The Orphan pack- Bessa. ps. blood and tears. no sweat

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A while later Kainda wakes me up. *If you want to explore some you guys might want to move in further and get a fire going for light. While you can still see.* *Thank you* I nudge Alley a little and put a finger over my lips. Her eyes go wide with fear. I hug her close and shake my head and smile. "It is time to wake the others." "Ok." She jumps up shaking the other littles with a whispered "wake up" I go to the packs and pull some stuff out for food. The older kids come to me and ask what is up as I hand out food. "Eat first then talk" Max takes a walk to the front to check on things. He comes back with two thumbs up. "We can talk now, Max." I smile. He stops mid step and blushes. "Sorry, that will take some time to get used to" "So who wants to explore?" All hands shoot up. "Kainda says we should move further in. Maybe start a fire before we can't see. Check out the sound of water, see what and where it might be. I think teams of two might do it. The littles can help me repack this stuff. We can meet back here before dark." "Yes, Alpha" is the resounding answer. I cringe a little as I pull out the extra sack we packed. The other three teams of two head further in. The littles and I start gathering kindling and some small stuff for fires and pack things back up. We grab out the couple of flashlights we have. When the first team comes back. I go and check the entrance. I slip to the other side with the fire wood sack and grab a few large chunks of dried out branches. Then head back in as the last team comes back. M&M found the water source. "You are not going to believe the space it is in. It is practically a bath house. It is warm too. And sand. Oh and a skylight like in the Alphas quarters." Mac rambles rushing to me. "It is perfect for us. We can live here." "Mac." I try to catch her hands. We have water and shelter and the others would never come here." "Mac." I finally get her hands "It would start a war with the rogues. Come on! Come on." "Mac. Mackenzie!" I bark. She whimpers. Looking stunned. They all are stunned and have dropped to the ground. I freeze holding both of her hands. The littles are whimpering and crying. "Mac, I'm sorry." I plead as her hands slide from mine. She follows the others in going to knee. *Kainda? Help.* *You are an Alpha. Why do you think their bark didn't work on you? Why do you think the boys keep calling you Alpha?* " didn't vote." *one word. Birthright. Honey* "But we haven't done the ceremony yet." Max gets up and goes to a pack and pulls out a packet knife and brings it to me. "This is even better than a vote. We don't need a ceremony to prove you are our Alpha." He slices my finger then his own. Shaking my hand "You protected and led us." He turns and passes it to his sister. "You took care of us when the others had no place for us." Cutting her hand and shaking mine and passing the blade on. "You taught us how to care for eachother." Ashley states as she follows suit. "You gave us clothing when we had rags." C says, his blood melding with mine. "You gave us voice and family." This from Tess. "As much as we hated it, you taught us right from wrong." Jack and Jamie shake my hand each in turn. Alley cat gets help from Jack to prick her little hand. The reaches to be picked up. Tiny hands smeared with blood grips my face as she looks me in the eyes and says "Alpha." And kisses my lips. Tosh and Ben come up next and they cut each other's hands. Then turn to me. Placing their hands in mine and saying "Alpha" as one. "The Orphan pack chooses Bessa Maryann Shepherd as our Alpha." They all speak together. "I, Bessa Maryann Shepherd, take the Orphan pack as my pack. To protect and care for them until my death." I swear back. I hear them in my head. Feel them in my heart. *I hear you. Orphan pack. Welcome. I am Kainda, your Alpha's wolf.* I chuckle a little because they were looking for her until the last part. Then they looked at me with wide eyes. *Yes we can talk in our heads to each other. Distance will make it harder. But as a pack we can talk to each other individually or all at once.* "Now, let's go see the place Mac was talking about." Wiping tears from my cheeks. I give a smile. We all grab something and follow M&M sense they found it. They lead us down a long tunnel with a few turns. Along the way we find rock turns to sand. Some jems make the walls sparkle as we pass. A few lizards here and there. Along with some spiders and mice. There are a few alcoves that would make nice private space if need be. We turn one last time and the ceiling opens up to the forest above. It isn't a castle but it is as big as the dining hall. The water falls from the opening into a clear pool. Then it runs out of the room and down another passageway. Making the perfect bathroom. The beach surrounding it is big enough to play, sleep and eat. The down fall, we are too close to the castle here. It is safe for a night, maybe two. "Bathe, play, and eat then we rest. Sorry but Kainda says we have to move on. Get further from the castle." I then start setting up a fire. Not a big one but enough to give some light and heat to dry by. We talk in our heads because it is new and we are used to our language. So, while there is splashing and occasional giggling behind hands. It is relatively quiet. *Kainda?* *Yes, sweets?* she replies in a sleepy voice. *I think you deserve a night off. Unless you want to come out and play.* I get the sense she is peeking out of one eye. Head on paws. She huffs and rolls to her back all four paws in the air, like a house pet in one of the TV shows.
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