
Overwhelming Pleasure 4

friends with benefits

Sophie's lips parted, her eyes getting glossy as he looked at the greekgod in front of her. The male was the handsome youth she pumped to climaxing in the morning during the meeting. She knew that he was handsome then but didn't pay much attention to him or truly study his face and she is regretting it now, in a good way that is. Her legs were trying to part for the male to do what he wanted but she was using the last rational thought of her mind to stop her helpless p***y. "You know you want me Angel, you know you desire me, my touch, my dick..." His deep sexy voice reverberated all over her body and she shivered in pleasure. That eleven-and-half-inch 'thing' down. His naked frame was a sight that Sophie couldn't get enough of, and she knew she was going to have a night of unforgettable pleasure...

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Chapter 1: Memories
As the meeting ended, everyone left the hall, and so was Sophie. As she was walking alone in the hallway that led to her room her mind couldn't help but wander around. She started thinking about her times in the United States, how free and comfortable she was back then with her businesses to manage as she liked without anyone butting in, and how she could do her thing without having to attend all these 'must go' meetings. As she thought about those, her mind also wandered to Alex, Michael, Scott, and the others, and a blush couldn't help but tint her cheeks red as she was so ashamed of how naive she was back then, and how they all 'took advantage' of her innocence while she was although receiving the pleasure but at the same time thinking that it was a normal feeling. From that, a little anger showed on her face as she recalled that the cause of all that was her father, Angelo. "Why did he hide everything from Me? It's not like knowing all of that will affect me in any way, would it?" she muttered already approaching her room. "But come to think of it, is it proper for a father to personally teach her daughter those things?" she blushed at the image that appeared in her mind while shaking it off immediately. She entered her room and took hold of her phone dialing Michael's number. "Michael?" her smooth voice sounded, and after a while, a reply came from the other end "Hello Angel, your voice is as sweet as ever, but..." his baritone voice trailed off which brought Sophie's mind flying back to reality. 'Gosh, I have missed them' she moaned inside her head. When Michael's voice penetrated into her ear, she almost lost it. She had almost forgotten how sexy and toe-curling the twin voices were and now, as she heard his voice, it started bringing back memories, and they definitely weren't innocent ones which wasn't helping her rational-part of mind. She gulped down "But What?" She managed to ask from her arousal, her voice slightly husky but barely noticeable. "Why do you forget us, babe?" Michael finally blurted out what he withheld earlier. He didn't know if it would annoy Sophie because when someone hasn't called you for a long time, and then they finally call you but you start rolling off of negative and questioning vibes don't always go well, especially when you cannot bear to lose that someone, even in your next life. Ever since Sophie left them, they had hardly had any s*x, they would always jerk themselves to climax or pay a professional teaser to entertain them in their mansion till they came, and it always takes dozens of hours. When they decided that they can't keep going like that and made up their minds to find a good f**k, they ended up regretting it because not only was the s*x boring, but they also felt as if they were cheating, and the image of Sophie kept on appearing in their mind throughout that night as if she was somewhere in that club watching them. After that night they hadn't had s*x and it was as if the world or rather nature knew about it and the arousal they felt kept on increasing as the day went on. Another sad thing was that their sons had never seen their mom since they were born... "I'm... (clears throat) I'm sorry Michael" Sophie has been trying to put herself together and after her arousal, she finally succeeded. That was when she felt the hidden pain from Michael's voice. "I'm sorry, I've never thought about that before, you know... we took it as fun then, as what we need to do and get our days going. You guys never told me anything, I never knew you guys were serious and the way you guys were acting doesn't give any hint of seriously at all" she said and there was a long time of silence from the other end before a sigh was heard and it was so deep that it felt like a lion was breathing into her cunt, that image flashes in her mind and she gulped down. "I guess it's our fault then. And truly it is because... because there's a lot that we didn't tell you about. It's..." Michael trailed off again. "Why are you cutting off your words again, what is really going on" Sophie asked but Michael didn't respond. "Michael, what are you guys not telling me?" Sophie asked again, this time she really felt that there was a big secret they were hiding from her but what she didn't know was how it related to her. "Angel, look, you don't have to worry okay, nothing... bad happened, actually it's a very good thing" but he mumbled the last part to himself but Sophie heard him clearly and that made her calm down. "Why hid it from me then?" She asked. "I really want to explain everything to you, I really do but Travis needs to be here so that we both can say it together because he also has a part in this," Michael said. Sophie secretly licked her lips "Where is he?" she inquired. "He is currently signing a contract with a company that's why he's not here. But I promise you, immediately he comes back I will discuss it with him and we will get back to you" he said reassuringly. "Okay, I believe you," Sophie said smiling. "Okay... I will call you then, I love you, bye" the male hastily disconnected the call as if he was running away from spilling a huge secret. Sophie pull put the phone from her ear and breathed out a comfortable sigh, she has really missed them, not only their voice but also their handsome and sexy bodies, their mighty c***s, 'Gosh, the way they f**k me...' she said inwardly whilst licking her lips. The naked image of Michael and Travis appeared in her mind. How their well-defined body drips with sweat and how hot it is, also how their muscles flex whenever they move... "Damn," she moaned whilst clutching her legs.

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