Chapter 7: Pure bliss

1021 Words
She subconsciously licked her lips as she reached him. "Can I know your name, handsome?" she said, her voice sweet and seductive making Angelo's monster to twitch, the girl saw it and gasped inwardly. "I'm Angelo. And you?" he said and his voice was as always, sweet and and masculine, it was like a promise to the ear, to give the person anything they want at all. "I'm Layla" She replied, the more the girl took in his looks, the more she lost it. From head to toe, she couldn't find anything that wasn't pleasing to the eye, she couldn't find anything that was not sexy "Let's not play dumb Angee, you know why I'm here so let's get into it" she suddenly blurted out. Angelo wanted to respond but when she suddenly held his monster and squeezed tight he knew he couldn't do anything without having some release. He immediately grabbed the girl's neck and captured her lips, a sweet moan left her mouth as her body was pressed on Angelo's hard frame. Her p***y was almost bubbling with wetness when she tasted the goodness of the lips of the male. Without caring, she disconnected the kiss and went on her knees whilst pulling down Angelo's joggers with her hands. The monster pounced out making her mouth to water and she immediately kissed the tip and licked it, with that She swallowed half of it immediately whilst trying to push more of the remaining half inside but failing as she soon gagged. Angelo immediately sucked in a breath when his monster hit the girl's throat 'Oh god...' he almost screamed inside his head. He has missed this feeling and it feels so good like he remembered. He reopened his eyes and his silver eyes stared at the girl while she tried her best to take him all in. Although she was failing but her lips and mouth were doing wonders on his d**k whilst she use her hands to pump the other half her mouth couldn't take in. "Oh f**k!" Angelo couldn't stay still anymore, he immediately took hold of her pretty head and started f*****g her mouth. A lot of gagging sounds were heard as the girl tried to keep up whilst every one of the hits was sending pleasure to the male. They were so deep into their pleasure that they didn't notice different eyes staring at them. Angelo carried her on his shoulder, parted her legs whilst pulling off her panties, and inserted two fingers into get cunt at once when he saw how wet she has become. She muffled a moan whilst clutching Angelo's upper frame, she was loving this, loving every part of it. Angelo inserted a third finger soon whilst f*****g her faster and faster with his fingers. As the pleasure she was feeling intensified, her muffled moans couldn't stay muffled anymore, Another finger thrust and a sweet moan left her mouth as it stayed agape as if to swallow all the pleasure she was getting and take a breather but it wasn't happening. Every second, Angelo's finger f*****g was growing faster and faster and the girl couldn't help but part her legs wider whilst her moan getting louder and louder, almost filling the hallway. His d**k was twitching and jumping nonstop and it was as if it was getting bigger and bigger than it was earlier. Layla screamed as Angelo's finger was almost turning into a blur, and soon, her climax hit "Oh my god... f**k!!!" her body jerked and she shot her hot loads hard whilst panting. Angelo stepped away from the joggers he was wearing and stood in all glory, alot of gasp was heard from the hallway when they saw how massive he was as it stood dangling like a dangerous weapon. He immediately pulled off Layar's dress, moved closer to the wall, and placed her down whilst facing her toward the wall with her p***y pushed out from behind "Condom?" his deep voice sounded. Laylar gulped and nodded "Y...Yes, inside my handbag" she replied. Soon, Angelo was already holding a condom he found inside her bag, he tore it open and rolled it on and what garnered another set of gasps was that the big condom could only reach half of him and end, but he didn't care anymore, he was too aroused to care. He held Laylar hair and jerked her head back, her stomach was still pressed on the wall but her ass was pushed back too setting her all wanting and ready for Angelo. Without playing it easy with her, Angelo immediately thrust in and a very loud moan tore out from her mouth and she cummed once more but Angelo ignored it and continued to thrust in and out of her and his movement was getting faster. He could feel his d**k reaching her stomach and pulling out, he could feel it rubbing against her walls and her G-spot too. Her p***y was also tight which made him feel like he was in wonderland. Every of his thrust was bliss, a pleasure coursing through his body from his d**k every time. He pushed his head back and hit harder, his d**k swelling bigger and bigger into her. She had become a moaning mess, even forgetting that she was being rammed good and rammed like a slut in public. Her p***y seeking for more attention whilst leaking water continuously. Although she was finding it hard to take on the monster that was even trying to destroy her stomach, but as the slut that she is, she was so excited and overwhelmed with pleasure. Her eyes were rolling back continuously, her body was shaking from arousal whilst filled with sweat, her n*****s were standing erect and her legs were feeling sweet, but she was still craving for more, more. Her back ached, her mouth watered every time the monster enters her, and her p***y was always wanting and ready to welcome the c**k back home each time it pulls out, she felt her life in pure ecstasy that she prayed and hoped she never comes out from.
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