Chapter 6: Weak to the knee

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Sophie was starting to get bored of the household because she had done nothing ever since they arrived. She has also done practically nothing ever since she arrived even in their angel household and that doesn't sit well with her. She has been trying to overlook the bored since then but now she can't anymore. The day comes and passes, Adonis and the others continue with their meeting but she refuses to go because she has no reason to. She would just be a form of beautiful decoration in the meeting hall that everyone would glance at once in a while to soothe their boredom and stress but she being the damsel had no one to glance at to soothe her own boredom. The boredom she tried to soothe on the first of the meeting landed her in a bed of pleasure, almost getting her penetrated. What also annoyed her was that the handsome man was Fenrir's dad? She was still trying to process that till now "What if Fenrir finds out?" she muttered "Urgh..." groaning she covered her face with her billow while trying her head back on the bed, and with that she drifted off to sleep. She woke up later in the day and decided that enough was enough. She showered, wore a pretty dress and called her dad on the phone because she did even remember the room the man was staying in "Hello Dad?" she said immediately the man picked up but her mouth widen when she heard a moan over the phone 'Which girl is he f*****g to make the female moan like she had lost it?' she asked herself whilst cracking her brain to figure out as if she knew all the girls in the world and their voices but the truth is that the frustration of late of s*x for a lot of days now had started messing up her mind and any little lewd thing will get her ready, just like now. "H...Hey angel, how are doing?" a sweet but deep male voice entered her ear and she clasped her lips tight together to soothe herself before replying, different types of scenarios playing in her brain "Dad, what are doing? Umm, sorry I don't mean to ask umm..." she stuttered but cut herself off when the girl suddenly screamed louder than before, she is sure that she just came but the hitting sound of d**k showed that Angelo is not stopping anytime soon. "Angel?" The deep voice sounded again and Sophie gulped and cleared her throat "Umm... you can do your thing, I just wanted to tell you that I wanna leave the household and have some fresh air in the outside world, I felt suffocated in here" she managed to finish her sentence without cutting it because the moans and groans on the other side was getting a little too much, she couldn't help but to imagine how big Angelo is, she doesn't need to imagine how good his body looks because she had seen it for herself and it was damn... 'what am I thinking?' she cautioned herself immediately whilst shaking her head to wipe away the thoughts from her mind but how can she when inappropriate sounds kept coming from the other end into her ear. "O...Okay... f**k! You can leave baby girl, don't bother about telling Adonis, I will help you on that... oh" he replied whilst f*****g the hell out of the girl. Sophie gulped and nodded "Thanks Dad, bye," she said and immediately hung up the phone. Her p***y is already twitching from arousal and wet, so wet "Oh my" she muttered running out of her room to the airport. Angelo was currently naked inside his room, his massive monster c**k inside a pretty girl's p***y whilst sweat drips down his irresistible frame. Earlier that day, he was taking a stroll in the castle hallway half clothed, his top was bare showing his hot endowment, while he was wearing ash Joggers beneath, as his muscles were flexing as he walked, a girl and her friend were approaching from the front whispering to themselves how good and dreamy Fenrir was and how huge his thing was too. It turns out that Fenrir just ducked own of them till fainting yesterday and she was just waking up now, still weak to the knee, she managed to call her friend who was the other now, and the limping one is clearly the f****d one. When her friend's eyes glanced Angelo's way she gasped in wonder not knowing that she had already stopped In her tracks, her friend she was helping to walk didn't notice too and never thought that she would suddenly stop, bump into her, and fell which attracted some security guards to rush towards them "Can you guys help her please? I suddenly have something to do, I will come pick her up later from you guys" the helping friend said, whilst glancing at Angelo continuously. "Yeah, sure" The three security guards nodded and guided the other girl away. The Helping friend cleared her suddenly sore throat and made her way towards Angelo who had also stopped during the commotion. "Hey, do you stay around here? I haven't seen you before" 'Of course she would say that as a regular here that is' Angelo said inwardly with a smirk plastered on his face. And he is not far off in his judgment because the girl is one of the girls that Fenrir f***s and she is one of his favorites and a friend to another favorite that he just f****d. Angelo took in the girl's appearance and she was pretty beautiful with a seduction vibe and it really made his monster twitch coupled with the fact that he hadn't had anything for a while, he really couldn't resist. As he was checking the girl out, he forgot that he was only wearing the Jorgas and no boxers which outlined his monster. When the girl saw that she was further weakened to her knees and her p***y watered.
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