Soft Beds and Heat- Bessa  Ps. The name of the game...survival 

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We rise with the morning rays. We do the morning rituals of eating, and toilet use. Mac and I help the littles wash hands and faces. Before we pack we make sure everyone puts on an extra layer. I scout the entrance and find a place to shift when I find it safe. Kainda scouts more of the area until the others come out. We lay down so the littles can climb on and we head south away from the castle. We travel like the other day, the boys scouting ahead and us following. It is easy going other than hills and valleys. *Ben you need to sit still.* kainda scolds. *I gotta pee.* is his reply *I'm hungry.* Tosh whines *Lunch break. Boys to the left. Girls to the right.* I state as kainda lays down. M&M help the littles down. And everyone splits up. Kainda decides to do a little hunting and security watch. *I am going to stay back here and let you do you.* Kainda just gives a wolfish laugh. You know the one where the tongue falls out the side and they give a little pants that looks like they are laughing. We find a couple of rabbits and a few squirrels. I mind link Max and ask for that extra sack we have. He decides it would be cool to follow us on the hunt gathering the kills. We head back to the spot the others are at and eat lunch. When Jack and Jamie are done they scout ahead again and we catch up shortly after. During lunch it was decided that we would travel through the night until we got too tired to go further. Late that night we find a small town that has cabins scattered on the outskirts. We start looking for one that seems abandoned. When we come up on one that has an out house and a fire pit. The cabin looks to be two stories and painted old red. We find a window that isn't latched and Kainda boost Jamie up so he can get in and unlock the door. It isn't much warmer on the inside. However there is a couch on one wall. A table against another. The stairs, kitchen and a small bedroom are off the fourth wall. An old wood stove, like the one at the castle,sits against its own wall. A couple of rugs are scattered over the floor. Some landscapes hang on the walls. Kainda heads for the small room to shift. Kicking the door gently shut. I take back control. I find some old clothing in the closet and put on a shirt and pants. The bed looks comfortable and warm. Big enough to handle a couple of people. After finding some slippers I head out to the others. Mac is in the kitchen looking through cupboards and drawers. There is no power so the fridge is out. The stove is gas, so that is a plus. I leave Mac to take inventory and add our stuff in. She mentions making stew for dinner. Which will be a good treat. I then follow Max and Jack up stairs to check that out. There are three beds up there. At least two to a bed. We find a couple of dressers and another closet with some heavy shirts and pants. One has some skirts too. "I think we hit a jackpot finding this one." Max says over his shoulder to me. I just nod and head back down. To find Jamie starting up the wood stove and Ash opening a bed in the couch. "I guess we have enough beds." I say, giving a thumbs up. The littles find a chest that has some games and toys in them. C comes in with a load of wood. "There is more in a shed out back. Along with some hand tools." Tess finds places for our other things, like crayons and paper. By the time the stew is done everything has a place and the cabin is warmer. We found out that some of the lights are gas too and there are some kerosene lamps as well. We decide to eat and head for bed. Alley cat about falls asleep in her food. So I carry her to the downstairs bedroom. Ben and Tosh are to share that one with her. The others head upstairs and I take the couch. We keep the wood stove going through the night and make sure all the lights are out. In the morning I start some oatmeal and fruit on the wood stove and find some swiss miss cocoa. As people get up they eat. We are far enough away that we decide to make this our home. Still making sure to make a watch schedule. "I think a couple of us should check out the town. I can pass as old enough not to go to school. I want you guys to stick close to the cabin. I might try to find a job. If I go hunting it will have to be after dark. It is too risky for kainda to go out when the humans are hunting with guns."I pause for a beat. "We also need to figure out the rest of the pack order. If anyone asks about school, we are home schooled. M&M why don't you look for the library. C your in charge of the littles like usual. Jack and Jamie why don't you gather wood. Tess and Ash figure out lunch. Plan to meet back here when the sun is high." We all head out after breakfast and setting the dishes in the sink. Those of us heading into town walk and chat about nothing. We spot a park with a playground. The library is not far from it so the twins head off. I head further into town and find the market and go in. There is a bulletin board between the outer and inner doors so I take a look. There is a couple of housekeeping jobs so I get the addresses from the posting. Then head in and for one of the clerks. "Excuse me, I was wondering if you guys might be hiring?" She looks me over and thinks for a minute. "We could use a bagger and stock person. How old are you?" "19" I fib. She takes another look at me. "When can you start? Can you work overnight? " "Yes ma'am. Right now if you would like." She smiles as she starts to ring up the next person. "How about tomorrow? That will give me a chance to get your paperwork in the computer." "Paperwork?" I ask. "Yeah, you know your birth certificate and ID." She gives me a side look. My smile slipped and I start chewing on my lip. "You know what, I think it is my break time. Scott, can you come cover me." She turns to me as Scott takes over. Taking my hand and leading me to the office. "Honey you look like you could use a break yourself. You don't have documents do you?" Tears start before I can answer. "How about this. You do stock and I will are ready you let me in on what is going on. So I can help you better. Deal?" She says wiping my tears. "Thank you?" I nod "ok" "Good. I will see you at 7am." So I head to meet up with the others. It isn't quite noon yet. As I am walking back to the cabin I see M&M up ahead and jog to catch up. "Anything good?" Max asks. He has a bag hanging from his arm. "Yeah but it can wait until the others are with us. How about you guys?" "Yeah there was some weekly stuff for kids. Even a book club for Ashley, Tess and Mac. Some classes for homeschooling kids. We signed the littles up for a read with me program." Says Max. "Don't forget about the play date we found. It's for toddlers to 5yrs meeting in the conference room if it is too cold or at the park if it is nice. Thought the younger ones might like that." This from Mac. "Guess, I can tell you now.I got a job at the market and I found a couple of cleaning jobs." I sigh "they are willing to work with the least for now." By the time we get each other caught up and come up with a plan we are back at the house. I have to admit it is nice to walk into a warm house that smells of biscuits and chicken soup. Everyone is casually playing games or reading a book. The twins put up the coats and their bag. Ashley gets up to set the table and Tess coaxes the others to put their stuff up. I help bring the food from the kitchen and serve it up. Then we all sit down and give thanks to Goddess Luna. "So who wants to know what we found out?" Eight hands shoot into the air. Some kids have biscuits hanging from their mouths. Some with a spoon in the air. I just smile and ni do at the twins. They give their accounts of what happened. Speckled with hops and ahhs. "I got a job" I let them know when they are done. "So some days might get a little boring and other might just keep everyone busy. Since the older girls like to read, you guys will handle the schedule for pay dates and book clubs. We will all have to keep this place clean." Pausing to look around, "Remember we are homeschooled. If anyone asks about why our parents are not there. They are working. We are siblings with the last name Shepard." Saying as I take a few bites. "As for me I got a job that starts at 7 am." I look around "I think Max & Mac will be in charge when I am not here. Making them The Beta and Gamma. Anyone disagree? This is your last chance to speak up." The littles look around just eating. The rest kind of look around and then shake their heads. After the meal is done we all play board games and just hang out. We haven't done this in a while. For some of us, never. We decide on biscuits and gravy for dinner. Then turn in early.
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