to calibrate solstice extra long this year." Teagan does a forehead slap and I roll my eyes. Christmas and new year are Angels' favorites and Mouse loves to spoil us. The kids will make it even more special. "Ok, so there are a few packs in the area that might have relatives for the kids. I think it would be nice for them to be with their families as quickly as possible. However, we need to be sure they are safe and happy. If that means giving them time we will." Teagan leads. "We should give them a get to know you period. So they don't have to jump in to anything and be uncomfortable." Bessa suggests. Mouse reminds everyone of the promise that was made, phone or contact information. "I think we should make files of everything Bessa knows about each of the kids...including herself." I look at her. She was frozen until i said her name. She had that deer in the headlights as soon as the other packs were mentioned. "Come here Peanut." Teagan calls her over. She acts as if she is in trouble. Yet she still comes to him. "You are safe. We only are trying to help. Making files will help us take care of everyone." He points to the cabinet;" those files are the whole pack." The phone rings, cutting everyone off. Angel answers the phone. He gives a couple of "Ok…yeah sure….Ok. She will be right there. bye." he turns and looks at Bessa. " You are not going to like this. Alley Cat is living up to her name. Apparently, She got into a fight. You will be surprised by who with." Teagan and I look at each other. Bessa looks at us too. "Who?" She says. "Someone in her class?" Teagan raises an eyebrow. "Next class up?" I ask after Angel shakes his no and again at me. "Who?" She says even louder. "The…" He pauses like he doesn't even believe it. Chuckles a little. "The Bully. Apparently he called Tosh a name and then said something about her." Before Angel even finishes Bessa is out the door. Teagan and I are next. All i can think is how bad is squirt hurt. Mouse is holding his sides laughing so hard. Bessa We walk into the school house as a couple is walking out with a boy, at least sixth grade, two black eyes and a possible broken nose. Holding his arm. I pick up my pace and jog to the nurse's office. I need to see how bad she got hurt, but there is no one else in the nurse's office. "Office." Is all she says as I pass. I pass the guys on my way back out of there and turn down the hall. I storm in to see Alley sitting in the corner, hands folded and head bowed. Tosh and Ben flanking her. I grab her up to take a look, and find nothing. Beast takes her from me and she grabs his neck tight. "What happened? Where is the boy?" I ask as I turn to the principal. Who just walked out. "I figured the hit to the ego and the injuries are enough. To teach him to watch who he messes with. She knocked him out then went to town on his face. You will have to figure out punishments." "And the other two? What did they do?" I ask "More like what they wouldn't do. They refused to tell what happend. Said they are a pack and the pack sticks together." "Why were they together with the sixth graders? They are kindergartners. I asked confused. Teagan takes Ben and Tosh's hands. Tosh climbs into his arms and Ben cries his silent tears. "The whole school does lunch and free play afterwards to promote unity in the pack." She says. "We will take them home and discuss things. Give them a few days to think it over." Teagan states. "The rest of them are doing ok though?" "Yeah they are doing fine." "Thanks, keep me posted if anything else happens?" Teagen responds on his way out with a crying Tosh tucked in his arms, taking my hand and leading everyone out. When we get back to the house we put the littles down for naps and head to the kitchen to talk. "Well I guess Alley has made a name for herself." Beast beams. And I swat him, causing him to laugh. "How did she learn to fight like that?" Teagan asks. I just shrugged. "Let me take her in the afternoons and train her with the other pups. If she is fighting kids two to three times her size, she should learn to do it right. So she doesn't hurt herself. " Beast suggests with a serious face. "I will make sure discipline is first and foremost." "Take Ben and Tosh to for a couple of days. Build confidence and discipline." I say. "Heck, take Ashley and Tess too. They will feel left out if you don't." "Punishment?" Teagan says and I freeze. He jiggles my hand running a thumb across it. "Not that kind, Peanut. We don't do that. Things like no tv, no phone, no friends over." "They don't have those any ways. So they won't phase her to lose. She doesn't get to share for