chapter 6- Peanut and M&M sandwich- Bessa ps tears and frozen toes imminent

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I wake to the dawn creeping through the curtains and I know it is time to get up. I stole the fire before getting some snow to melt and wash up. After putting on a couple of layers I grab a few biscuits. I stick my head in on the littles as Mac comes down the stairs. I close the door quietly and follow her to the kitchen. "We got this." Mac comments "You remember the plan? If any trouble run south. I will be back when I am done." "You will find us by our link and our scent." "Ok" I nod and head out into the cool crisp air. The walk maybe only a mile or so but it helps clear the mind and process things. I tune my ears to the woods and my nose to the natural smells of the area. Try to get a sense of what is normal. My hands deep into the pockets of the hoodie I found. Nose tucked into the collar. The snow isn't deep but enough to send splashes of muddy snow my way. It must have come during the night. The closer to town I get the more trucks I see. Some smell like they have fresh kills in their beds. Others smell like engine oil and pine trees. When I get to the market i see Scott trying to wrangle the door and a few carts that got missed. I jog over and grab the door. "Thanks. You are the girl from last night, right?" He asked with his head tilted a little. "Yeah the lady asked me to be here at 7am." "Noel" "Who?" "That is her name. She asked me to get you started on stock." He pauses as he gives one last push to the carts. " I will show you where you can put your things." "Sounds good." We get the carts in and head to the break room. "You can leave your coat and boots here. Some of us change sneakers when we get here." I look at my feet. Then his shoes. "Lunch can go in this fridge. Don't buy things on your break or hold until you are off shift…" Scott drolls on about do's and don't and I tune him out. By the time he finishes the tour Noel is in. We do the "morning" with the wave. As Scott and I head back and get boxes to restock shelves. He points me to the ones he wants me to do and tells me which aisle to find the product in. By the time I make it through box number, I don't know, it is dark outside. I am putting cereal away, buuut, my nose is saying fresh rain and woods like pine. I shake my head to refocus. A man reaches over me. "Sorry" I say and back out of the way. As he goes for the apple jacks. "For what peanut?" Angling his head. "I thought I was in your way." "Never" he says...or I think he does We go our separate ways. Me, putting more stuff on the shelf and him to his shopping. A while later Noel asked me to go bag groceries. Noel introduces me to a few people over the next hour or so. When I get that scent again rain and pine. I look up to see HIM. "Paper or plastic, Sir?" I ask "Paper is fine." He glances over while pulling his wallet out. He does a double take. Then Snatching my hand as I reach for the milk. Asks "WHO DID THIS?" In that Alpha tone that demands an answer. There is a dozen things that zips through my head. The first is oh snap. The second is where the heck is the live wire I just touched. Mixed with; do I run or drop to a knee? What did I do now? along with the rush of fear that has me on hello legs. I can't breathe. "You are scaring her, Teag." Noel scolds. "Back off." "Mine!" He scowls while looking at me. "That is all fine and dandy. However she is under my protection and you will give her some space. Teagan Marshall." Noel barks like she has one. If I wasn't petrified I would giggle. "Who did this peanut?" He clears his throat and try's again. "Um..I..I am not at liberty" Tears break free for the third time in twelve years. I yank back my hand and run for the door. I hear Noel call after me as the doors close. I run hard for home. Instead of sticking to the road, I head for the woods. I figured out the direction last night to make it a short cut. *Kainda, what is going on? What do I do?* I cry out in my head. *Baby I can't tell you much right now. I don't want to manipulate your choices.* She sounds excited and sad at the same time. I make it to the little cabin on shaky legs. Without thinking, the door slams and Max bolts from dead sleep to his feet into a fighter stance. I start pacing and running my hands through wind snarled hair. The older kids come down the stairs. Max realizes it is me and goes to stoke the fire. Mac comes over to me and holds me. Ash goes to the kitchen while C finds a light. Jamie comes out of the little's room and cuddles with me and Mac. Ash comes over with a cup of water and offers it and a rag to me. It only takes a few more minutes before I calm down. Then my stomach makes a cry of its own as I smell food which makes all of us laugh a little. None of us say anything about the tears. Max and C pull me up. Ash is the first to realize I don't have a jacket on. My feet are soaked through so bad that I can't feel them. Max grabs the blanket off the couch. And the girls take my shoes and socks off and lay them by the fireplace. C puts a plate of food in front of me. Pat's me on the back and heads back to bed. Ash and Jamie follow suit. M&M sit with me. Mac playing with my hair. Max playing with the lantern. We are all quiet the only sounds are the fire and my fork. We decide to pull out the hide-a-bed. I get sandwiched between M&M.
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