Chapter 8- Lunch?- Alpha Teagan. Ps. Food not least not yet.

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I need to see her again. I couldn't stop thinking about her last night. I know Noel wanted to skin me alive for what I did to her. Scaring the bejesus out of her like that. I mind link the watch captain to find out how things went last night. *Nothing significant from border patrols. The cabin watch said that there are approximately 11 total. The youngest is a small girl. The oldest being your mate.* *Thanks. Keep them safe.* *Yes,Alpha.* I shut down the link and jump in the shower to get ready for the day. Sampson and I discussed how we might get some time with her. How we can get her to our place. To meet the guys. I dress in Jean's and a heavy sweater. I pad down stairs in thick socks. The guys are sitting down to coffee and breakfast. Mouse went big, heavy on the meat. It must be a whole pig...ok that is an exaggeration. Not by much though. "Morning guys." I say as I fill a mug. Black and clean. I get grumbles back. Angel my twin. black scraggly hair, blue eyes that rival the sky. Eyes and attitude are all that separates us. Tiernan "Angel" Marshall is younger by 5 minute. He is the thinker to my action. Next to him sits Beast. A big black man hair down to his ass when it is braided. Which is the only way I have ever seen it. His skin is blacker than the coffee I drink. I watch as he runs his fingers through my brother's hair. Watch the pleasure in Angel's eye is a turn on. Some might think it is odd that I am turned on by this kind of thing but wolves are s*x incarnate. Passion is our middle name. When we get mad rooms get remodeled because things get destroyed. When we love it is with our whole heart. That is why it nearly kills us when we are rejected or a partner is killed. Mouse brings me a plate pulled high with a side of biscuits and gravy. Touching my shoulder. "She will be fine. Take her to lunch and make up with her. Be slow." He comments and slides into the booth next to me, so our legs are touching. The contact seems to settle me some, and we dig in. We call him Mouse because of the sandy colored hair. The way he can sneak and be unassuming. Yet in the blink of an eye he can tear someone apart like he almost did to me yesterday. "I would bring her lunch and ask her out." This from Angel. I nod thinking about it. "Yeah that sounds better than what I had in mind." "What did the watch find out?" Beast asks "She is taking care of 10 other kids. The youngest is a little more than a toddler." I look at my watch. "One of us should watch the cabin for a while." "I will take watch after training." Beast states. "Maybe the Omegas can grab some hand-me-downs that need a home." From Mouse. "Angel, any plans for today?" I ask my Bata as I finish my coffee. "Check patrols, verifying rsvps for solstice, some other stuff too." "Sounds good. See you guys for dinner?" We all agree on usual time and go our ways saying goodbyes. Mouse handing me a lunch box for two. Just in case I am able to talk her into joining me. I head out to my truck and head to town. The pack members have their own businesses and jobs. They also voted that I not work so I can focus on the needs of the pack. So I usually check up on business and run background checks as needed. For today and the next few days my job will be to get the girl. I know, cliche but someone has to. As I am checking on things at the library I spot the twins from the other night. They are helping three little ones find books to read. Their clothing looks like scraps. They are clean and some stuff looks too big on small frames. "I think today would be a good day to read to the kids." I tell Sue "Any suggestions?" Her answer is to hand me three children's books to choose from. I smile as I read the titles. They are well worn because I read them so much as a kid. Grover's Resting Places, Winnie the Pooh, and Pinocchio from the golden book group. We gather some of the kids in the children's room. "If you children take seats mr. Marshall will read to you. Now he doesn't usually do this so if you are really good, we might be able to talk him into it more often." Ah yes, the age old request for more interaction time. Sue has been trying to get me to set a schedule. I shake my head with a chuckle as I sit in the rocking chair. "Who would like to pick the first book?" I look up to see a bunch of hands shoot up. I see a little redhead that is sticking close to the twins has her hand up. "Would you like to help turn pages?" She nods and I pat my lap. She looks at one of the twins and they nod. She is practically bouncing as she makes her way to me. I smile at her and she snuggles in. After the first