the next couple of days? It is her favourite thing to do." "Sounds reasonable." Teagan encourages. "Ok, I will bring you a laptop to work on in their room for now. Try to get as much info down so we can tell where to place them." "Can it be a notebook? The paper kind." I cringe. Angel notices. "Of course. I don't think anyone thought of that. I can work with you later to teach you computers, Honey." Angel perks up. "We can add them into the system after we get the info down." Teagen goes to his office and grabs the thing I will need. Beast heads off to do training with the pack pups. Collecting the older Orphans. Mouse heads off to help with dinner. I head to our kitchen and figure out what to make. Working on the files as I do. Angel comes in a while later with a phone and a camera for me. "Hope you don't mind. I put in phone numbers for us, the kid's teachers, the principal and the nurse. I also sent your number to the others. This" holds up the camera "is for taking pictures for the files. You are welcome to take others so you can make this place more homey. We can print them out and frame them." He takes a seat on the counter next to me. He starts flipping through one of the files. He scowls. "You are missing a last name for Alley but you have them for everyone else?" He looks at me confused. "She came to me about two and a half years ago. Not even a name. She reminded me of a cat that used to hang around the bins. So I named her Alyssa Cathryn just so she could be called Alley Cat." I smile as I cut carrots for the roast. "What about the twins? M&M." "I will have to ask them that." He keeps checking the holes. As I give him information he adds it to the files. "We are short a file." He starts to go back through them. "I figured it could wait. I have mates now." I shrug. "I have the orphan pack and now your pack for a family. If mine wanted me they wouldn't have left me at that place." Angel takes the knife from me and pulls me to stand between his knees and puts my head on his shoulder and rocks me a little. I don't realise that I am crying until I hiccup. "Subject change?" Says as he pulls back a bit. I nod "What do you want for your birthday?" "I...don't know." is all I say as I go back to cutting vegetables. "We can figure that out. Just keep thinking about it. Ok?" I nod, he gives a quick kiss then turns to the radio and clicks it on. We start singing along once the roast is in we start dancing and goofing off. Until we hear giggles.then we drag them in on the fun until the timer dings. A few minutes later everyone shows up for dinner. We all take seats and start eating. It is unusually quiet. "Do you want to explain what happend at school today, Alyssa Cathryn?" If the room was quiet before it is dead silent after that. Forks stop mid bite and the littles get a little shorter. "I can't protect you from actual wrongdoings. Own up little girl." "Yes, Alpha. That boy was picking on Tosh. When Ben told him to stop. He made Ben cry And pushed him. I knew you wouldn't let that happen to us. So I beat him up." She side-eyes me. "Did you talk to a teacher about it?" "No, they weren't around." "Well because you didn't talk to a teacher about it first. You don't get to share tonight or tomorrow." She starts crying and tries to get comfort from Beast. He just moves her back to her seat and she totally loses it. "For the rest of you. You will start training tomorrow and that includes the littles. There will be discipline. We are joining packs and therefore we need to BE a pack. I am hoping this will help on both fronts." I make sure to get everyone's eye. "Alley cat will have to wait until she is allowed to participate again but Angel has something to share tonight. I think it will be fun." He gives a curious look fork half way to his mouth. "I do?" He asked with his head tilted. "We talked about it when we were cooking." "Oh….Ok." We all finish up and clear the table. Then move into the living room. The kids get their backpacks and we go about showing things that were done in school. We talked about how training went. Angel takes pictures while we are doing that. Angel finds a good background for the pictures. We have each kid stand in front of it for their file picture. We explain to the kids what we are doing. Even showing their new files. "You know it might be a good idea for the older kids to try and fill in some blanks and maybe answer some of the questions." Teagan suggests. So we hand out the notebooks. They get pencils from their bags and try their best. "What do you remember about your time at the castle? Do you remember your parents? Do they know