chapter 7- peanut brittle, tears and flying knives.-Alpha Teagan. ps. pg13 naked body and cussing

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When Noel asked me to check out the new girl I didn't think much of it. I made sure not to get there when the door opened. I told Mouse I would get the groceries today. I figured I would kill two birds with one stone. As I walk in I give Noel the mandatory hug and a wave to Scott in passing. I head to the first thing on Mouse's list. I wander around a bit. Sometimes grabbing things not on the list but that the guys might ask for. A few things that just sound good. Then my mouth waters and Sampson starts to get riled up. *Dude what is your problem?* *Awhooo, AAAAWOOOH, it's her.* he says bouncing and howling. He tries to push forward. * Hold your horses, dude. Your giving me a headache. Her who?* *HER! The one. Our other half. I wonder what she will look like? will she like our brothers? Do you think she will play with us?* *We may not find out if you don't settle down.* I smell her toffee and peanuts. Sampson tries to push forward again. I take a deep breath. I swear my wolf is immature. *If you don't settle down then you go in the box. We have a job to do. You in?* *Yes, I am in Boss.* tail wagging so hard his whole backend is moving too. I just shake my head and head towards the cereal aisle. Where her scent is coming from. Glad my list just says cereal. I grab a few different bags and she doesn't seem to notice me. So focused on her job. So I go for the Apple Jack's. "Sorry." She tucks her head and moves back with her boxes. "For what peanut?" I respond, noticing the confused look on her face or what I can see of it. "I thought I was in your way." She says biting her lip. Little T decides to take notice. "Never, babe." I whisper. I move on. I waste more time before I have no more reason to hang around. So I head to the register just as my peanut starts to load the bags. "Paper or plastic, Sir?" She asks "Paper is fine." I glance over while pulling out my wallet. I do a double take noticing her had. She has scars on top of scars. The only thing I can think is I want the head of the a$& hole who did this to her. I take her hand as she reaches for the milk. Redirecting it for a closer look. Sampson almost takes control. "WHO DID THIS?" He demands before I can reign him in. I just barely catch the million and one things that race across her face "You are scaring her, Teag. Back off."She is barely breathing when Noel scolds me. "Mine!" Sampson growls out. *Cool it Sam." I huffed out in my head. "That is all fine and dandy. However, she is under my protection and you will give her some space. Teagan Marshall." Noel barks she maybe human and I may be Alpha, but she can be scary when pushed wrong. "Who did this peanut?" I clears my throat, put Sampson in his box and try again. "Um..I..I am not at liberty" She says as tears begin to fall. She pulls her hand out of mine and bolts for the doors and is gone before Noel calls 7 am tomorrow. "You mister, I don't care if you are Alpha. I can see she has been through hell. You take it easy with her." I will bring your groceries home later. It's time we lock up anyways. Go check on your girl." There is no one out at this time so I toss my clothes in the truck and wolf out. I follow her tracks into the woods where I can hear her crashing through the woods. Her scent is mixed with fear and I want to toss cookies. We reach the clearing around the cabin just as the door slams with a loud crack. A flickering light comes on a few minutes later. I creep closer and smell several scents, a mix of male and female, all juvenile. As I get closer I smell tears and her. I sifted, thanking Luna that my wolf can keep me warm. I take a look through the window. My jaw hits the ledge, she is the oldest. None of them speak to each other. They don't smell like rogues. Where are the adults? Who is taking care of them? I watch for a few more. Most of them head back up stairs. The twins and peanut open the couch. I am lucky they don't see me watching as they crawl into bed. My peanut in the middle. I stay like a pervert and watch them fall asleep. I can't even get mad at the boy for cuddling my mate. All I can be is thankful she has them. I shift back and head home. Praying she is safe enough for tonight. The home clears my mind enough that I come up with a plan to run by the guys. By the time I get home Noel has already dropped off the supplies and the guys have unloaded the truck. I open the door as a knife hits the edge of the door. That one inch edge that the latch sticks out of. Yeah a butcher's knife right there. I am glad Mouse wasn't trying to kill me. "What the H did you do?" My twin roars. My eyes drift to Noel. Her hands are on her hips like a mama scolding her kids. "You made HER cry? And they call me beast." Beast looks like he wants my head too. I just hold my tongue like a smart guy until they are done.i just grab my plate and head to a seat. They all slide into seats around me. I take a few bites of the beef stroganoff. Beast gets up and gets a few beers and passes them out. The gentle giant. Blacker than black. Braids to just below his hips. "What is she like?" He asks as he hands me mine. "It was her right?" From Mouse. He may be small and quiet but… he was the one who put the knife in the door. "Did you talk to her?" Angel, Tiernan my twin. I take a swig of beer as I collect my thoughts again. I start peeling the label off. Debating on how best to go about giving answers. "Dude, you're killing us." "Yes, She cried. Not sure it was me that made her cry." I peel a little more. "She is sweet, scared. I think she is caring for a pack of pups." I pause to let that sink in as I think more. "You could light the house for solstice with the electricity that ran through us… other than at the store, no I didn't talk to her. I did follow her to the cabin her and the kids are staying in. Luckily it is one of ours. For now the pack will have to give it a wide berth. As in protect but not be seen or approach...that should do it. Noel make a way to send her home with some groceries the pack will pay for it." I nod while finishing my beer. "We might want to post a watch around there. The way she ran was almost like she was running from something. Make sure the watches know to keep on alert. Let's rest up. Night guys" I walk off to my room for a shower and bed. A course of nights ring out from the kitchen.
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