book I ask her name. "I'm alley, that is Tosh, and Ben we are the littles. Those two are M&M." She point at each of them in turn. "You can call me alley cat, my calls me that." she picks out the next book and lose track of time. At some point I have all three of the littles in my lap. "We need to head home guys. Get some lunch." the girl M says. I look at my watch and see that it is almost three. "You know what that is a good idea. I need to get back to work. Thank you for letting me read to you guys. I will see you again." As I head out to a child-like chorus of thank you and good byes. They head out of town and I head to the market. After I get to the market I look for Her. Irritated, I don't know her name yet. I know it is kind of creepy to watch someone work. I just want to see her calm and safe. I can hear a soft humming coming from her. She almost seems skittish when anyone is near her. As I walk up to her I make sure to make some kind of noise. "Hey peanut. How are you doing?" I ask as I walk up. "Good, Sir" she stands, hands tucked behind her and drops her eyes to the floor. "Peanut, you can look at me." I want to see her eyes. She gives a quick nervous glance. "Have you had your lunch break yet?" "I'm ok." "I would like to make up for yesterday. Would you have lunch with me? Maybe talk a little?" "I have to put this stuff up." She is hesitant to answer. "I'm not hungry." I can smell both fear and lie about the answer. "I got lunch for two if you would like to join me. I don't think I could eat it all. I don't want to waste any." I comment trying to appeal to her. "What about Noel? She might get mad if I don't do my work. I left early yesterday." She rambles on, making excuses. "Noel is ok with this." I hold out my hand to her. "I don't know your name?" She tries again. "Teagan. What's your name?" I smile and present my hand to her. "Bessa Shepherd" ducking her head again. "Well Bessa let's go eat. I am hungry and want you for company. We can eat in the break room or somewhere outside." I say as she looks around, probably for Noel. She then slowly reaches for my hand. I gently close my fingers on hers. Feeling the charge at the touch. I tug her to follow and she finally does. We head to the break room and have a seat. I pull things out. Mouse did good couple of sandwiches, cake slices, fruit and two juice boxes. We start off quietly. I finally ask her things. Start with the easy stuff. "How old are you?" "19?" Lie but I let it slide. "Where are you from? "Up north" " How many siblings do you have?" "10 plus me" lie it is a negligible though " How old is the youngest? "Alley cat age three." Smiling like crazy. "She is a little redhead that had trouble for a middle name. Freckles like fire work. Then there is tosh,and ben. The twins, M&M, are my right hand. C, Jack, Jamie, and Ashley think I got everyone." She says with this sparkle about her. "I think I met them at the library earlier. They like to read. Alley cat is a snuggler." She nodded with a mouth full of was about three heart beats before it dawned on her what just happened. Her hands started to shake and she started looking for the exit. "Peanut, you are safe. They are safe." I said in what I thought to be a calming voice. "Peanut, I need you to look at me and listen. Ok?" I reached out for her hand. Needing contact. I could tell she was freaking out. Deer in the headlights on a four lane highway. "Peanut, baby take my hand it is ok. Whoever you are scared to death of WILL NEVER GET TO YOU. they have to go through MY pack ok?" She was still scared out of her mind. I don't know that I was getting through to her. I pull her up and into my chest. She goes stiff like she doesn't know what to do. So I just hold her until I feel my shirt starting to soak through. "Noel, I need to take her to her place. Please get her stuff for me." She hands me a flannel shirt. All I can do is scowl. I tug on peanut's hand and she follows me to my truck. I buckle her in. Then jump in to my side and head towards the cabin. I mind link the guys to tell them my suspicions are right they are on the run, and to beef up security. That I will be at the cabin for the night. As we are driving I spot the other kids and pull over. "Hay guys, want a ride?" I say as I jump out. Thank Godess for dual cab. They look at Peanut and jump in. We head to the cabin. Everyone is quiet for a few. "Mr Marshall, what is wrong with Bessa?" Alley cat asks. So that is her name. "I think you guys might be able to help figure that out. This may be a hard question for you guys to talk about. I need to know what is going on." They all look at eachother. They do a few head movements and signs. Like they are trying to decide. "Bessa