
1441 Words

Harper’s POV: I bumped right into a solid stone wall, when I looked up I stared right into the eyes of one angry wolf. “What was he doing here” He growled in the direction Dax had just left in. “Jesus Leo, you scared the s**t out of me” “You were so busy playing house with that bastard, you didn’t even pick up my scent, nice Harper” “NO what I’m busy with is searching for somebody who can help me get this mark off me” He slammed his fists in the door, he tried to calm himself down, but I could see, it took a lot out of him to restrain himself, I saw him flex his fist, when he spoke to me again his teeth were bared “Never, I will never allow you to get rid of my mark, time you get that into your head” “You don’t get it, do you” “I get it, it’s you who can’t see through this s*

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