
1212 Words
Harper’s POV: “Come on Harper, we all need this, we need to get out and relax. Plus we never gave Emma a bachelorette party, she is getting a bad idea about wolf’s” I looked at Una. “Fine jeez, let me just get dressed, I’ll meet you all up front” “NO, I arranged all our clothes and we can do each others make up. A dress up, followed by a night out” I looked at Una’s clothes and hair, it suited her, but it would never look good on me, I was just to plain, even my sister and mother used to call me plain Jane. “I’m not sure about that” “Well, that’s what’s going to happen, so deal with it, just this one time” “Fine, but this is the last time I go with your plans” I watched as Una walked away with a big smile on her face and I knew I just got played. She waltzed back in minutes later with a selection of dresses, they were all way to short “There is no way I am wearing that” “Oh my Goddess Harper, just let me do this, if I’m finished and you don’t like it, I’ll get you a pair of jeans” I smiled at her, I truly liked Una, even after everything she went through she was always upbeat, always thinking of everyone around her. “Okay deal” I watched her leave the room and my mind drifted to Leo, his clear blue eyes, dark auburn hair and dimpled cheeks never far from my mind. I shook my head as to expel his face from my mind. Hours later we were dressed and ready to leave, I had decided to keep Una’s choices, for her. I had to admit I liked what she did with my hair and makeup. My hair was in loose waves and my makeup was really neutral. However the short blinged out silver skirt with a black off the shoulder top and ankle boots, I didn’t like as much. It felt like someone else, not me. “This isn’t really me” both Una and Emma stared at me. Emma smiled and walked closer “Are you kidding me, you look freaking hot” “I feel a little stupid in this, this just doesn’t feel like me” Una came to stand next to Emma “Well then I have a solution for that, for one night, just be some one else, not the warrior, not the girl pinning after someone she can’t have, just be carefree, and don’t say no to anything” I laughed at them “I’ll try but I can't promise anything” “Good then lets go” As we walked down to leave; Joshua and Jude was waiting at the bottom of the steps. Jude and Joshua stared at their women and I felt a little jealous of that “No f*****g way Emma, there is no way you are going out like that” “I have to agree Una, no way, go put on a jacket and jeans” Emma took Joshua around the neck and kissed his marking spot “I promise we won’t get into any trouble, and we’ll be back before midnight, I promise” “Yeah I don’t know” Emma gave a small giggle and looked at Joshua “I am out with one of the best warriors ever and with Una who has got Alpha blood and then of course me, who is an Indigo Wolf” Joshua conceded reluctantly “Okay, okay, but this is the last time you go out alone” Emma gave Joshua a cheeky smile “We'll see” Jude still wanted to say something but Una just walked past him, she turned back to him and gave him a wink “I insist you wait up for me, with only a towel on” We got in the car and left, for some reason I was very nervous. I tried to suppress the feeling and just enjoy the moment, I needed to just forget everything even if it is just for one night. Leo’s POV: Pat’s was a local pub, made for basically only drinking, it had a western feel to it, even though the name suggested and Irish pub. As we drove into the parking lot of Pat’s, Drake made one of his rare appearances, which in it self was strange as he was still pissed with me, for not choosing Harper. We went in and took our seats at the bar. I called the bartender over “Hi could you please pour me four Tequilas” The guy nodded his head and then poured the shots. I downed mine and ordered another one. “Looks like the Alpha wants to drink tonight” I smiled at them and then looked toward the bartender again and then gestured to him to pour another four drinks “Look I need this, especially tonight”, and what I am was going to have to endure for the rest of my f*****g life, without Harper. They all laughed with me, but I really did need to forget about Serena and her s**t, and I needed to forget about Harper, her haunting eyes which never seemed to want to leave me. As the bartender brought some more shots, I pointed to the bottle “Just leave the bottle and bring another one” The guys just shook their heads, but Luke slapped me on the shoulder “Looks like I am the designated driver tonight” “Looks like it”. I downed another shot when I sensed Harper, her sweet fragrance surrounding me. Her scent overwhelmed me and my hand started to shake, adrenaline coursing through me. Drake was on immediate alert. ‘I don’t need this now’ but it was too late, I could feel Drakes pleasure. I started searching the crowd and spotted her entering. She must have sensed me to because she searched for me, as our eyes found each other, my heart stopped beating and all I could think of was going to her, holding her, loving her. She whispered something in Emma’s ear, Emma looked at me and then waved, she took Harper’s hand and led her to the nearest table. As they walked to the table, I noticed how all the men’s eyes followed her. I then noticed what she was wearing. I slammed down the tot glass and wanted to get up and get her out of here, but Luke grabbed my arm. “You can’t Alpha, you have a wife at home”, he held on to my arm till I came to my senses. I quickly sat down “Maybe we should leave” I stared at her again in that dress. “NO we should definitely leave” “NO we have come here to enjoy ourselves, after the last couple of months that’s what we need and that’s exactly what we are going to do, enjoy ourselves” Luke was right, I did need this, I needed to be with friends, just enjoying myself.
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