a Night to remember

1411 Words
Leo’s POV: She smiled at me and took a seat on the couch, I grabbed a blanket from a nearby closet and threw it over her.   I took the wine glass from her and put it on the table next to me. “So”  I was nervous but I didn’t want her to bolt, I wanted her near me. She threw the blanked on the floor and that is the only sign I needed, I smiled and then I picked her up and put her on my lap.  I traced my finger down her cheek and jaw and then over her lips, I watched as her mouth opened and she sighed softly.  I drew her head to me and kissed her luscious mouth.  I pushed her back a little to look into her eyes “My Goddess your beautiful” “You know you don’t have to say those things, I know it’s not true” I was shocked has she never looked at herself “My Goddess Darling, how can you believe that s**t, your stunning” She shook her head when she looked at me again “No, I’m not, my mother and sister loved telling me how average I am, that’s why I spend so much time training as a warrior, I wanted to be more useful in my pack, try and make them proud of me” My heart ached for her, I could feel the pain that the rejection caused “Oh Harper, no that’s not true, I don’t know what their reasons were but, they were lying to you, darling.  When I look at you I see a loyal friend , a very capable warrior and my beautiful mate” I watched as a tear rolled down her cheek, she wiped it off as if angry with herself, she then lifted herself slightly from my lap and threw over her other leg, she was now basically straddling me, and I loved every second.  I felt my member grow harder with her straddling me, but when she bent down and took my lips between her teeth, I almost burst with pleasure.  I deepened the kiss and stroked my tongue on hers, she sighed in my mouth and I took her n****e and squeezed, they were erect now, teasing me even more.  I had to have more.  I ripped her shirt off and I quickly did the same to the bra.  I stared at her, I wanted to see her expression so I looked up, her eyes were dazed, she definitely wanted more.  I bent my head and sucked one n****e into my mouth, she arched her back and moved on my lap.  This girl drove me crazy, to the point that I could only see her.  I did the same to her other breast, but I wasn’t going to last very long.  I kissed her again on the marking spot, and that’s when I couldn’t hold back Drake anymore or myself, I wanted to do this, I had never wanted anything more. I felt my incisors extend and bit down hard. At the same time I ripped her panties off and started massaging her core.   She was wet and ready for me, but I wanted to see her when she came.  Seconds later my wish was fulfilled, she screamed my name and collapsed on my chest.  “Oh my Goddess is it always like that with you” “NO darling, only with you” She gave me a big smile and then stroked my face, I felt all the sparks down my cheek, and I was happy for the first time in a long time, I felt complete, a nagging feeling tried to intrude but I pushed it away “Then what is stopping you, I’m yours now, seeing that you marked me” I smiled at her “That you are” I started kissing her again, moving down to her marking spot and licking it, I was hard as a rock as I swept her up in my arms and laid her flat on the couch.  I watched her in the glow of the fire, I paused for a moment to savour the lines of her body, it was as if I was trying to memorise every part of her, I drank in every line, every curve.  “My goddess”, was literally all I could say. She just smiled and pulled me to her.  She kissed me, and I heard myself gasp, the kiss quickly turned to a raging fire.  I was consumed by her,  I felt as if I was going to burst into a million pieces and I wasn’t even in her yet.  I had to slow it down, but I couldn’t.  I laid her flat on her back, and I quickly undressed myself.   I looked at her as I positioned myself between her legs  “Are you sure, darling” She nodded her head and I ached with the anticipation, as I entered her, I felt the barrier, I wanted to pull back, but she had wrapped her legs behind my back and drew me into her.  I saw the flash of pain on her face, but I wouldn’t have been able to stop, even if she begged me.   Stroke after stroke took me to new heights, I was lost in the feeling that our togetherness brought.  I felt complete for the first time in my life.  I spilled my seed into her, and howled with the satisfaction it brought me.  I collapsed next to her, inhaling her scent.  I was breathless and so was she.  When I could finally breath again, I wrapped my arms around her and put her head on to my chest “You should have told me you’re still a virgin” “Would it have made a difference” I laughed loudly  “Honestly darling, no, it wouldn’t have.”  I was filled with satisfaction, my chest literally swelled with the knowledge that my mate has only been with me” I wrapped her even tighter in my arms.   Harper’s POV: I woke up hours later, with his mark on me, I felt great.  I stretched out and felt his muscular arm snake around my waste, pulling me closer to him.  I tried to get up, but he was holding me too tight. I turned to him and dragged my hands across his tight abdomen muscles and looked as he opened one eye, he closed it again and then a smile spread across his face.  “Not yet darling, can’t we just stay in bed for longer”, I pushed one of his wayward auburn locks out of his face and smiled to myself “Off course whatever you want Alpha” He opened his eyes, jumped on his knees and started tickling me.  I laughed and tried to do the same to him but he was too fast.  He grabbed both my arms and held them over my head “So now it’s Alpha, I should rectify that immediately” I felt his other hand move between my legs, he quickly found the most sensitive part of my body and began torturing me.  Every stroke bringing me closer to his ultimate goal.  I sighed and arched but still he didn’t let up, I was burning for him and uncontrollable fire.  He stopped and kissed my marking spot, moving to my collarbone, I was burning, the electricity between us made me ignite but I wanted his hand back where it was.  He kissed my stomach and then he went to my inner thigh, I almost exploded when he started stroking my inner core with his tongue.  I only noticed then that my hands were free, I grabbed onto the blanket looking for something to hold onto.  I exploded into a million pieces not able to hold on any longer.  I then felt him entering me, riding the last waves of my orgasm.  I thought I wasn’t capable of more but I could already feel the same pleasure building inside me.  When he came, I was right there with him.  It felt as if we were the only people in the world.  He collapsed next to me and I stared at him.  “My goddess darling, you are going to kill me” I laughed and snuggled into him.  He kissed the top of my head and sighed into my hair.
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