Night Out

1273 Words
Harper’s POV: I noticed Leo as soon as we came in, I sensed his presence already in the parking lot, but I thought it was my wolf missing him, I should have known better. I should never have come. Una immediately noticed my distress and hooked her arm in with mine. “Relax you’re here to enjoy your evening and actually have fun for the first time in your life. Ignore him, he doesn’t exist tonight” I smiled at her, she was right, I have a right to enjoy myself, I am single “I if it would be possible to ignore him, but your right, I am here to enjoy myself” I grabbed a shot glass and downed whatever was in it, I slammed it on the table and stood up “Lets dance” Both girls laughed and stood up with me “There isn’t really a dance floor but lead the way” We started dancing and I noticed as some of the local men started staring at us, pointing and making whispered comments. I was a little insecure to start off with, but as soon as I started dancing that all disappeared, and I basically just gave myself over to the music, I literally took let my hair down, dragging my fingers through them as I danced. Una and Emma were in their own little world as well, just giving themselves over to the music, this was the first time we were able to just let go after everything that happened. I noticed two arms go around Una’s waste and as I followed the arms, I saw Jude laughing down at her. Emma was turned around and picked up in one smooth motion, I didn’t have to look, I knew it was Joshua. Una and Emma acted angry, but I could tell they weren’t pissed at all. We all stayed on the dance floor dancing and me feeling like the fifth wheel. I moved a little away from all of them, trying not to get in the way, I doubt they even noticed. I noticed a man walking towards me, he was very attractive, not as attractive as Leo, but Leo could never be mine. He held out his hand to me and gave me a cheeky smile, I decided to take his hand. He turned me into him and danced behind me, with me tucked into him. “You’re really beautiful darling” I didn’t feel any of those nagging sparks, I actually felt nothing towards him, which was great. I just gave him a confident smile and kept on dancing. He gestured to the bartender, and a waitress brought more shots, I took two shots and poured them down my throat, I just wanted to stop feeling. He laughed at me “Whoo whoo darling, this is going to be a fun night, I can tell’ He leaned in to kiss me and just before our lips met, he was yanked away from me, I watched as his body struck a nearby table, all the glasses falling to the floor. I ran to the man trying to help him up. “Are you f*****g crazy, Leo, What, are you doing?” Leo pulled me away from the guy “He had his hands all over you. You’re mine, you belong to me” “Are you kidding me, your married” He just ignored me and kept on staring at the guy laying on the floor, his buddies started to come over as well, this was not going to end good. Joshua, Jude and all of Leo’s pack started to follow us. They tried to keep the guy’s friends from starting a fight. Emma and Una stood there smiling at me, has everyone gone crazy? Leo started to pull me to the exit, I pushed him away from me and started walking back to the guy “Did something change, because as far as I know, you’re still married, go back to your wife Leo” Leo just grunted at me and then proceeded to picked me up, I struggled against him, when he just effortlessly threw me over his shoulder, waking out of Pat’s, I tried to struggle against him, but he was a lot stronger. “Put me f*****g down, now” He stopped in front of his car and deposited me inside, he took the seat belt and strapped me in, I was just about to get out again when he started the car and drove off. Leo’s POV: What the f**k did I just do? When I saw that guy with his hands on her and her swaying her hips at him, I had almost lost it, Luke and the guys had to physically restrain me, but they couldn’t hold me. It took everything I had to not rip his throat out, when I reached him. “What are you doing Leo? Have you lost your mind? Take me back immediately” I mumbled to myself “Wish I could” “Just stop the car then, I want to get out” I grid my teeth together “NO” “Then where the hell are you taking me” I looked at her and stroked her cheek, but she pulled away again “To the lake, I have a place there” I saw alarm in her face “I don’t want to go with you, stop the car right now” “Harper you’re my mate, and I want to be with you, alone with you, just holding you” She gave me a quizzical look and then her whole demeanor changed, it looked like she was actually relaxing. We were still uncomfortable but at least she wasn’t trying to get away from me anymore. Half and hour later we stopped at the lake house, I got out and walked to her side to open the door. She got out and a cold wind blew her hair to one side. She looked so vulnerable in that moment that I bent down and kissed her. I just wanted to taste her lips, to feel her lips on mine, but I should have known that would never be enough. She tasted of honey and warm summers and I wanted more. I tried to deepen the kiss, but she pushed against me. I looked down at her with alarm and she gave me a shy smile. “Let’s go inside” I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me into the lake house. The lake house ran on a generator and I didn’t want to waste our time switching it on, so I went to the fire place and started the fire. “There is some wine in the cellar, why don’t you go down and grab us a bottle” She nodded her head and I followed her with my eyes as she walked down the stairs. She was absolutely amazing and I had never wanted anything more. I got the fire going, Harper poured two glasses and walked with them towards me. “This place is really nice” she gave me another rare shy smile. This was another part of Harper I rarely got to see, she was usually so self-assured. She was so complex and I couldn’t wait to discover more. “Yeah, my grandfather had this build for my grandmother, they would come here when they wanted to be alone” She smiled at me and took a seat on the couch, I grabbed a blanket from a nearby closet and threw it over her.
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