told us we have to say we are family but we are not. We are a pack." Trusty little Alley cat says. Her reward was to have the female M cover her mouth a little too late. "Your secret is safe. I am in a pack too." She wolf M slides her hand off and they all look at eachother again. Bessa's head whips to me. "We won't go back. We can't go back." She frantically shakes her head."please." She pleads as we pull in by the cabin. Fresh tears pool in her eyes. I reach for her and she ducks away. I unbuckle her belt and scoot to her. "Why don't you guys head in and get that lunch you guys talked about. We will be in soon...a couple of my friends might stop by later to see how we can help you guys." I say pulling Peanut into my lap and holding her. I link with the guys and ask them to come and bring wood and food. Istart rocking Bessa and shushing. We stay like that with the truck running. Soon the guys show up in an SUV. They pile out grabbing what I asked for and then some. Angel comes over and takes Peanut from me so I can get out. We all head to the little cabin. I knock, sense my hands are free and the boy twin opens up. "Hi, I am Alpha Teagan. I know we haven't formally met so what is your name and position?" "I am Gamam Max and my sister is Bata Mac. Bessa is our Alpha." As we walk in I notice the littles are playing in a room off to one side. As the guys walk in I introduce them. "My twin is my Bata Angel. Then my Gama Beast and Omega Mouse." Mouse heads to the kitchen with some packed food. Beast heads to the wood stove. Angel sits on the couch with Bessa. Playing with her hair as her thumb slips between her lips and my mind hits the gutter. I quickly sit down at the table. "Sense your Alpha is asleep. That puts you in charge." Looking to Mac "No one here will harm ANY of you guys. You have my word on that. With that said I don't expect you to share anything she wouldn't. Deal?" I don't know how much these kids really know about pack workings. I won't expect them to do anything my guys wouldn't do. She nodded as she looked at Bessa. "What do you want to know?" Mac says "Where are you from? "Where Vermont, Canada and New York meet." "Do you know the pack name? "Aurora falls, I think." "Ok now for a hard one. Ok?" She nods with concern written all over her face. "Why is she so scared?" "Wouldn't you be I'd you took the punishment for others? If all you knew was punishment? They almost killed her when she was five. She took our punishments and ones made up too." The more she talked the harder it was to keep Sampson in check. I could feel the others fight too. Even Mouse from the kitchen. "I need to go for a run." Mouse says as he puts pots on the table with a blond girl putting plates and silverware out. Before heading out the door. My brother and I share a look that says let them come. They will be dead before getting to the cabin. Beast sits next to Bessa and Angel. Putting her legs on his lap. Next thing I know little Alley cat is standing in front of him staring him down hands on her little hips. Beast looks scared shitless of the little terror. He puts his hands out to pick her up and she about bounces into his lap then slides between the hulking men. It is almost comical. "Should we wait for Mr. Mouse to come back?" The little blond ask. "I think he will take care of himself. What is your name, honey?" " I'm Ashley. Tosh, Ben, JJ come to eat. Mr. Mouse brought enough for everyone. So you and your guys can eat too." She states the matter of factly handing me a spoon and bowl. We let Bessa sleep, she looks like she needs it. Angel says he is fine. He is probably getting high on her scent and feel. I can't blame him. We chat about each other. We find out about their dungeon "home". The scraps they lived on. By the sounds of it once Bessa took over she did the best he could to give the kids a life. Including the damage to her hands. That she hid her wolf for 12 yrs. *The elders will throw a fit when they hear this.* from Angel who pulls Bessa a little tighter after a whimper. Beast tugs her shoe off to find her socks soaked. "Beast, why don't you take the guys home. Me and Angel will stay and keep an eye one these guys. You and Mouse can take tomorrow." He goes to get up only to realize that Alley fell asleep too. Max jumps to help with Alley. Beast just asks which way. So Max leads the way. Tosh and Ben put their bowls in the sink and follow too. A few minutes later Beast returns, not looking so beastly. I hold back a chuckle. The twins suggested the hide-a-bed for Angel and I. They even help with pulling it out. Then they all head up stairs. I stole the fire before crawling in opposite Angel.
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