what pack they were born into?" Angel asks. He has been a big help on this project. We quickly fall into a routine of breakfast, school or work, training, and dinner with show and tell after. Rinse and repeat tomorrow. Alley doesn't cause any more trouble at school. We decide to go ahead with doing dinner with the whole pack. The girls decide they want to dress up for it. So they all pick out dresses. The boys put on good shirts and Jeans. I put on a nice dress, since the guys plan on introducing me to the pack as mate and Luna. I won't bear their mark until I turn 18. So the guys have been a little possessive and handsy. Someone is always touching me or finding a quiet space to kiss. It would feel weird if I wasn't a wolf. We all gather on the kids' floor and head down together. Beast and Alley cat leading the way. M&M are with Angel preceding me and Teagan. Teagan pulls me to a stop and waits for a minute. Then nods. Beast opens the door from the other side as Angel says please stand for your Alpha Teagan Marshall and Luna Bessa Shepherd. We enter to an applause and showing of necks. I grip Teagan's hand a little tighter. As we approach the head table Angel pulls my chair out. Beast comes around to my other side while Angel sits on the other side of his brother. The kids are speckled throughout the room. Mouse brings in drinks to the head table and gives me a smile. "It won't be this way every night. We just wanted to show you off." Teagan's eyes twinkle. Slipping his hand to my lap. I, of course, blush. Next thing I know I have Beast' hand on my lap too, and it is touching Teagan's. Their hands rest in that spot that makes it hard to swallow. The one spot that makes you want to stop the world. The one that makes you blush from your hair to your toes. I try to move their hands closer to my knees. Thanking Luna that there is a table cloth. I clear my throat and try to act natural. Somehow all three of our hands get tangled. They each look at me and I feel like I am told to stay put. We stay that way through dinner. Mouse joins us at the head table for coffee and dessert. Some of the kids pull out board games. Adults pull out cards and dice. For the most part it is a big hang out session "Has Luna decided on what she wants for her birthday?" "It will be my first. And no, Luna has not figured it out." I answer Mouse's question. "Oooh 18 years of parties in one night?" Mouse ponders "That sounds fun." From Angel "You're supposed to be the voice of reason, not the party animal." I scold. "Baby girl, it is ok to have fun. It is ok to still have childish wants." Encourages Mouse. "Peanut, taking time for you is a definite need for an Alpha." Teagan "A hot pack run might be fun." Beast growls in my ear making not squirming all the much harder. I stand up quickly and head for the door. Pack members nod as I pass. I hastily return the sentiments. Mouse I slip back into the kitchen so I can go after Baby Girl. I think we took it too far. After I get out of the kitchen and back to the door to the dining room I pick up her scent. It is mixed with arousal. I follow it up to Tosh and Alley's room. I figured I would find her here. She is cuddled with one of the teddy-bears crying. I sit down next to her and pull her to my lap. She resists for a beat or two. Then she trades the bear for my shoulder and I just rock her and shush her. Eventually her thumb finds its way to her mouth. I gently pull it out and swap it for a passie. She seems to settle just that little bit more. Poor baby keeps trying to hold everything on her shoulders. Baby Girls aren't meant to do the same as an adult. She has been doing it for so long. She let's the others play but what about her. I can tell it is going to be hard to find that balance where she can have what she missed. After a while the other guys find us in the dark bedroom. Cuddled on the floor. I must have fallen asleep too. Beast picks up Baby Girl. Teagan helps me up and I reach down for the teddy she had. The guys lead us to the main bedroom. She doesn't normally sleep in our room but I told the guys what she said this morning. I linked with Marie and asked her to help with Baby Girl. She has been sworn to secrecy. Us guys go to our closets to get ready for bed. By the time we are done Marie has Bessa in pjs and in bed. We pile in around her. We each have a hand on her and she has her teddy bear. In some way we also have contact with each other too. I can't wait for the day we can be even closer with her and each other. That is how we sleep. At least until I get kicked in the head.
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